Graphic rotation

zhaozj2021-02-16  46

'Add two Picturebox controls on the form, five Option controls on the frame frame, a button

Option ExplicitConst Pi = 3.1416Dim JiaoDu As DoubleFunction b (i) Dim x As Integer, y As IntegerDim X1 As Integer, Y1 As IntegerDim X2 As Double, Y2 As DoubleDim X3 As Double, Y3 As DoubleJiaoDu = Option1 (i) .Caption

Picture2.visible = truePicture2.cls

DIM Hudu as double hudu = jiaodu * pi / 180

Picture1.scalemode = VBPixels Picture2.scalemode = vbpixelsfor x = 0 to Picture2.scaleWidth

X1 = x - Picture2.scaleWidth / 2for Y = 0 to Picture2.scaleHeight Y1 = Y - Picture2.ScaleHeight / 2 x2 = x1 * cos (-hudu) Y1 * sin (-hudu) Y2 = Y1 * Cos (-HUDU ) - x1 * sin (-hudu) x3 = x2 picture1.scalewidth / 2 y3 = Y2 Picture1.scaleHeight / 2 if x3> 0 and x3 0 and y3

Private sub fascist1_click () DIM I as singleif option1 (0) .value = true kil (0) elseif option1 (1) .value = true kil (1) Elseif Option 1 (2) .Value = true kil (2) elseif option1 (3) .value = true kil (3) else shape1.visible = true picture2.clsend if End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load () Picture2.Visible = truePicture1.visible = FALSE

Shape1.visible = trueend sub

Private sub frame1_click () Click Frame Recovery Shape1.Visible = true Picture2.clsend Sub


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