ASP and SQL database connection code! // First Writing: mm_conn_string = "driver = {SQL Server}; server = (local); UID = SA; PWD =; Database = INFS;" SET CONN = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection" conn. Open mm_conn_stringset = server.createObject ("adoBd.recordset") SQL = "Select * from table order by id" SQL, CONN, 3, 3
// Second Writing: (DSN connection)
MM_conn_STRING = "DSN = BBS; UID = SA; PWD = 12345" Set conn = Server.Createobject ( "ADODB.Connection") MM_conn_STRINGSET RS = SERVER.CreateObject ( "ADOBD.recordset") SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY ID DESC "RS.Open SQL, CONN, 3, 3 // 3, 3 is modified, deleted, add switch!
// Third way of writing:
MM_CONN_STRING_OWN = "Driver = {SQL Server}; server = (local); UID = SA; PWD = 11111; Database = INFS;" SET CONN = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection" mm_conn_string_oewn
// The fourth - this method is used in acconn = "driver = microsoft access driver (* .mdb); dbq =" _ & server.mappath ("asp.mdb") set conn = server.createObject ("AdoDB .connection ") Strconn