Microsoft .cn news groups and mvps

zhaozj2021-02-16  61

.cn newsgroups

MEY OF You Will 'Hate' ME After You Read this Post. Well, I Think I Have To Right To Voice Out My Concern and Feeling About .cn NewsGroups. IF I'm Not Wrong, .cn Groups Started Way Back August 2002. IT's 2004 March Now. So it's been a while. As happy as I was background................. ..

I've been busy .. well! Whon is not busy in this world, right?

but I still manage to have little to time for newsgroups these recent months ... overall grade:. FAIL I still remember back then, we have many 'good' ppl or those err so called 'mvp' Not sure if they still!. Awarded by now ... you name it get it. we have ppl answers Post 24 * 7 ... WHERE R Those PPL NOW? Don't get Personal with this blog. I'm Just Expressing My Feeling About The China Communities - especially in nntp newsgroups. The rest like 9cbs and etc, I have no idea. Coz I don't hang out there? I'm Sure if you are not what i said, you shop be happy That i Bring Out this Topic And not you.

Many mvp 'disappear' after they got rewarded well, mission accomplished! So why stay! Well. Maybe you move on with life and have been busy .. so you 'fall out' from the group. Understandable! But from my observation for 2 DAMN YEARS. I think 'WE' Are Not! We Just ... or shop i say - you guys .. Just Run Away .... I'm Sure MS Have Lot of Statistic Recording User Posting .. Still Remember The Old 'TOP 10' Posting in MS / Community Site .... there. I see user's posting just for the sake of getting higher position ... The 'Point' System Also Encouraging Junk Post ...

I'VE BEEN IN Both English and Chinese Groups for Year. Look at English Group! Look at Those MVP and User ... and look at .cn groups .. put it in a bad woman - Heaven and hell sorry, grace! This Is Not Your Part .. You Did Well. It's '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' over......................................................................................................................................................................... Even 24 * 7 if you ask me. Well. for what u ask me? Well .. Err First Community Star! Then MVP ..... Missing .. The New PPL COME IN .. Then Cycle Repeat Again ... .. and again.

if you go to netscan @ microsoft research site .. look at the .cn traffic! increase tremendous everyday! and look at the content .. 80% crap! well, as forum admin I felt helpless as well. coz no point keep on deleting ... IT Just Too Many. and for Those New Batch of PPL, They Will Just Answer The Post Even It's Already Answeed!

For example:

a) i Have See Active Poster Answering The Same Question over and over again.

b) Some User Just Simply Say 'Reinstall The Product Or OS'

c) Some Even Give Wrong Answer! Believe Me if you like me .. Reading News Everyday, You Will Get Sk Soon.

Say Now - IIS 500 Err. An User Reply - Your Machine Problem ... Format IT '

DAMN! and what the hell is this!

If you don't know the answer .. Just shutted! and read and lifen

d) Active Poster Always Repeat The Answer. if it's answer .. Just Shut Up! and Wait of op to reply the thread.

i Have Seen 1 Simple Question with 10 Same Anwsers !!! why do this? err. for point and mvp or whatver ..

e) JUNK / FLAME POST! EVERYONE GET Excited and Keep On Posting CRAP ...

f) MultiPost / Crosspost! .cn groups Has The Most Crosspost Message That I Ever Seen in MS News Server. and The Best Part of It !!!!! and most question bere so lame or non corrected At all. And i Have Seen So Many Personal Attacks. It is so shame if you ask me How I feel it.well, this post is not there Organize in a way .. Coz I'm Just Letting it all out. initialy. INITIALY i have subscribe to all .cn groups .. but because of all these crap .. I think I have err 6 or 7 now. And some active posters are so full of themselves, I felt that it just not right. You participate in newsgroups Because you want to leaveledge. of coz at The Same Time if you can pickup nice award .. why not! but beble! be nice .. be like a professional! or shop i said be an adult!

Arrrghhhhhh .. What else? When you are not cam .. You Tend to forget What You Wanted to Say .. So Anyway, I think .cn newsgroups Has it position now .. And Many Users Are Aware of It. We Should Deal with The 'Quality' Now! Before WE Are Known! WE LOOK for 'Quantity' .. after That We Should Look Atho Well We Have Done It .. I Would Like To Suggest Drop The Point And Rating System .... What's the the Point! There's no point of haVing points if every user is Posting Crap Just to get the point!

AND THEN ... do a internal clean up and kill those ghost 'mvp' ...

You Can Hate Me As Much As You May Like. I'm Just Doing My Part Here, That's How We Shape Our Future for a better Tomorrow.


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