1. Let SAS support YYYYMM date format
VAR1 = "200206";
Date1 = INPUT (var1, yymmn6;
2. Proc Copy Process MEMBER Copy between Libname
3. The block control is not from the Label property, but there is a _setLabel method, call as follows:
Call Notify (Block-name, '_SetLabel', Label);
4. The tagsort selection of the PROC SORT process is conducive to the sort of wide data sets
In The Following Example, Datdif Returns The Actual Number of Days Between Two Dates, and The Number of Days Based ON A 30-Month and 360-Day Year.
Data _null; sdate = '16OCT78'd; edate =' 16feb96'd; actual = DATDIF (SDATE, EDATE, 'ACT / ACT'); DAYS360 = DATDIF (SDATE, EDATE, '30 / 360 '); PUT ACTUAL = Days360 =;
SASSSRESRESRESPUT ACTUAL =; 6332put days360 =; 6240