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When developing a similar interpreter or an application such as an application or other type of application, you need to dynamically create control (objects), and also add the appropriate event handler for these controls, and will be introduced in C Builder. How to implement a basic implementation framework.
Dynamically create a general process of control:
TButton * btn = new tbutton (this);
BTN-> CAPTION = "Button1";
BTN-> Parent = this;
BTN-> show ();
Below the example of a dynamically generated menu to practice how to dynamically create controls and process the add event processing.
Write a function to insert menu items from an existing menu object:
Void __fastcall tform1 :: addContextMenuItem (TPopupmenu * Pmenu,
PMENU: Exes already existing TPopupMenu object pointer
CAPTION: Title of the menu item
Tag: Tag value for menu items, used to identify different TMENUITEM objects
NotifyEvent: Event handler of this menu item
Function implementation:
TMenuItem * mnuitem = new tmenuitem (PMENU); // CREATE New Item
Pmenu-> items-> add (mnuitem); // add it to pmenu
Mnuitem-> Name = "cm_" INTOSTR (TAG);
Mnuitem-> Caption = CAPTION;
Mnuitem-> ImageIndex = imgindex;
Mnuitem-> tag = tag;
Mnuitem-> onclick = notifyevent; // Assign IT An Event Handler
Then write the function CreateContextMenu () called AddContextMenuItem (...), defined as follows:
Void __fastcall tform1 :: CreateContextMenu (void)
FcontextMenu = New TPopupMenu (this);
FcontextMenu-> AutohotKeys = Mamanual
FcontextMenu-> ONPOPUP = UpdateContextMenuItem
AddContextMenuItem (FcontextMenu, "Menu Item 1", FTAGINC , MenuItemClick;
AddContextMenuItem (FcontextMenu, "Menu Item 2", FTAGINC , MenuItemClick;
AddContextMenuItem (FcontextMenu, "-", ftaginc , nullnotifyevent;
AddContextMenuItem (FcontextMenu, "Menu Item 3", FTAGINC , MenuItemClick;
FcontextMenu is a member variable of TFORM1. UpdateContextMenuItem () is an update menu item in the Popup event for FcontextMenu. MenuItemClick and NullNotifyEvent are all member functions in TForm1, which is the event handler of the controlled control, format:
Void __fastcall tform1 :: menuItemClick (Tobject * Sender)
Void __fastcall tform1 :: nullnotifyeverEvent (TOBJECT * SENDER)
The above is my own experience, I hope to continue to communicate with the university experience.