ENOEHT's Java Source Series (4) - Continue to Process Profile

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

We often use such profiles in the program:


Key = Value

Below is an instance in this configuration file


Address =

Port = 8000

Version = 1

INFO = 1


Name = kyle

PWD = 1234


111; 222; 333


The source code for processing the configuration files that process this structure is provided:

Package org.kyle.util;

Import java.util. *;

Import java.io. *;

Public Class Cfgarea


Char m_start, m_end;

String m_commenttag = "#"; // In the # beginning with the configuration file, notes

String m_valuedelim = NULL;

String M_Areaname = NULL;

Hashmap m_content = new hashmap ();

String m_nextname = null;

Public cfgarea (Char AreatagStart, Char Areatagend)




Public void reset ()


m_areaname = m_nextname;

m_nextname = null;

M_Content.clear ();


Public cfgarea (Char AreatagStart, Char Areatagend, String CTAG)


m_start = areatagstart;

m_end = areatagend;

IF (ctag! = null) m_commenttag = CTAG;


Public void setValuedelim (String VDLM)


m_valuedelim = vdlm;


Public string getName ()


Return M_Areaname;


Public String getValue (String Skey)


Return (String) M_Content.get (SKEY);


Public set getKeys ()


Return M_Content.KeySet ();


Public Boolean Readarea (BufferedReader Br)




String aline = null;

While (aline = readcfgline (br))! = null)


IF (aline.trim (). Equals ("")) Continue;

IF (m_areaname == null)


m_areaname = getareaname (aline);

IF (m_areaname == null) Return False;







IF (M_Valuedelim! = NULL)





AddKeyPair (ALINE);


//System.out.println (m_content);

Return aline! = NULL;


Catch (Exception E) {

Debug.warning ("Readarea Exception In CFGGAREA);


Return False;


Private string readcfgline (bufferedreader thereader)

Throws oException


String aline = null;

Do {

Aline = thereader.readline ();

While (aline! = null && (aline.trim (). Equals ("") || aline.trim (). StartSwith (m_commenttag));

Return aline == NULL? NULL: aline.trim ();


Private boolean isareatag (string aline)


Char [] linechars = aline.tocharray ();

Return Linechars [0] == m_start && linechars [linechars.length - 1] == m_end;


Private string getareaname (String aline)


IF (! isaretag (aline)) Return NULL;

StringBuffer SB = New StringBuffer;

sb.deletecharat (0);

sb.deletecharat (sb.Length () - 1);

Return sb.toString ();


Private void addkeypair (String aline)


StringTokenizer ST = New StringTokenizer (aline, "=");

String skey = null, sval = null;

IF (st.hasmoretokens ())

SKEY = st.nextToken ();

IF (st.hasmoretokens ())

sval = st.nextToken ();

IF (SKEY == null) return;

M_Content.Put (SKEY, SVAL);


Private Void AddKeys (String Aline, String Delim)


StringTokenizer ST = New StringTokenizer (ALINE, DELIM);

String Skey = NULL;

While (st.hasmoretokens ())


SKEY = st.nextToken ();

m_content.put (SKEY, M_Areaname);



Private Boolean Restoretag (String AreatAg)

Throws oException


IF (! isaretag (allatag)) Return False;

m_nextname = getareaname (area);

Return True;



Let's take a look at this class:

Private static hashtable property = new hashtable ();

Try {

BufferedReader PBR = New BufferedReader (New INPUTSTREAM (NewFileInputStream ("Property.cfg"))))

Cfgarea ca = new cfgarea ('[', ']'); // In addition to using [] to identify section, you can also use other characters.

Ca.readarea (PBR);

Hashtable h1 = new hashtable ();

H1.PUT ("ServerName", ca.getname ());

H1.PUT ("Address", Ca.getValue ("Address"));

H1.PUT ("Port", Ca.getValue ("port"));

Properties.Put (ca.getname (), h1);

Ca.Reset ();

// Start reading a section

Ca.readarea (PBR);

Hashtable h2 = new hashtable ();

H2.PUT ("User", ca.getname ());

H2.PUT ("Name", Ca.getValue ("Name"));

H2.PUT ("PWD", CA.GetValue ("PWD"));

Properties.put (ca.getname (), h2);

Ca.Reset ();

// The third section is different from the top two, and he can regard him as only KEY.

Ca.setValuedelim (";"); // k 分;;

Ca.readarea (PBR);

Hashtable h3 = new hashtable ();

Iterator Ikey = ca.getKeys (). Iterator ();

While (iKey.hasNext ()) {

H3.PUT (String) iKey.next (), ca.getname ());


Properties.Put (ca.getname (), h3);

Ca.Reset ();



Catch (Exception E) {

Properties.clear ();

E.PrintStackTrace ();



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