Generate a list of folder files.

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

/ **

* Title: File List Generator








* 1. Save the code to a file named 'afile.js';

* 2. Drag a folder icon on the 'Afile.js'

* Or Run Command 'CScript% Path% / Afile.js C: / Windows /';

* 3. The Find The 'Index.htm' In The Folder.



* Version: 1.0

* Author: mruan (at) COMGI.COM

* Copyright: freeware.

* /

VAR fso = new activxObject ("scripting.filesystemObject");

// Get Folder Path

Var strfolder = wscript.Arguments (0);


// Get Folder Object

OFOLDER = fso.getfolder (strfolder);

// Get Files and Generate HTML

FC = New Enumerator (OFOLDER.FILES);

s = "";

For (var i = 0; fc.atend (); fc.movenext (), i )


S = " / n";

S = "

S = fc.Item (). Name;

S = " / N";

S = "

S = fc.Item (). size;

S = " / n";

S = "

S = fc.Item (). TYPE;

S = " / n";

S = "

S = New Date (fc.Item (). datelastmodified) .tolocalestring ();

S = " / n";

S = " / N";


// Create File

Var OindexFileStream = fso.createtextfile (Strfolder "//index.htm", true); // generate HTML and WRITE TO FILE



OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE (" File List Gernerator 1.0 </ Title>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ HEAD>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<style>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("TD.HEAD");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("{");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-size: 12px;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-Family: Tahoma;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Background-Color: # 8b8b8b;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("}");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("TD.R0");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("{");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-size: 12px;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-Family: Tahoma;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Background-Color: #dddddd;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("}");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("TD.R1");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("{");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-size: 12px;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Font-Family: Tahoma;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("Background-Color: #ffffffffff;");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("}");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ STYLE>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<Body>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<Table Width = '100%");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<TR>");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<TD Class = 'Head'> <b> Name </ b> </ td>"); OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<TD Class = 'Head'> <b> size </ b> < / TD> ");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<TD Class = 'Head'> <b> type </ b> </ td>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("<TD Class = 'Head'> <b> Date Modified </ b> </ td>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ TR>");</p> <p>OindexFileStream.writeline (s);</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ Table>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("");</p> <p>OINDEXFILESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ Body>");</p> <p>OINDEXFIESTREAM.WRITELINE ("</ html>");</p> <p>// Open the file</p> <p>New ActiveXObject (""). 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