ENOEHT's Java Source Series (3) - Handling Profile

zhaozj2021-02-16  61

We often use this configuration file in the program:

Listener = org.kyle.net.svr.sample.sampleListenerImpl

ServerAddress =

ListeningPort = 80

Listenertimeout = 120


Loglevel = all

LogPath = Server.log

A source code for processing such a configuration file here is provided here.

Package org.kyle.util;

Import java.io. *;

Import java.util. *;

/ / Load the configuration file and provide a method of reading various types from the configuration file

Public Class Profile


Protected Properties ApplicationProps;

Protected string m_configurationFileName = NULL;


Public profile (Boolean Debug)


THIS ();

m_debug = debug;


Public profile ()


"System.getProperty (" Mainconfigfile "," Server.cfg ");


Public profile (String ConfigurationFileName)



LoadCFG (ConfigurationFileName);


Public void loadingFileName), STRING VOILENAME


IF (ConfigurationFileName == NULL)


System.exit (-1);


Try {

ApplicationProps = new property ();

FileInputStream in = New fileinputstream (configurationFilename);

ApplicationProps.Load (in);

In.Close ();




System.exit (-1);



Public void loadingconfig ()


LoadConfig (m_configurationFilename);


Public void saveconfig ()




FileOutputStream out = new fileoutputstream (m_configurationFileName);

BufferedWriter Writer = New OutputStreamWriter (OUT, "8859_1");

Synchronized (ApplicationProps)


Iterator ity = new treset ()). Iterator ();

While (item.hasnext ())


String Key = (string) iterator.next ();

Writer.write (Key "=" ApplicationProps.getProperty (key));

Writer.newline ();



Writer.close ();

Out.close ();

} Catch (IOException IE)


System.out.println (IE.toString ());



Public void showconfig ()


ApplicationProps.List (System.out);


Public property getProperty ()


Return ApplicationProps;


String getString (String Section, String Key, String Default)


Return GetString (key, default);


Public String getString (String Key, String Default)


String rval = ApplicationProps.getProperty (key, default);

Return rval == NULL? RVAL: RVAL.TRIM ();


Public String getString (String Key)


String rval = applicationprops.getproperty (key);

Return rval == NULL? RVAL: RVAL.TRIM ();


Public Boolean getBoolean (String Key, Boolean Default)


String rval = getString (key);

// if (rval == null) return default;

IF ("True" .Equalsignorecase (RVAL)) Return True;

IF ("false". Equalsignorecase (RVAL)) Return False;

Return Default;


Public int GetInt (String Key, int default)


Try {

Return getInt (key);

} catch (exception e) {

ApplicationProps.SetProperty (Key, String.Valueof (Default));

Return Default;



Protected int Getint (String Key) THROWS NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION


String rval = getString (key);

Return Integer.Parseint (RVAL);


Public String getConfigurationFileName ()


Return M_ConfigurationFileName;


Private Void LoadCFG (String ConfigurationFileName)


IF (ConfigurationFileName == NULL)


System.out.println ("Assigned A Null Configuration File. Default Setting Used.");




ApplicationProps = new property ();

FileInputStream in = New fileinputstream (configurationFilename);

ApplicationProps.Load (in);

In.Close ();




System.out.println ("Loading Configuration from File" ConfigurationFileName "Failed."); System.out.Println ("Default Setting Will BE Used.");




Package org.kyle.util;

Import java.net. *;

// Call the parent class load the configuration file and read the data, and read its value according to the key value in the configuration file.

Public Class Genprofile Extends Profile


Public genprofile ()


Super ();

BuildCachedCrypt ();


Public genprofile (String cfgfilename)


Super (cfgfilename);

BuildCachedCrypt ();


Public String getListenerImpl ()


Return GetString ("Listener", "Org.kyle.net.svr.sample.sampleListenerImpl");


Public inetaddress GetServeraddress ()




String Svraddr = GetString ("ServerAddress", NULL);

IF (svraddr == null) Return NULL;

Return inetaddress.getbyname (svraddr);




Debug.info (UHE);


Return NULL;


Public int getListenat ()


Return GetInt ("ListeningPort", 80);


Public int gettimeout ()


Return GetInt ("Listenertimeout", 120);


Public Boolean StatelessService ()


Return getBoolean ("statelessservice", true);


Public String getLoglevel ()


Return GetString ("Loglevel", "config");


Public string getLogpath ()


Return GetString ("LogPath", "Server.log");




String cfgfile = "server.cfg";

GenProfile M_ENV = New Genprofile (cfgfile);

This allows for, for example, M_env. GetServeradDress (), etc., can be used in the program to obtain the corresponding content of the configuration file.


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