LINUX sets the game server instance

zhaozj2021-02-16  56


HLDS_L_3110_FULL.BIN Click to download


CS_15_full.tar.gz Click to download

CDKEY patch Click to download

LINUX CS1.5 free CDKEY and HLTV complete guide!

Need 3 files

Half-stricken HLDS_L_3110_Full.bin


Free CDKEY patch

Construction CS catalog CD / MKDIR CS


Cover the original cp / cs / hlds_l /

Built a startup script called CS.SH VI /CS/HLDS_L/CS.SH

# / Bin / bash / export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / cs / hlds_l: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./hlds_run -game cstrike ip port 27015 maxplayers 36 map de_dust2 -nomaster sv_lan 1 servercfgfile server15.cfg mapcyclefile mapcycle16. TXT-NOIPX &

Note If you need to open multiple ports with different profiles and different map loop files, you want to copy the original profile server.cfg and map loop file mapcycle.txt to a new file such as server15.cfg, mapcycle15.txt, Specify the corresponding configuration file in the startup script.

Server.cfg can be changed as long as these parameters can be changed

The server name will appear in the hostname " CS 1.5" list of server lists.


Enter the game password SV_Password AAA

Announcement document, can write a few propaganda what MOTD.TXT

Start service chmod x

The common problem with HLTV is that HLTV cannot run in the background, plus & governing. This requires you to use Screen, the general Linux system.

Built a startup script called vi /cs/hlds_l/ ld_library_path = / cs / hlds_l: $ ld_library_pathscreen -a -m -d -s hltv / cs / hlds_l / hltv connect -port 27020


Run HLTV agent ./

-------------------------------------------------- -------- Supplement: FreeBSD Counter-Strike CS 1.5 full installation

Running the Counter-Strike 1.5 server under FreeBSD, does not require the client's CDKEY record detailed log, automatically restart CS Server installation when CS is stopped, install admin 2.50.26, metamod-1.12.3 statsme-2.5.6, HLSTATS-1.02 Apache, PHP, MySQL installation Linux base pkg_add linux_base-6.1.tgz

Open the support Linux program option edit /etc/rc.conf, add the following line Linux_enable = "YES" to restart the system

All files are installed in / data directory

CS server operating platform install chmod 700 hlds_l_3110_full.bin ./hlds_l_3110_full.bin answered yes, generate hlds_l_3110_full.tar.gz tar zxvf hlds_l_3110_full. Tar.gz -c / data

Server-side CS program Install TAR ZXVF CS_15_FULL.TAR.GZ -C / DATA / HLDS_L

Patch CDKey patch specific download address CS-CN.NET, file name is length is 442,686 byte installation will be overwritten into the / usr / local / HLDS_L directory, pay attention to the best backup The original

Install admin MOD If you don't want to use a problem, you have a problem-free server to find a proxy server to download it on this site, the file length is 2,063,969 bytes.

CD / DATA / HLDS_L TAR ZXVF HALFLIFE-Admin-2.50.26.tgz cd admin./install_admin CSTRIKE carses

Install Metamod 1.12.3 CD / DATA / HLDS_L TAR ZXVF METAMOD-1.12.3.TGZ CP MetAmod-1.12.3 / DLLS / CSTRIKE / DLLS

Install Statsme 2.5.6 CD / DATA / HLDS_L MKDIR Statsme CD Statsme Unzip Editing /Data/hlds_l/cstrike/metamod.ini file, add to the last line Linux dlls / Editor / Data / HLDS_L /cstrike/server.cfg, add the following three rows of log on exec statsme.cfg mp_logfile 1

Install HLSTATS-1.02 CD / DATA / HLDS_L TAR ZXVF HLSTATS-1.02.tar.gz CD HLSTATS-1.02 MV HLSTATS.PHP / USR / local / apache / htdocs / mv HLSTATSIMG / USR / local / apache / htdocs / mv HLSTATSINC / USR / local / apache / htdocs / install mysql create database mysql user operator: root pw useradd -n mysql

Compile TAR ZXF mysql-3.23.49.tar.gz -c / tmp CD /TMP/MYSQL-3.23.49 ./configure \ --prefix = / usr / local / mysql \ --Exec-prefix = / usr / local / mysql \ --with-charset = GB2312 Make Make Install Generates the initial system database CD / usr / local / mysql / bin ./mysql_install_db

Set the permissions of the directory of the stored data CHMOD 755 / usr / local / mysql / var chown -r mysql: Wheel / usr / local / mysql / var

Put the relevant library files in the library file directory LN -S / USR / local / mysql / lib / mysql / * / usr / local / limited / in / usr / local / mysql / incrude / mysql / * / usr / local / incrude /

Mysql database software installation completes manual boot / usr / local / mysql / bin / safe_mysqld

Manual stop / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin -p -u root shutdown

System-level launch generation or editing /etc/rc.local file, add the following line. /us/local/mysql/share/mysql/mysql.server start

Establishing HLSTATS Table CD /DATA/HLDS_L/HLSTATATS 1.02 / USR / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin create HLSTATS / USR / local / mysql / bin / mysql hlstats

Configuring the administrator name and password of the HLSTATS library / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql mysql> grant all on hlstats. * To hlstats @ localhost identified by '123456';

Configure HLSTATS.CONF to modify the following DBHOST "localhost" dbusername "HLSTATS" DBPassword "123456" DBNAME "HLSTATS"

Configure HLSTATS.PHP to modify the following DEFINE ("db_name", "hlstats"); define ("db_user", "hlstats"); define ("db_pass", "123456"); define ("db_addr", "localhost" );

Generate /Data/hlds_l/cstrike/autoexec.cfg file Add the following Log on logaddress 27500 map de_dust Note: The above is your CS server IP

Use two ways to start HLSTATS program nohup ./ & or while true; do nohup ./; Sleep 5; DONE &

Configure 30 minutes from the morning to generate a selection result Run crontab -e inputs the following line of content 30 00 * * cd /data/hlstats/hlstats-1.02 ;./


Setting up database administrator password / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin -u root password 654321 login with administrator / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql -u root -p> 654321

Install apache 1.3.26 tar zxf apache_1.3.26.tar.gz -c / tmp cd /TMP/apache_1.3.26 ./configure \ --enable-module = so \ --prefix = / usr / local / apache \ --exec-prefix = / usr / local / apache make make install

Install php Tar ZXF PHP-4.1.2.tar.gz -C / TMP CD /TMP/php-4.1.2 ./configure \ --Enable-track-vars \ --with-apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs \ --prefix = / usr / local / php \ --exec-prefix = / usr / local / php \ --with-config-file-path = / usr / local / php \ --with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql make make install

Edit Apache's httpd.conf file Add the following line addtype application / x-httpd-php .php

Cp /TMP/php-4.1.2/php.ini-dist /usr/local/php/php.ini

Start Apache / USR / local / apache / bin / apachectl start


Install the perl mod required for HLSTATS/BY-MODU...dbi-1.14.tar.gz Tar ZVXF DBI-1.14.TAR.GZ -C / TMP CD / TMP / DBI -1.14 / Perl Makefile make make Test Make Install

Http:// 1.2215.tar.gz Tar ZVXF MSQL-mysql-modules-1.2215.tar.gz -c / tmp CD / TMP / MSQL-mysql- MODULES-1.2215 Perl makefile Answer your questions Make Make Test Make Install

Process management tool Install TAR ZXF daemOLS-0.76.tar.gz -c / tmp CD /TMP/admin/daemontools-0.76 ./package/compile CP command / * / usr / local / bin /

CS launcher configuration pw useradd cs cd / data / hlds_l mkdir supervise cd supervise mkdir hlds_l mkdir hlds_l / log chmod t hlds_l mkdir / data / hlds_l / log chown -R cs: wheel / data / hlds_l / data / hlds_l / supervise / HLDS_L / RUN file content #! / bin / sh export ld_library_path = / data / hlds_l: $ ld_library_path cd / data / hlds_l ./hlds_run -insecure -game CSTRIKE MAXPLAYERS 22 MAP DE_DUST -NOMASTER

/ DATA / HLDS_L / SuperVise / HLDS_L / LOG / RUN file content #! / bin / sh exec / usr / usr / bin / setuidgid cs / usr / local / bin / multiLOG T S1000000 N100 / USR / local / HLDS_L / LOG

The parameter t behind MULTILOG is a recorded time, and S1000000 indicates that the log file reaches a new file. The N100 represents the saved 100 log files. When the 101 log file is generated, the first log file will be deleted.

Use file this execution

CHMOD 755 / DATA / HLDS_L / SuperVise / HLDS_L / RUN / DATA / HLDS_L / SuperVise / HLDS_L / LOG / RUN

Start CS Server CD / DATA / HLDS_L SVSCAN SuperVise &

Stop Program SVC -D / DATA / HLDS_L / SuperVise / HLDS_L may not close the program normally, then use Kill -9

View program log CAT / data / HLDS_L / LOG / CURRENT | TAI64NLOCAL Wienne 1.5 CS Server No CDKey

Serve the Warcraft 3 serve you how to set up a Warcraft3 official version of the server. 1. Server PvPgnHttp:// Database Server Mysqlhttp: // ID = 46013. Database Import Tool http: // After installation 1, 2, start 3, fill in the correct mysql HostName and Username Password default Database Name is PVPGNDB. Import the database. Then the Edit The Server Config File in the Server Configuration in PVPGN, modifies the last part of the database configuration content (if necessary), the above steps must have a certain computer common sense. Finally, modify the VersionCheck file in the CONF directory of the PVPGN server. Plus after the last segment plus # Warcraft III retail "a = 3845581634 b = 880823580 c = 1363937103 4 a = as b = bc c = ca A = ab" /ix86ver1.mpq / IX86 / WAR3 / "war3.exe 06/14/02 05:00:00 713495 "/ 0x00000000 / / 0x540F5100 / WAR3 Note correct, Ctrl CV may have implicit characters, take a closer check. (Note: This configuration should be that the Razor1911 version of WAR3 is now changed with Maxxim's clonecd version of War3 will not use it. It will be prompted to put it in the disc, but I didn't tried the clonecd WAR3 and then overridden the execution of the crack). Start PVPGN Server Standard Server Configuration Complete Using BNGATEWAYEDITOR Add your own server address (your IP) is used here's wc3.exe boot boot boot game to enter the game directly Press

D2 Battle Web Server Construction Manual I. Demand Software Requirements: BNETD, D2CS, D2DBS and D2GS Diablo2 and DIABLO2 Extension System Requirements: BNETD, D2CS, D2DBS can run under * NIX and Win32 systems. (Recommended Linux system) D2GS must Run under Win32 system. (Recommended using Win2K or WinXP) Hardware requirements: Specific BNETD, D2CS and D2DBS in accordance with the server's online users, small demand for resources. Description: * NIX system represents Linux, UNIX, Sun, BSD and other system Win32 system represents Win9X / ME / NT / 2K / XP II. Get related software BNETD, D2CS and D2DBS are BNETD projects, all in accordance with the GPL license to complete the full source code, BNETD project home http: //; The latest version of the source code can be found at Currently, BNETD projects are being accused of Blizzard because of copyright issues, so on its homepage and SourceForge All related files have already dropped the download connection, but there are still many related images to download (than; at the same time, you can still get the current latest code through the SourceForge CVS service. (Details of CVS access, please refer to the D2Close project, the current release of the executable file version, the latest release version can be published Lord is obtained on. Description and recommendations: 1. BNETD, D2CS, and D2DBs are released in accordance with the source code. These source code is designed based on the Linux system. You will need to have some programming experience. If you want to compile the source code in other systems, especially Win32. 2. If you want to build a server under Win32, it is recommended to use BNETW, BNETW is a BNETD's Win32 transplant version, and add graphical users. Interface, BNETW can be found at, because it is published in the form of executable code, so you will not need to compile the source code. 3. If you just want to think Establish a temporary nature Server or as a test, you can run BNETD, D2CS, and D2DBS under Win32. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the Linux system, especially for those who have thousands of servers on the line. - The server is much more stable under Linux. III. Installing BNETD, D2CS and D2DBS: 1. * NIX System Here I assume you downloaded the BNETD file unwound: / home / game / bnetd 1). CD / Home / Game / BNETD / SRC / Switch to BNETD Source code directory. 2). ./Configure --prefix = / home / game / server / bnetd Perform the configuration detection and set the target installation directory as / home / game / server / bnetd, the installation directory can be modified by yourself. 3). Make install compiles and installs the relevant program, if all the code is properly compiled, the server will be installed to the / Home / Game / Server / BNETD directory.

(BNETD, D2CS, D2DBS is in its sbin directory) 2. Win32 system Here I assume that you are using BNETW, you need to do it just to discharge the BNETW program to C: / BNetWserver /, this directory The directory structure should be similar to the C: / BNETWServer / Log, C: / BNetWserver / Conf ... D2GS installation: 1. Install Diablo2 and its extended version, and upgrade to the latest version (upgrade patch can http: // www . / patches and download, the latest version is V1.09D, here I assume that your installation directory is C: / D2GS 2. Pack the D2GS program to C: / D2GS so you will get the following file. C: /D2GS/d2gs.exe, c: /d2gs/install.bat ... 3. Run C: /D2GS/Install.bat to install D2GS 1) .WIN2K / NT / XP (recommended) under these systems, D2GS will be installed in the form of a system service, and you must make sure you are logged in as a system administrator. 2). Win9X / ME In these systems, D2GS will be installed in the form of a separate application. (Under Win95 system, you must first upgrade system network to Winsock2) IV. Configure BNETD, D2CS, and D2DBS: 1. * NIX System All related configuration files are in directory / home / game / server / BNETD / ETC 2 All related profiles in Win32 systems are in the C: / BNetWserver / conf / directory all configuration items in the configuration file, indicating that their roles and format, here I only list those you must set before running the server Set project. 1). Realm.list Add a Realm server list in this file, the format is as follows: -realm name- -description --------- -ip and port- "realm name" "Diablo2 Realm Server" YOUR. D2CS: Port "Your.d2cs: port" represents the IP address of your D2CS server and the listening break, such as "" or "" D2CS server default listening port is 6113 2). D2CS .conf set "BNETDADDR" item as the IP address and port of the BNETD server, the format is REALM.LIST, such as: BNETDADDR = "" BNETDDR = "" BNETD server's default listening port is 6112 GAMSERVLIST "The project is a list of IP addresses for your game server, and the game server is running in D2GS. Such as: GameServlist =, 3). D2dbs.conf Set the "GameServlist" item for your gaming server's IP address list, "Gameservlist" in d2cs.conf. D2GS: D2GS related configuration is stored in Under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / D2SERVER / D2GS] of the registry, most of the settings can be used with the default. Here I only list those must be set before running.

1). "D2CSIP" = "" Modify this value for your D2CS server IP address 2). "D2dbsip" = "" Modify this value for your D2DBS server IP address V. Run BNETD, D2CS And D2DBS: 1. * NIX system runs the following programs: / Home / Game / Server / BNETD / SBIN / D2DBS / HOME / GAME / Server / BNETD / SBIN / BNETD / HOME / GAME / Server / BNETD / SBIN / D2CS running The order in front and rear can be casual. All of these programs will be started in accordance with the background of the background by default. 2. Win32 system runs C: /BNetWserver/bnetw.exe, then runs D2CS and D2DBS from its menu file-> New. D2GS: 1) .WIN2K / NT / XP Start the D2GS service from system service control or run "Net Start D2GS" directly from the command line "NET START D2GS" 2). Win9X / ME runs C: /D2GS/d2gs.exe vi. Management BNETD , D2CS and D2DBS: 1. * NIX system "KILLALL BNETD D2CS D2DBS" to stop the server's run 2. Win32 system Close the BNETW window, please check the relevant documents accompanying the BNETD package. D2GS: Stop operation: 1) .win2k / NT / XP Stop D2GS service from system service control or runs "Net STOP D2GS" directly from the command line "NET STOP D2GS" 2). Win9X / ME Turn off the D2GS Console Window D2GS Management Console: Run Telnet8888 to connect to the administrator console, default

The initial password is "ABCD123"

Other configurations, please check the readme.txt with the D2GS package.

It seems that Beta7's D2GS software is going to use the BNETD *** Beta2 under Linux ??? I am not too


The download address of these two software

HOWTO Install and rain the d2gs under linux with Wine

Introduction: If you want to install a dark closure Linux PVPGN server, you need to install Diablo Gameserver package. The biggest problem with D2GS is that there is no -nix port, so it can only run in Win32. This allows you to need another server that has installed some Windows. but. . . A competitor with a Windows called Wine. Use this program you can run the D2GS under Linux on your dedicated Linux machine! This is not a perfect solution, but you can save some of the performance of the Windows system.

Configuration requirements: What you need is 1 Linux machine, there is a TCP connection (preferably debian!) It can also be your Gateway machine, but to note that D2GS needs to take much memory and CPU! I recommend running D2GS machine at least 64M memory, CPU 300MHz. It is not possible below 64M memory. 500MHz CPU 128M memory should be able to open some games. I use 500MHz 64M memory, run PVPGN D2GS, have no problem. . . You need a working X-Server! No x, D2GS can't run! You can try to use VNC or other programs to output on a Windows computer, but I have no experience in this. . . Diablo II LOD The latest Patch is also required!

Installing Wine: First, you should install Wine: On the Debian machine: # APT-GET Install Wine from uploads the latest Wine's TGZ or RPM file. Unlock this package, then press the following command: TAR XFVZ Wine-20021007.Tar.gzcd Wine-20021007./configuremake make install configuration Wine: Everyone has its own Wine configuration, it should be in /yourhomedir/.wine/ Next (Note: YourHomedir means the root directory?) If this directory or file does not exist, it is not urgent. Create a directory, copy the configuration file from ./wine-20021007/documentation/samples. Now create a directory in your system root: # MKDIR / C

Create a directory called Windows, create a directory named System under Windows. This will be your "fake windows". # MKDIR / C / Windows # MKDIR / C / Windows / SYSTEM

Run $ Wine -V. If your Wine work, it will display the version number of Wine. If you don't work, then where you have something wrong. Download this file, copy to /yourhomedir/.wine/. (If you have a Wine Registry (System.Reg), don't use my to override it) this is your "fake" Windows registry.

Install D2GS: There is a "clean" D2 LOD1.09. Install it on a Windows machine, then copy all .mpq and .dll files to your Linux machine's Keleon Br /> decompressed D2GS to you copy Diablo Files. Open /youhomedir/.wine/system.reg. Modify D2CSIP and D2BDSIP to make them conform to your configuration. (For example, enter your IP)

Run D2GS: Run D2CS and D2DBS on the PVPGN server before you run D2GS.exe, and make sure they configure it correctly. Run d2gs.exe: $ Wine D2gs.exe & Hope does not appear without "Wine Debugger" or other ****. Confirm that you have read Access on the D2GS directory and your X-Server is running! Wait for a while, it will be connected to D2CS and D2DBS after one minute. Then enter "ps -a" to see whether WINE runs more than 1 process. It takes 10 processs on my machine. Now try to connect to the "D2GS Administration" console with Telnet, the port is 8888 $ telnet localhost 8888 like the following text appears: Diablo II Close Game Server Administration Consolewin32 Version 1.09 Beta6, Build on Jan 7 2002 10:30:42

If there is no such response, the D2GS has not worked. Check the log files under your D2GS directory (D2GS.Log, D2GE.LOG, D2GSSVC.LOG, D2BLAHBLAH.TXT). Administrator's login password is ABCD123, you can use the console command to modify the password.

The most important thing is to connect to D2Cs and connect to D2DBS.


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