Universal database connection program

zhaozj2021-02-16  60

The following section can be said that it is an universal database connection program that can connect all the MS databases, take the study (this program is "ASP page production tutorial" this book - a good book):


'------------------------------------- -

Function GetMDbConnection (filename)

Dim Provider, dbpath

Provider = "provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0;" dbpath = "data source =" & server.mappath (filename) set getMDbconnection = getConnection (provider & dbpath) end function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetSecuredMDbconnection (FileName, Password) Dim Provider, DBPath

Provider = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" DBPath = "Data Source =" & Server.MapPath (FileName) Set GetSecuredMdbConnection = GetConnection (Provider & DBPath & "; Jet OLEDB: Database Password =" & Password) End FUNCTION

'------------------------------------- - Function GetDbcconn! Ection (filename) DIM Driver, SourceType, DBPath

Driver = "Driver = {Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" SourceType = "SourceType = DBC;" DBPath = "SourceDB =" & Server.MapPath (FileName) Set GetDbcConnection = GetConnection (Driver & SourceType & DBPath) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetDbfconnection (Directory) DIM Driver, SourceType, DBPath

Driver = "Driver = {Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" SourceType = "SourceType = DBF;" DBPath = "SourceDB =" & Server.MapPath (Directory) Set GetDbfConnection = GetConnection (Driver & SourceType & DBPath) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetExcelConnection (FileName) Dim Driver, DBPathDriver = "Driver = {Microsoft Excel Driver (* .xls)};" DBPath = "DBQ =" & Server.MapPath (FileName) Set GetExcelConnection = GetConnection (Driver & "ReadOnly! = 0; "& dbpath) End function

'------------------------------------------------ - Function GetTextConnection (Directory) DIM Driver, DBPath

Driver = "driver = {Microsoft text driver (* .txt; * .csv)};" dbpath = "dbq =" & server.mappath (directory) set getTextConnection = getConnection (driver & dbpath) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetsqlserverConnection (Computer, Userid, Password, DB) DIM Params, Conn

Set GetSQLServerConnection = Nothing Params = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1" Params = Params & "; Data Source =" & Computer Params = Params & "; User ID =" & UserID Params = Params & "; Password =" & Password Params = Params & "; Initial Catalog =" & db set conn = server.createObject ("adodb.connection") conn.open params set getsqlserverConnection = conn end function

'------------------------------------- - Function getMdbRecordset (filename, source) set g! Etcdbrecordset = getMDBRS (filename, source, 2, ") End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetMdbStaticRecordset (Filename, Source) Set getMdbStaticRecordset = GetMDBRS (FileName, Source, 3, ") End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetSecuredMdbRecordset (FileName, Source, Password) Set getsecuredMdbRecordset = GetMdbrs (FileName, Source, 2, Password) End function '--------------------- --------------------------- Function GetSecuredMdbStaticRecordset (Filename, Source, Password) Set getsecuredMdbStaticRecordset = GetMDBRS (FileName, Source, 3, Password) END FUNCTION

'------------------------------------- - Function GetDbfrecordSet (Directory, SQL) Set getdbfrecordset = GetoTherrs ("DBF", Directory, SQL, 2) End Function

'-------------------------------------------! --- --- Function GetDbfStaticRecordset (Directory, SQL) Set getDbfStaticRecordset = GetoTherrs ("DBF", Directory, SQL, 3) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetDbcRecordset (FileName, SQL) Set getDbcRecordset = Get Portoerrs ("DBC", FileName, SQL, 2) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetdbcStaticRecordset (FileName, SQL) Set getdbcstaticRecordset = GetoTherrs ("DBC", FileName, SQL, 3) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function getExcelRecordset (Filename, SQL) set getExcelRecordset = GetoTherrs ("Excel", FileName, SQL, 2) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function getExcelStaticRecordset (FileName, SQL) set getExcelStaticRecordset = GetoTherrs ("Excel", FileName, SQL, 3) End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetTextRecordset (Direc! Tory, SQL) Set getTextRecordset = GetTextherrs ("Text", Directory, SQL, 2) End function '--------------------- ----------------------------- Function GetTextStaticRecordset (Directory, SQL) Set getTextStaticRecordset = GetoTherrs ("Text", Directory, SQL, 3) End function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetsqlserverRecordset (CONN, SOURCE) DIM RS

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") RS.Open Source, CONN, 2, 2 set getsqlserverRecordset = rs End function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetsqlServersTaticRecordset (CONN, SOURCE) DIM RS

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") RS.Open Source, Conn, 3, 2 set getsqlserverstaticRecordset = rs End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GetConnection (Param) DIM Conn

ON! Error Resume Next Set GetConnection = Nothing SET CONN = SE RVER.CREATEOBJECT ("AdoDb.Connection") if Err.Number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION

Conn.open param if err.number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION SET GETCONNECTION = Conn End Function

'------------------------------------- - Function GETMDBRS (FileName, Source, Cursor, Password) DIM CONN, RS

On Error Resume Next Set GetMdbRs = Nothing If Len (Password) = 0 Then Set conn = GetMdbConnection (FileName) Else Set conn = GetSecuredMdbConnection (FileName, Password) End If If conn Is Nothing Then Exit Function

SET RS = Server.createObject! T ("AdoDb.Recordset") if Err.Number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION

Rs.open Source, Conn, Cursor, 2 if Err.Number <> 0 Then EXIT FUNCTION SET GETMDBRS = RS End Function '----------------------- ---------------------------- Function Getotherrs (DataType, Path, SQL, CURSOR) DIM CONN, RS ON Error Resume Next Set Get Porto 2HERRS = Nothing

Select Case DataType Case "DBF" SET CONN = GetDbfConnection (PATH) Case "DBC" set conn = getDbcconnection (path) case "excel" set conn = getExcelConnection (PATH)!; Case "text" set conn = g etcTextConnection (PATH) End Select if conn is nothing the exit function

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") if Err.Number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION


'------------------------------------- - Function GetSqlserverrs (Computer, Userid, Password, DB, Source, Cursor) DIM CONN, RS

On Error ResMe next set getsqlserverrs = Nothing set conn = getsqlserverConnection (Computer, Userid, Password, DB) IFcon! N is nothing the exit function

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") if Err.Number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION

Rs.open Source, Conn, Cursor, 2 if Err.Number <> 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION SETSQLSERVERRS = RS End Function%> How to use - copy to copy a file, then use the #include "file name" Call the subroutine inside.


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