Administrator Wizard of Avalon Phoenix Document

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

Administrator Wizard


Avalon is a server framework (which provides or serves central administration, service pool, timely market market. The framework defines a set of standard methods for your service components and creation application servers.

Target population

This document will explain the core of managing Avalon Phenix as an administrator's perspective.

Start and stop

Application script

You can start Phoenix:> bin / run. [Bat | sh] with the following command:> bin / run.

In the Windows environment, do not include NT, you need to set the phoenix_home environment variable first. In the UNIX environment, you can stop Phoenix:> Stop with scripts:> stop scripts Receive the following command: Start, Stop, Run, Restart, Check.

In Windows, pressing Control-C will completely close Phoenix.

Use Java Service Wrapper

Another start / close PHOENIX selection is to build a new Phoenix using Java Service Wrapper.

The main benefit of using Java Service Wrapper is to make Phoenix as a NT service. It can detect if the JVM is frozen or collapsed and restart the application immediately.

To build Phoenix with Java Service Wrapper, download and check its latest version. Then, create or edit in the root of the source program, as follows:

# $ {base.path} points to the root of the


Source Tree

Wrapper.home = $ {base.path} / wrapper_linux_


Wrapper.jar = $ {wrapper.home} /lib/wrapper.jar

# If you're using linux / solaris:

Wrapper.exe = $ {wrapper.home} / bin / wrapper

Wrapper.dll = $ {wrapper.home} /lib/

# If you're using windows:

Wrapper.exe = $ {wrapper.home} /bin/wrapper.exe

Wrapper.dll = $ {wrapper.home} /lib/wrapper.dll

Then like a general engineering.

If you want to use the instruction, move the bin directory of the current path, then type:> wrapper

Wrapper's profile is usually named conf / wrapper.conf.


JMX overview

Phoenix is ​​closely integrated with JMX (Java Management Extensions). Please see JMX information

How to make your block become a MBean

In fact, this is simple. Suppose you want to expose interfaces from WebServer Block, WebServer Block has a description in the Block configuration person. You only need to do two things.

First, create an MBEAN interface, as follows:

Package examplecomp.block;

Public interface webservembean {

Void Mountwar (String ContextName, URL Pathtowar);

Void unmountwar;


Note that the interface of the MBean and the interface of WebServer are the same. This is like this in most cases.

Write WebServerBlock now WEBSERVERMBEAN

Package examplecomp.block;

/ **

* Todo: Describe phoenixxdoclet setup. * @Phoenix: mx name = "eXampleComp.block.webservermbean"

* /

Public Class WebserveBlock

Extends AbstractLogGable

Implements Webserver, Webservermbean, Startable, Configurable, Initializable {

// ...


Use HTTP Adapter

The MX4J HTTP adapter allows you to use any browser to access the running phoenix server.

Use RMI adapter

If you want to write an agent to manage the Phoenix program, you can use the MX4J RMI adapter. This section mainly repeats the available information in the MX4J document. Phoenix uses a JRMP RMI adapter.

Make sure the MX4J RMI adapter is valid in Kernal.xml.

Class = "org.apache.avalon.phoenix.components.manager.mx4jsystemmanager"

Logger = "manager">


[other enabled adaptors]

Set MX4J-JMX.jar, MX4J-Tools.jar, and JINI.PROPERTIES path in your classpath, assume that you want to close Phoenix. Create the following class:

Import mx4j.connector.rmi.jrmp.jrmpConnector;

Import mx4j.connector.remotembeanserver;


Public class jrmpshutdown {

Public static void main (string [] args) Throws Exception



JRMPConnector Connector = New JRMPCONNECTOR ();

// Pass in the adaptor's jndi name, no property

String Jndiname = "JRMP";

Connector.Connect (JNDINAME, NULL);

// Get The Remote MBeanserver from the Connector

// and use it as if it is an MBeanServer

RemoteMbeanServer Server = connector.getremotembeanserver ();

Objectname objName = new objectname ("


: Component = Embeddor, Topic = Embeddor ");

Server.invoke (ObjName, "Shutdown", New Object [0], New String [0]);



Compile and run - very fast! The server stopped.

solve questions

PHOENIX has not been reported to any error message after PHOENIX startup.

Make sure there is a SAR file in the App folder. If you don't have any services running Phoenix will quickly exit. In fact, you can stop Phoenix services through JMX without configuring any applications (although this way is very strange). David W. Written


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