/ ** * javahelp.txt 1.4.0 2002.3.26 * Copyleft (c) 2002 Ratking * * Content: Parameter usage of each program in j2sdk1.4.0 in bin subdirector * * @Author ratking * @version 1.4.0, 2002.3 .26 * /
==================== java.exe
Usage: Java [-Options] Class [args ...] or java -jar [-Options] jarfile [args ...] (to Execute a jar file)
WHERE OPTIONS include: -client to select the "client" VM -SERVER TO SELECT The "Server" VM -HOTSPOT IS A SYNONYM for the "client" VM [DepRecated] The default VM is Client.
-cp -classpath Set Search Path for Application Classes and Resources -d = set a system protection -verbose [: Class | GC | jni] enable verbose output Version Print Product Version and EXIT -SHOWVERSION Print Product Version and Continue -? -help print this help message -x print help on non-standard options -ea [: ] -enableassertions [: ... |: ] |: 】 -disableassertions [: ... |: ] disable assertions | -ENABLESYSTEMASSERTION ENABLE SYSTEM Assertions -dsa | -disableSystemassertions Disable System Assertions
java -X -Xmixed mixed mode execution (default) -Xint interpreted mode execution only -Xbootclasspath: set search path for bootstrap classes and resources -Xbootclasspath / a: append to end of bootstrap class path -Xbootclasspath / p: prepend in front of bootstrap class path -Xnoclassgc disable class garbage collection -Xincgc enable incremental garbage collection -Xloggc: log GC status to a file with time stamps -Xbatch disable background compilation -Xms set initial Java heap size -Xmx set maximum Java heap size -Xss set java thread stack size -Xprof output CPU Profiling Data -Xrunhprof [: Help] | [:
==================== javac.exe
Usage: Javac Possible Options include: -g Generate all debugging information -g: None Generates no debugging information -g: {lines, vars, source} only part of the debug information -O optimization; possibably Debug or increased class file - NOWARN generated no warning -verbose output About the compiler is doing information - DepRecation Output Source Sequence Location Position Using the API Using the API - ClassPath Specify the location of the user class file - SourcePath Specify the location of the input source file - BootClassPath Overwrite the location of the self-promotion file -ExtDirs Overwrite the location of the installed extension class -D Specify the location of the output class file --Encoding Character Set Coding Used in Source File - Target Generate the specified virtual machine version class file -help print a synopsis of standard Options =================== = AppletViewer.exe
Usage: AppletViewer URL (s)
Among them, includes: -debug Starting an Applet Smart View in a Java Debugger -Encoding Specifying the character encoded by the HTML file - J Parameters to the Java interpreter
-J option is not a standard option, if there is any change, not notify.
==================== jar.exe
Usage: jar {ctxu} [VFM0M] [JAR- File] [Manifest- File] [-c Directory] File Name ... Option: -c Create a new archive -T list of the list of archived contents -X Expand Named (or all) file -U update existing archive -V generation detailed output to standard output -f specified archive file name -M contains flag information from the indicate file - 0 only storage method; unused zip compression Format -M does not generate a list of all items (Manifest) file-i generates index information -c to change to the specified directory for the specified JAR file, and contains the following file: If a file name is a directory, it will be recursively processed. The list (manifest) file name and archive file name need to be specified, press the same order as specified by 'm' and 'f' flags. Example 1: Archive two Class files into the archive file called 'classes.jar' : JAR CVF CLASS.JAR FOO.CLASS BAR.CLASS Example 2: Archive all files in the foo / directory into a archive file named 'Classes.jar' with an existing list (manifest) file 'mymanifest'. Jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -c foo /. ==================== jarsigner.exe
Usage: jarsigner [options] jar-file alias jarsigner -verify [options] JAR-FILE
KeyStore Location [-keystore
[-storepass ] Password for keystore integrity
[-storetype ] KeyStore Type
[-keypass ] Password for private key (if differentent)
[-sigfile ] name of .sf / .dsa file
[-signedjar ] Name of Signed Jar File
[-Verify] Verify A Signed Jar File
[-Verbose] verbose output when signing / verifying
[-CERTS] Display Certificate when Verbose and Verifying
[-Internalsf] include the .sf file inside the signature block, INSIDE THE
[-sectionsonly] don't compute hash of entire manifest
[-Provider] Name of cryptographic service provides Master Class File ...
==================== Javadoc.exe usage: javadoc [options] [packageNames] [classnames] [@files] -overview read HTML Format Overview Document - Public Only PUBLIC Class and Member -Protace Display Protected / PUBLIC Class and Members (Default) -Package Display Package / Protected / PUBLIC Class and Members -Private Display All Class and Member -help Display Command Line Options - Doclet Generate output -DocletPath Specify DocletPath Specify Doclet Path Specify source files - ClassPath Specifies the search location of the user class file - EXCLUDE Specify a list of packages to exclude-subpackages Specify subpackages to recursively load-breakiterator Compute 1st sentence with BreakIterator-bootclasspath position covering the bootstrap class loader to load the class files -source Provide source compatibility with Specified Release-ExtDirs Covering the installed extension - Verbose About JavaDoc's output information - Locale used by Locale , such as en_us or en_us_win-encoding Source File Code Name -J Purchase to the runtime system
Provided by standard DOCLET: -d Output file target directory - ISE Create a class and package with the words> @Version segment -author Contain @Author segment-DocfilessubDirs Recursively Copy Doc-file subdirector Recursively Copy Doc-file subdirectories-splitIndEx divides the index Each letter corresponds to a file -WindowTitle Document browser window Title - DOCTITLE Title - HEADER Terminal of each page Footer of each page Text -Bottom Contains Terminal of each page Text - Link Create Links To Javadoc Output At -LinkOffline Link to docs at using package list at -excludedocfilessubdir : .. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.-group : .. Group specified packages together IN overview page-nonetomment supress description and tags, generate only declarations.-nodepRecated does not contain @DEP Recated information - NOQUALIFIER : : ... Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.-Node do not include @since information-nodeprecatedlist does not generate a list of disabled use - NOTREE does not generate class hierarchy-NoInDex Generate Index - NOHELP does not generate help links - Nonavbar does not generate navigation bar -quiet do not display status message to screen-serialwarn generate warning about @serial tag-tag : :
Specify single argument custom tags-taglet The fully qualified name of Taglet to register-tagletpath The path to Taglets-charset Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.-helpfile contains information to help Link function links to the target file -LINKSource Generate Source In Html-Stylesheetfile Change the file of the style of the generated document - DOCENCODING Output encoding name ==================== jdb.exe
Usage: JDB
where options include: -help print out this message and exit -sourcepath directories in which to look for source files -attach attach to a running VM at the specified address using standard connector -listen < address> wait for a running VM to connect at the specified address using standard connector -listenany wait for a running VM to connect at any available address using standard connector -launch launch VM immediately instead of waiting for 'run' command -connect : = , ... connect to target VM using named connector with listed argument values -dbgtrace [flags] print info for debugging jdb -tclient run the application in the Hotspot (tm) Performance Engine (Client ) -Tserver Run the application in the hotspot (tm) Performance Engine (SE RVER)
Options forwarded to debuggee process: -v -verbose [: Class | GC | JNI] Turn on verbose mode -d = set a system printy -classpath List Director In Which To Look for classes -X
For Command Help Type 'Help' AT JDB PROMPT
==================== javah.exe
Usage: javah [options]
Where [Options] includes:
-help Print This Help Information-ClassPath Load Path - BootClassPath Self-Leaded Load Path - D Output Directory - O Output Document (only -D or -O) A) -JNI Generates the header file (default) --OLD Generates the JDK1.0 style header file -STUBS Generate stubs file -Version print version information -verbose output information about this command -force always write output file
You must use a full name (for example, java.lang.object) when is specified.
==================== javap.exe
Usage: JavaP ...
where options include: -b Backward compatibility with javap in JDK 1.1 -c Disassemble the code -classpath Specify where to find user class files -extdirs Override location of installed extensions -help Print this usage message -J Pass directly to the runtime system -l Print line number and local variable tables -public Show only public classes and members -protected Show protected / public classes and members -package Show package / protected / public classes and members (default) -private show all classes and members -bootclasspath Override location of class files loaded by the bootstrap class loader -verbose P Rint stack size, number of locals and args for methods if verifying, print reasons for failure ==================== javaw.exe
-Source: Get the path to the source file. Default: -dest: Write the path to the converted file. Default: -backup: Write the path to the backup file. Default: _bak -f: Forced overwriting the backup file. -SuBDIRS: The files in subdirectory should be processed. -Template: The path to the template file. If you are not sure, use the default value. -Log: The path to the log. If not provided, no log is written. -Progress: Displays progress during conversion. Default: True-Simulate: Displays the conversion information is displayed when there is no conversion. -LATEST: Use the latest JRE to support the release mimetype. -Gui: Displays the graphical user interface of the conversion program. Filespecs: Separate file description list with spaces. Default: "* .html * .htm" (requires quotation marks)
where is the name of a file containing IDL definitions, and [options] is any combination of the options listed below The optionsare optional and may appear in any order;. is required andmust appear last.
Options: -d this is equivalent to the folloading line in an idl file: #define -emitall Emit All Types, Including Those Found In #included Files.-F Define What Bindings To Emit. < side> is one of client, server, all, serverTIE, allTIE. serverTIE and allTIE cause delegate model skeletons to be emitted. If this flag is not used, -fclient is assumed.-i By default, the current directory is scanned for included files. This option adds another directory.-keep If a file to be generated already exists, do not overwrite it. By default it is overwritten.-noWarn Suppress warnings.-oldImplBase Generate skeletons compatible with old (pre-1.4 ) JDK Orbs.-Pkgprefix by Type or Module Name < T> IS Encountered At File Scope, Begin The Java Package Name for All Files Generated for with .- Pkgtranslate WHEN TYPE or Module Name in Encountered, Replace It with < PKG> in The Generated Java Package. Note That Pkgprefix Changes Are Made First. Must Match The Full Package Name EXACTLY. Also, Must Not Be Org, Org.omg, or Any Subpackage ORG.OMG.- Skeletonname
Name The Skeleton According to the Pattern. The defaults area:% poa for the poa base class (-fserver or -fall) _% Implbase for the OldimplBase Base Class (-fserver or -fall)). - TD < . dir> use
for the output directory instead of the current directory.-tieName Name the tie according to the pattern The defaults are:% POATie for the POA tie (-fserverTie or -fallTie)% _Tie For the oldimplbase Tie (-fservertie or -falltie)) .- v, -verbose verbose mode.-Version Display the version number and quit. ================= ==== ORBD.exe
Usage: ORBD
==================== POLicytool.exe
Usage: PolicyTool [option]
[-file ] rule file location
==================== rCMic.exe
Usage: RMIC
-IDL creates an IDL. When using this option,
-novalueMethods does not generate value type method -Always always creates IDL (even when they appear at the same time] -Alwaysgenerate (same "-always")
-g General debugging information -depends Recursively recompile expired files - NOWARN does not warn -Nowrite Write the compiled class to file system -verbose output information about the compiler works - ClassPath Specify input Source and class files - SourcePath Specifies the location of the user's source file - BootClassPath Overwrite the location of the self-promotion file -ExtDirs Override the installation extension class - Directory> specified Placement location of class files - J Parameters to Java Interpretation
Welcome to the Java IDL server tool, please enter the command at prompt
ServerTool> Help
Available commands: -------------------
Register - Register a Activable Server Unregister - Cancel Server Register GetServerID - Return to the application name server identifier List - list all registered server ListAppnames - list the currently defined application name Listactive - list the current active server locate - will have The registration server is located at a particular type of port LocatePerorb - request the agent locating port for the specific object of the registered server. ORBLIST - Object Request Agent (ORB) Name and Its Mapping list Shutdown - Close a registered server Startup - Start a registered server Help - get help quit - Exit this tool
ServerTool> quit
==================== TNameServ.exe
Initial named range: IOR: 000000000000002b49444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67436f6e746578744578743a312e30000000000001000000000000008400010200000000103136362e3131312e3135302e313331000384000000000035afabcb0000000020b95dd0320000000100000000000000010000000d544e616d65536572766963650000000000000004000000000a0000000000000100000001000000200000000000010001000000020501000100010020000101090000000100010100TransientNameServer: the initial object reference port to: 900 ready.
==================== Native2ASCII.exe
Native2ASCII - Native-to-Ascii Converter
Converts a file with native-encoded Characters (Characters Which Are Non-Latin 1 and Non-Unicode) To one with uncode-encoded characters.
Native2ASCII [Options] [InputFile "] Description
The Java compiler and other Java tools can only process files which contain Latin-1 and / or Unicode-encoded (/ udddd notation) characters. Native2ascii converts files which contain other character encodings into files containing Latin-1 and / or Unicode-encoded charaters .
If OUTPUTFILE IS OMITTED, Standard Output IS Used for Output. IF, IN Addition, InputFile IS omitted, Standard INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT.
-reverse Perform The Reverse Operation: Convert a file with latin-1 and / or uncode encoded characters to one with native-encoded characters.
-encoding encoding_name Specify the encoding name which is used by the conversion procedure. The default encoding is taken from System property file.encoding. The encoding_name string must be taken from the first column of the table of supported encodings in the Supported Encodings document.
-Joption Pass option to the Java virtual machine, where option is one of the options described on the reference page for the java application launcher. For example, -J-Xms48m sets the startup memory to 48 megabytes.