Windows data types explore - thousands of times to do you? (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  43


INTINT * INT → INT32 bit is integer int_ptrint (_w64 int → int_ptr, _w64 is __w64, is a keyword set to solve the compatibility of the 32-bit compiler with the compatibility of the 64-bit compiler is used for pointers calculating INT32signed int * signed int → INT3232 bit signed integer INT64signed __int648signed __int64 → INT6464 bit signed integer LANGIDunsigned short2unsigned short → WORD → LANGID language identifier LCIDunsigned long4unsigned long → DWORD → LCIDLocale identifier.LCTYPEunsigned long4unsigned long → DWORD → LCTYPELocale information type. LONGlong4long → LONG32 bit signed integer LONG_PTRlong4_W64 long → LONG_PTR for pointer arithmetic LONG32signed int * signed int → LONG3232 bit signed integer LONG64__int648__int64 → LONG6464 bit signed integer LONGLONG__int648__int64 → LONGLONG64 bit signed integer parameter LPBOOLint LPARAMlong4_W64 long → LONG_PTR → LPARAM message * int → BOOL, BOOL far * → LPBOOLBOOL pointer of type LPBYTEunsigned char * unsigned char → BYTE, BYTE far * → LPBYTEBYTE pointer of type LPCOLORREFunsigned long * unsigned long → WORD, pointer LPCRITICAL_SECTIONRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION a structure pointer RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION DWORD * → LPCOLORREF color value * Prtl_critical_section →, prtl_critical_section → lpcritical_sectioncritical_section pointer LPCSTR static char * char → char, const char * → lpcstr Static 8-bit Windows Character (ANS) I) in the end of the string pointer LPCTSTR static wchar_t * wchar_t → WCHAR, CONST WCHAR * → LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR → LPCTSTR if UNICODE defined, compared LPCWSTR, otherwise static pointer LPCTSTRLPCVOID static void * CONST void far * → LPCVOID any type of LPCWSTR static wchar_t * wchar_t → WCHAR, CONST WCHAR * → LPCWSTR static 16-bit Windows character (Unicode) string no end pointer LPDWORDunsigned long * unsigned long → DWORD, DWORD far * → LPDWORDDWORD pointer pointers pointing LPHANDLE handle void * → hANDLE, HANDLE FAR * → LPHANDLEHANDLE pointer LPINTint * int far * → LPINTINT pointer LPLONGlong * long far * → LPLONGLONG pointer LPSTRchar * char → cHAR, cHAR * → LPSTR8 character bit Windows (ANSI) no end of string pointer LPTSTRwchar_t * wchar_t WCHAR Wchar * → LPWSTR,

LPWSTR → LPTSTRAn LPWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPSTR otherwise.LPVOIDvoid * void far * → LPVOID any type of pointer LPWORDunsigned short * unsigned short → WORD, WORD far * → LPWORDWORD pointer LPWSTRwchar_t * wchar_t → WCHAR, WCHAR * → LPWSTR16 bit Windows character (ANSI) no termination character pointer LRESULTlong4_W64 long → LONG_PTR → LRESULT signed message processing result LUIDLUID structure local unique identifier PBOOLint * int → BOOL, BOOL near * → PBOOLBOOL pointer PBOOLEANunsigned char * unsigned char → BYTE → BOOLEAN , BOOLEAN * → PBOOLEANBOOL pointer PBYTEunsigned char * unsigned char → BYTE, BYTE near * → PBYTEBYTE pointer PCHARchar * char → cHAR, cHAR * → PCHARCHAR pointer PCRITICAL_SECTIONRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION structure pointer RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * → PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION, PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION → PCRITICAL_SECTIONCRITICAL_SECTION pointer PCSTR static Char * char → char, const char * → PCSTR Static 8-bit Windows Character (ANSI) No end string pointer PCTSTR static WCHAR_T * WCHAR_T → Wchar, const wchar * → LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR → PCTSTR If Unicode is defined, it is PCWSTR, otherwise as PCSTRPCWCH static wchar_t * wchar_t → WCHAR, CONST WCHAR * → PCWCHWCHAR static pointer PCWSTR static wchar_t * wchar_t → WCHAR, CONST WCHAR * → PCWSTR static 16-bit Windows character (Unicode) string pointer PDWORDunsigned no end long * unsigned long → DWORD, DWORD near * → PDWORDDWORD pointer PFLOATfloat * float → FLOAT, FLOAT * → PFLOATFLOAT pointer PHANDLE pointer handle void * → HANDLE, HANDLE * → PHANDLEHANDLE pointer PHKEY point HKEY pointer HKEY__ * → HKEY * → PHKEYHKEY pointer PINTint * int near * → pointer PLUIDLUID structure PINTINT pointer PLCIDunsigned long * unsigned long → DWORD, DWORD near * → PDWORD → PLCIDLCID pointer PLONGlong * long → LONG, LONG * → PLONGLONG pointer LUID * → Pluidluid's pointer is next table


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