Input Method Editor (IME) programming (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  73

If you have a translated place, please refer to you, I am always changed :)


The "IME" window class is a predefined system global class that defines the appearance and behavior of the standard IME windows. The class is similar to common control classes in that you create a window of this class by using the CreateWindowEx function. Like static controls , an IME window does not respond to user input by itself. Instead, it notifies the IME of user input actions and processes control messages sent to it by the IME or applications to carry out a response to the user action.

IME-aware applications sometimes create their own IME windows using the IME class. This allows the application to take advantage of the default processing of the IME window while having control of the positioning of the window.

The "IME" window is a predefined system global class, which defines the appearance and behavior of the standard IME window. This class is very similar to the ordinary control when using the CreateWindowEx function to generate a window. Like a static control, IME window classes do not respond to users' input. Instead, it notifies the IME of the user's input operation and processes the control message sent by the IME or application in response to user behavior.

IME-sensing types of applications sometimes apply IME class to create their own IME window. This allows the application to utilize the default data processing of the IME window when the program contains a window positioning control.

IME Messages

The system sends IME window messages to the window procedure of the application when certain events occur that affect the IME windows. For example, the system sends the WM_IME_SETCONTEXT message to the application when a window is activated. IME-unaware application pass these messages to the DEFWINDOWPROC FUNCTION which Sends the The Corresponding Default IME WINDOW. IME-Aware Applications Either Process these Messages Or Forward The To Their OWN IME Windows.

You can direct an IME window to carry out a command, such as change the position of composition window, by using the WM_IME_CONTROL message. The IME notifies the application about changes to the composition string by using the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message and about general changes to the status The system will send an IME window message to the application when some events that affect the IME window occurs, the system will send an IME window message to the application's window. For example: When the (Application) window is activated, the system will send a WM_IME_SETCONTEXT message to the application. IME-free applications are passed to the DEFWINDOWPROC function, and the function will send them to the corresponding IME window. IME perceived applications also pass these messages or passing them to their IME windows.

You can directly control the IME window to execute the command, such as using the WM_IME_Control message to change the location of the alphanumeric window (Composition Window, see above). IME uses a WM_IME_COMPSITION message to notify the application for changes in the alphanumeric string, or use a WM_IME_NOTIFY message to notify the regular change of the IME window status.

Input context

An input context is an internal structure, maintained by the IME, that contains information about the status of the IME and is used by IME windows. By default, the system creates and assigns an input context to each thread. Within the thread, this default INPUT Context Is A Shared Resource and is associated with each newly created window.

Input Context is a built-in structure, maintained by IME, which contains information about IME status using the IME window. By default, the system creates and specifies an input context for each thread. In the thread, this default input context is a shared resource and will be associated with each new window.

To retrieve or set information in the IME, an application must first retrieve a handle to the input context associated with a specified window. You retrieve the handle by using the ImmGetContext function. You can use the retrieved handle in subsequent calls to the input method manager functions to retrieve and set IME values, such as the composition window style, the composition style, and the status window position. Once you have finished using the context, you must release it using the ImmReleaseContext function. to retrieve or set information in the IME The application must first get a handle of the input context associated with the specified window. You can get this handle through the ImmgetContext function. In the subsequent input method management function call, you can use this handle to retrieve and set the value of the IME, such as the style of the alphanumeric window, the origin style of the letter, and the location of the status window. Once you have completed the use of the context, you must use the ImmreleaseContext function to release it.

Because the default input context is a shared resource, any changes you make to it apply to all windows in the thread. However, you can override this default behavior by creating and associating your own input context to one or more windows of the thread. The Changes you make to your ing ing..............

Because the default input context is a shared resource, you will be applied to all windows in the thread. However, you can rewrite the default behavior by generating and associating your own input context for one or more windows in the thread. (However, you can also rewrite the default behavior, and the method is to generate one or more windows in the thread and associate yourself into the context.) You will only apply only to your related window. .

You can create an input context by using the ImmCreateContext function. To assign the context to a window, call the ImmAssociateContext function. This function returns a handle to the previously associated input context. If you have not associated an input context with the window before, the returned handle is for the default input context. Typically, you save this handle and later reassociate it with the window when you no longer want to use your own input context.Once an input context is associated with a window, the system automatically selects that context when the window is activated and receives the input focus. The style and other information in the input context affects subsequent keyboard input for that window, determining whether and how the IME operates.

You must destroy any input context you create before terminating your application. First, you must remove the input context from any association it has with windows in the thread by using the ImmAssociateContext function. Then, call the ImmDestroyContext function.

You can create an input context with the immcreatecontext function. To assign an input context to a window, you need to call the ImmaSosciateContext function. This function will return a handle, which is the handle of the input context associated with the window. If no input context is associated with some windows, the function will be the script of the return will be the default input context (handle). Usually, you need to save this handle (default handle), when you don't want to use your own input context, reassociate it with the window.

After an input context is associated with a window, the system will automatically select that context when the window is activated and when the input focus is accepted. Enter the format in the context and other information affect this window subsequent keyboard input - determine if the IME is and how to operate.

Before ending the application, you must destroy all your created input context. First, you must use the ImmaSosciateContext function to remove the input context from all the associated windows in the thread. Then, call the ImmdestroyContext function.


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