Install the GCC3.4 process
1. Download and decompress Tar XzVF GCC-3.4.0.Tar.gz
2. Create a folder MKDIR GCC-Build in the GCC-3.4.0 in-case directory
3. Enter the Compile Directory CD GCC-Build
4. ../gcc-3.4.0/configure --prefix = / usr / local / gcc-3.4.0 --enable-threads = POSIX --DISABLE-CHECKING --ENABLE - Long-long --host = I386-redhat-linux --with-system-zlib --enable-languages = C, C , Java
Specify installation directory $ {destdir} to /usr/local/gcc-3.4.0
5. Make && make Install
6. Establish a symbolic connection
% CD / USR / BIN
% ln -s $ {destdir} / bin / gcc gcc34
% ln -s $ {destdir} / bin / g g 34
% ln -s $ {destdir} / bin / gcj gcj3
7. Setting of library paths
If GCC 3.4.0 is installed in /usr/local/gcc-3.4.0 directory, you can execute them directly on the command line on the RH Linux or add the following sentence in File / etc / profile:
STENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /USR / LOCAL/GCC-3.4.0/LIB: $ 2/library_path