.NET development platform research (3)

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

Visual C , this existing programming language for writing low-level code and Windows programs, will continue to exist, but it will be modified to support .NET development platform.

In particular, Visual C will get new keywords and data types (called Managed Extensions to Visual C ), which makes programmers to create controlled code. However, these extensions are optional; the Visual C version of .NET Framework is fully compatible with its predecessor: Visual C 6.0, developers can write unconnectable code.

This makes C have a unique location in the .NET field. All other Microsoft languages ​​require full conversion to the .NET development platform - For example, you cannot use VB.NET to create a VB style component running on old VB Runtime, or you can't compile a C # application as a unit. Intel Directive. However, Visual C still has this machine compiler. Combined with the CLR to connect new controlled codes with an existing unconnectable code, these means that C developers can continue to use the exact same language and environment with them in the past.

Even with Managed Extensions, write control code using Visual C is still more difficult, and it is easy to errors. Due to the difference between .NET development platform data type and C , this means that developers first use Visual C , just as used In other words, the unconnectable code such as a low-level device driver is written, and then uses Managed Extensions to make these code to cooperate with some other source control, or with them.


JScript.net is Microsoft's JavaScript (or ECMA Script) script description language update, which is different from Java and Visual J # (see below). Compared to VB.NET's breakthroughs for VB, JScript.net has less fundamental breakthroughs in the current JScript language (usually used for client browser script descriptions) because JScript has supported similar to the CLR. Data types and features. Despite this, JScript.net is not all backward compatible, Microsoft has not announced any plan to support the source of the source code to update the language.

JScript is very attractive for Web developers who use JScript now using JScript and want to use their existing knowledge to play CLR and class library advantages.

Visual C #

To create a control code using Visual C , Microsoft has created a similar language called Visual C #, specifically to write controllable code.

C # is Microsoft's only one of the designs to the CLR, Microsoft itself has used C # to create controlled code such as subsystems such as class libraries and ASP.NETs. In fact, although supporting a variety of languages ​​is the main design objectives of the CLR, it may be considered that C # and CLR are effectively designed together, and each design will affect the other. Is this meant that all programmers should use C #? of course not.

Although C # is simpler than C , it is still deeply rooted in the "C" language family. This means it inherits the characteristics of the language like VB. For example, C # language is sensitive, while VB is case sensitive. C # requires developers to clearly convert data types, while VB performs some default conversions. C # includes support for unconnectable code that can access the underlying .NET development platform infrastructure, for example, C # developers can use the pointer type instruction to access the buffer and check the buffer. Microsoft decided not to use these capabilities in VB.NET, because this will make the VB language more complicated, but only for fewer advanced VB programmers beneficial.

Briefly, C # is more attractive to programmers working with Visual C or Java, for the development of the advanced VB programmers, and they need a easy learning language using the CLR and class libraries, C # is also attractive.

Visual J # .NET

This is a new language that provides programmers with a way to develop environmental migration from an existing Visual J Java environment.

Visual J # .NET is an external attachment of Visual Studio, making programmers to write applications using Java syntax, but the final application uses .NET Framework class library and CLR instead of Sun's Java 2 API and Java Visual Machine. JVM) (Java virtual machine). Visual J # .NET also provides tools to import and convert J applications, programs can then run in CLR, and access J libraries (such as Windows Foundation Classes) through CLR and COM synergistic workability. . Visual J # .NET does not use any Sun Java technology, so you cannot easily port to Sun compatible with Java.

For those who have worked with Visual J , and familiar with Java syntax, but do not want to switch to programmers for .NET development platform, Visual J # .net is very attractive.

Visual J # .NET is an independent development plan other than Visual Studio.Net, the latest version is a beta version, which is not compatible with the final version of Visual Studio .NET.

Visual Studio .NET

In February 2002, Microsoft released the final version of Visual Studio.NET (VS.NET), which is a software development toolset that Microsoft's highly recommended creation .NET application. VS.NET first allows developers to carefully understand Microsoft's revolutionary changes, and also solve many problems with many past developers to create applications using Microsoft tools.

With the improvement of Visual Studio.NET in debugging, and it is closely integrated into a single environment in a single environment, VS.NET will greatly affect the development of web applications.

Previously, developers could only embed VB Script or JScript in the web page. Now, the web page can be generated in any language in VS.NET. IDE also provides a drag and drop GUI that creates a web page from a web form control. It is fully dynamic, easy to encode, automatically handles status issues, generates pure HTML according to browser compatibility, and user interface issues and encoding problems Phase separation.

Simply dragging an external Web Services to the design page, connect it to the project. Creating Web Services simply add tag properties to your code. Enhanced HTML and script editors can be used. For many web creators, this is a side of the land.

In addition, Visual Studio.NET also provides fully integrated data processing, especially XML and database integration, combined with data sources, greatly simplifies joint data from different types of data sources (for example, from a Oracle database) Employee data is merged into the process of XML-based sales grades).

Previously, the code that supports some controls is hidden, and the developer is hard to find and modify. Now, all controls issued, including formatting code, which can be displayed so that advanced developers can modify the default behaviors of forms and controls, and give them more compact controls on the appearance of the application. (In order to retain most VB user experience, VS.NET IDE uses the outline function to hide the code until the developer wants to browse it.)

Experience rules for .NET language

· What are the skills of current programmers, and how easy employees hire new programmers?

· The organization is being developed is the basic component that is used for a single end user application or reused by other programmers in different situations?

· The application needs to write a new code from the head, or may it only need to modify and rewrite existing code?

· Can you use a third party (non-windows) language and tool?

The following empirical rules can help developers choose .NET development platform language:

· Most VB procedures continue to use VB (VB .NET) may benefit a lot.

· For those VB developers who have been familiar with VB, you need to pay attention to C # as another tool.

· Developers who have been familiar with Java or J will find C # most suitable for them.

· C developers who are rewriting existing local code to .NET code should use Managed Extensions to C . Those C developers who continue to develop native applications should continue to use existing C languages.

• C developers who are developing new applications and code bases need to make a selection in C # and Managed Extensions to C . In most cases, these developers will find that the benefits of using C # are very conforming to the learning curve.

· I am very interested in the script description web page, and use JScript to complete this work, you should turn to JScript.net.

· Developers who use J and like Java grammar should consider J #.


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