Some Famous Articles About Type System Of Programming Language

zhaozj2021-02-16  76

OO Type System

1983 A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance [Cardelli] 1989 Inheritance is not [Cook, Hill, Canning] 1993 A Paradigmatic Object-Oriented Programming Language Subtyping: Design, Static Typing and Semantics [Bruce] 1993 Object-Oriented Programming Without Recursive Types [Pierce- Turner] 1994 A Theory of Objects [Abadi-Cardelli] 1996 On Binary Methods [Bruce-Cardelli-Castagna-HOG-Leavens-Pierce] 1996 An Interpretation of Objects and Object Types [Abadi-Cardelli-Viswanathan] 1997 Comparing Object Encodings [Bruce -Cardelli-Pierce] 1996 Objective ML: A simple object-oriented extension of ML [Rémy-Vouillon] 1998 Making the Future Safe for the Past: Adding genericity to the JavaProgramming Language [Bracha-Odersky-Stoutamire-Wadler] 2001 Design and Implementation Of generics for the .NET CommonLanguage Runtime [kennedy-syme]

Bounded quantification

1985 On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism1990-92 Coherence of Subsumption: Minimum typing and type-checking1991 An Extension of System F with Subtyping [Cardelli-Martini-Mitchell-Scedrov] 1992 Bounded Quantification is Undecidable [Pierce] 1993 Intersection Types and bounded Polymorphism [Pierce] 1994 subtyping in F 1994 Higher-Order subtyping [Pierce-Steffen] 1995 On subtyping and Matching [Abadi-Cardelli] 1997 Termination of system F-bounded:! A complete proof [Ghelli] 1999 subtyping Recursive Types in Kernel Fun [Colazzo-ghelli] LICS!

Module Systems


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