Adjustment WebService in VB6 or ASP

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

Web Services technology allows you to share data and communications between the xenographed environments to achieve the consistency of information. We can use

The HTTP POST / GET protocol, the SOAP protocol calls Web Services.

First, use the SOAP protocol to call Web Services in VB6

First, use the .NET to release a simple web service.

_ _

Public Function GetString (Byval Str As String) AS STRING

Return "Hello World," & Str & "!"


The web service contains only a getString method for returns a string. When we call this Web Services, the SOAP message sent to the .asmx page is:

XMLns: XSD = "" xmlns: soap = "http: // / ">


And the return of the SOAP is:

XMLns: XSD = "" xmlns: soap = ">>>


In VB6, this simple web service can be used to use the XMLHTTP protocol to send .asmx page

Send SOAP to achieve.

In VB6, establish a simple engineering, the interface is as shown in the figure, we call this simply by clicking on Button.

Single Web Services


Dim Str As String

Str = text2.text

'Define SOAP messages

Strxml = "

XMLns: xsd = ''

XMLns: soap = ''> & str &

'Define an HTTP object, send a POST message to the server

DIM H as msxml2.serverxmlhttp40

'Define an XML document object, convert your handwritten or accepted XML content to XML object

DIM X as msxml2.domdocument40

'Initializing XML object

SET X = new msxml2.domdocument40

'Convert handwritten SOAP strings to XML objects

X.LoadXML strXml

'Initializing HTTP object

Set h = new msxml2.serverxmlhttp40

'Send a POST message to the specified URL

H.Open "Post", "http://localhost/testwebservice/service1.asmx", False

H.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "Text / XML"

H.send (strXML)

While H.ReadyState <> 4


'Display the returned XML information


'Resolution of the returned XML information and display the return value

SET X = new msxml2.domdocument40

X.LoadXml text1.text

Text1.text = x.childNodes (1) .text

We entered "China" in TextBox, then click Button, so you can display "Hello World, China" in the next TEXTBOX. Show as shown:


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