Realize transparent controls such as Panel Groupbox

zhaozj2021-02-16  63

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The transparency of the transparency of some standard container type controls is to achieve some standards, maybe it is often thought. In fact, it is quite easy to implement under the system of more than 2,000.

You don't need to redraw the effect of the parent control, everything is because the window has the attribute of WS_EX_TRANSPARENT.

Below we will illustrate TPANEL and TGROUPBOX controls. We inherit two new controls, TTRANSPANEL and TTRANSGROUPBOX.

class TTransGroupBox: public TGroupBox {void __fastcall CreateParams (Controls :: TCreateParams & Params) {TGroupBox :: CreateParams (Params); Params.ExStyle = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;} void __fastcall AdjustColors (TPanelBevel Bevel, TColor & TopColor, TColor & BottomColor) {TopColor = clBtnHighlight ; if (Bevel == bvLowered) TopColor = clBtnShadow; BottomColor = clBtnShadow; if (Bevel == bvLowered) BottomColor = clBtnHighlight;} void __fastcall Paint () {int H; TRect R; Longint Flags; Canvas-> Font = this- > Font; h = canvas-> textheight ('0'); r = Rect (0, h / 2 - 1, width, height); if (CTL3D) {R.LEFT ; R.TOP ; Canvas -> brush-> color = CLBTNHIGHLIGHT; canvas-> framerect (r); offsetRect (r, -1, -1); canvas-> brush-> color = clbtnshadow;} else canvas-> brush-> color = clwindowframe; Canvas-> frameect (r); if (TEXT! = ") {If (! Userighttoleftalignment ()) R = Rect (8, 0, 0, h); Else R = Re (R.right - canvas-> Textwidth (Text) - 8, 0, 0, h); Flags = DrawTextBidimodeflags (DT_SINGLINE); DRAWText (canvas-> handle, Text.c_Str (), Text.Length (), & R, Flags | DT_CALCRECT); canvas-> brush-> color = color; canvas-> brush-> style = bsclear; DrawText (canvas-> handle, text.c_str ), Text.length (), & r, flags);}} public: __fastcall virtual ttransgroupbox (tComponent * aowner): TGroupBox (Aowner) {ControlStyle >> csopaque; width = 185;}};

class TTransPanel: public TPanel {void __fastcall CreateParams (Controls :: TCreateParams & Params) {TPanel :: CreateParams (Params); Params.ExStyle = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;} void __fastcall AdjustColors (TPanelBevel Bevel, TColor & TopColor, TColor & BottomColor) {TopColor = clBtnHighlight ; if (Bevel == bvLowered) TopColor = clBtnShadow; BottomColor = clBtnShadow; if (Bevel == bvLowered) BottomColor = clBtnHighlight;} void __fastcall Paint () {DynamicArray Alignments;




Alignments [Tacenter] = DT_Center;

Alignments [TARightJustify] = DT_RIGHT;


Tcolor Topcolor, Bottomcolor;

Int fontheight;

Longint flags;

Rect = getClientRect ();

IF (bevelouter! = bvnone)


AdjustColors (Bevelouter, Topcolor, Bottomcolor);

Frame3D (Canvas, Rect, Topcolor, Bottomcolor, BevelWidth);


Frame3D (Canvas, Rect, Color, Color, Borderwidth);

IF (bevelinner! = bvnone)


AdjustColors (Bevelinner, Topcolor, Bottomcolor);

Frame3D (Canvas, Rect, Topcolor, Bottomcolor, BevelWidth);


Canvas-> brush-> color = color;

// canvas-> FillRect (Rect); comment out this sentence, it is transparent. The following BSCLEAR guarantees that the CAPTION does not use the background. Canvas-> brush-> style = bsclear;

Canvas-> font =


Fontheight = Canvas-> TextHeight (

'W'); = (Rect.Bottom Rect.Top) - FontHeight) /


Rect.bottom = fontheight;

Flags = dt_expandtabs | dt_vcenter | alignments [alignment];

Flags = DrawTextBidimodeflags (Flags);

DrawText (canvas-> handle, caption.c_str (), -

1, & Rect, Flags;



__fastcall Virtual TTRANSPANEL (Tcomponent * aowner): TPANEL (Aowner) {

CircolStyle >> Csopaque;

Width =







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