Chinese own development tool HB ++ <object-oriented technology>

zhaozj2021-02-08  247

These are basic development language statements, HB has made a lot of support for face-oriented objects, which is more excellent in object-oriented support than VB.NET.

2.2 Basic Data Types

If a program is to run, you must first describe its algorithm. A algorithm should first explain the data used in an algorithm, and the data is described in terms of variables or constants. Each variable or constant has a data type. When defining a variable, the name and data type of the variable must be explained. Basic data types are: Byte, Bool, long, double, string. The data type includes all basic data types, as shown in Figure 2-1, the structure of the data type is described:

Data Type - - Basic Data Type - - BYTE Byte Type | - Bool Booleal Logic Type | - Long Integer (32 Bits) | - Double Double Precision Floating Point Type | - String Character Type ------- - Variable Length Character Type | - Delivery Character Type (* Character Length) - Non - Basic Type ---- - Array Variable Name ( Array size) AS type - language built-in type - - Collection set class template | - DBGRID RGRIDCOORD RGRIDRECT | - TBaseDatobj Tbutton Tcheckbox | - Tcombobox TControl Tcontrolbar | - TCOOLBAR TCUSTDATOBJ TDATABASE | --TDataSet TDataSource TdbDataSet | - Texpress Tfield TfieldBase | - TFORM TFREEGRID TLABEL | - TLISTBOX TMENU TMENUBAR | - TMENUBASE TMENUITEM TMFDB | - TPAGE TPOINT TPOPUP | - TPROCESS TQUERY TQUERY | - TRADIOBUTTON TRECT TSPEEDBUTTON | - TSPLITTER TTABLE TTABSHEET |

--TTEXT TTOOLBAR TTOOLBUTTON | - TTREEVIEW TWINCONTROL TTREEVIEW TWINCONTROL TWINDATOBJ | - Custom Type ---- - Class Statement Custom - TypeDef Definition Type Alias ​​ - Form Statement Definition Window Class - Struct Statement Define the data structure class' ============================================= =================================== ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===================== ============================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =


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