Rectangular body sampling problem

zhaozj2021-02-16  83

// TypeSet.cpp: Implementation of the ctypeset class./////

#include "stdafx.h" #include "../inc/typeset.h"// Usage example void testtypeset (HDC DC) {// declare a plate object ctypeset typeset; // set the sheet object size TypeSet.m_desktop.m_dheight = 9999; TypeSet.m_desktop.m_dwidth = 100; // Declare a row element object cMaterial massial; // Set the size of the sample element object size Material.setsize (20, 99); // Add Enter the sheet object TypeSet.Add (& Material) ); // Continue to add Material.SetSize (99, 80); typeSet.Add (& Material); Material.Setsize (10, 60); typeSet.Add (& Material); Material.Setsize (50, 20); typeSet.Add (& matial); // Added, make a sampling typeSet.go (); // Drainage, output list :: iterator it; // draw plate object :: Rectangle (DC, TypeSet.m_desktop. m_dX, typeset.m_Desktop.m_dY, typeset.m_Desktop.m_dX typeset.m_Desktop.m_dWidth, typeset.m_Desktop.m_dY typeset.m_Desktop.m_dHeight); // Videos nesting element objects for (iter = typeset.m_MaterialList.begin ( ); it! = typeSet.m_materialialList.end (); it ) {:: Rectangle (DC, (* ip) -> m_dx, (* ip) -> m_dy, (* iter) -> m_dx (* iter) - > m_dwidth, (* iter) -> m_dy (* ip) -> m_dheight);}} //// cMaTerial class //

//// construction / destruction // # Define ZERO 0.00001

CMaterial :: CMaterial () {m_dHeight = 100; m_dWidth = 100; m_dX = 0; m_dY = 0; m_bUsed = FALSE; m_bSeletcted = FALSE; m_bRotated = FALSE; m_iIndex = 0;} CMaterial :: CMaterial (double dWidth, double dHeight ) {SetSize (dWidth, dHeight); m_dX = 0; m_dY = 0; m_bUsed = FALSE; m_bSeletcted = FALSE; m_bRotated = FALSE; m_iIndex = 0;} CMaterial :: CMaterial (CMaterial * pMaterial) {m_dX = pMaterial-> m_dX ; m_dY = pMaterial-> m_dY; m_dHeight = pMaterial-> m_dHeight; m_dWidth = pMaterial-> m_dWidth; m_bUsed = pMaterial-> m_bUsed; m_bSeletcted = pMaterial-> m_bSeletcted; m_bRotated = pMaterial-> m_bRotated; m_iIndex = pMaterial-> m_iIndex; } void CMaterial :: SetSize (double dWidth, double dHeight) {m_dHeight = dHeight; m_dWidth = dWidth;!} void CMaterial :: Rotated () {m_bRotated = m_bRotated; double dA = m_dHeight; m_dHeight = m_dWidth; m_dWidth = dA;} CMATERIAL: :: ~ cmaterial () {} //// Construction / destruction ////

Ctypeset :: ctypeset () {clear ();

CTypeset :: ~ ctypeset () {clear ();

Void ctypeset :: clear () {list :: item; for (iter = m_materialialList.begin (); it! = m_materialialList.end (); iter ) {delete (* ip);} m_materialList.clear (); M_ICURINDEX = 0;}

Void ctypeset :: add (cMaTerial * pmaterial) {cMaterial * p = new cMaterial (pMaterial); p-> m_iindex = m_ICURINDEX; M_MATERIALLIST.INSERT (m_materialial means (), p); m_ICURINDEX ;}

Void ctypeset :: sort () {list matialList; list :: item3; bool bsourceinvert = false; while (! m_materialialList.empty ()) {double dmaxlen = 0; iTer2 = m_materialList.begin (); cMaTerial * p = null; iter1 = m_materialialList.end () -; i3 = t2; while (item2! = i1) {if (* iter2) -> m_dwidth> dmaxlen) {P = * iTer2; t3 = iter2; dmaxlen = (* iter2) -> m_dwidth; bsourceinvert = false;} if ((* iter2) -> m_dheight> dmaxlen) {p = * ore2; item3 = ore2; dmaxlen = (* iTer2) -> m_dheight; bsourceinvert = true;} iTer2 ;} if (p! = null) {if (bsourceinvert) P-> Rotated (); materialList.Insert (MATERIALLIST.ERASE (ITER3) }}} M_materialList.clear (); for (iter1 = matialList.begin (); iter1! = MatialList.end (); item1 ) {m_materialialList.insert (MATERIALLIST.END (), (* iter1));} MaterialList. Clear ();} double ctypeset :: go () {double DRET = 0; list list; list :: item; sort (); typeset (m_desktop.m_dx, m_de Sktop.m_dy, m_desktop.m_dwidth, m_desktop.m_dheight, & list); m_materialList.clear (); for (iter = list.begin (); ore! = list.egin (); iter ) {ix ((* iTER) - > m_dx m_dy;} (* iter) -> m_bused = false; (* iter) -> m_bseletcted = false; m_materialial means.insert (m_materialial means.end (), (* iter ));} List.clear (); return Dret;}

double CTypeset :: Typeset (double dStartX, double dStartY, double dStartHei, double dStartWid, list * pList) {CMaterial * tmpunit = NULL; list :: iterator iter, iter1; double dArea1, dArea2, DAREA; // Raw Sampling Area, and Sproduct Area Double DRESTAREA1, DRESTAREA2; // Remaining Area List List1, List2; Double DHEIGHT, DWIDTH; DHEIGHT = DSTARTWID; DHEIGHT = DSTARTWID;

IF (m_materialList.empty ()) Return 0; for (iter = m_materialialList.begin (); it! = m_materialialList.end (); ore ) {if (* ip) -> m_bused! = false) Continue; if ( (* iter) -> m_dwidth <(* ip) -> m_dheight) {MessageBox (NULL, "Error", "Error", MB_OK); Return 0;}

// Find a plate that can be put into the largest plate // If the sheet can be placed in IF ((DHEIGHT> (* iper) && (dwidth> (* iTer) -> m_dheight-zero) && ((DHEIGHT> (* iper) -> m_dheight-zero) && (DWidth> (* i) -> m_dwidth-zero)) {if (dstartx m_dheight;

(* iTer) -> setused (true); // Sampling

// Put the remaining area, calculate the remaining area DAREA1 = TypeSet (DSTARTX (* iTER) -> m_dwidth, dstarty, dHEight - (* ip) -> m_dwidth, (* ip) -> m_dheight, & list1); DRESTAREA1 = DHEIGHT * DWIDTH-DAREA1 - (* iter) -> getarea (); DRESTAREA1 = DRESTAREA1 / (DHEIGHT * DWIDTH); // Remaining area ratio

// Restore the sheet state of the sheet just exhausted, then placed in the figure to continue the drain, calculate the remaining area IF (DSTARTX m_dwidth;

SetStatus (& List1, False); tmpunit = (* iter) -> Copy (); tmpunit-> rotated (); Darea2 = TypeSet (DSTARTX TMPUNIT-> M_DWIDTH, DSTARTY, DHEIGHT-TMPUNIT-> m_dwidth, tmpunit-> m_dheight , & List2); DRESTAREA2 = DHEIGHT * dwidth-Darea2-TmpUnit-> getarea (); DRESTAREA2 = DRESTAREA2 / (DHEIGHT * DWIDTH); // Remaining area rate} else if ((DHEIGHT> (* iper) -> m_dwidth-zero ) && (dwidth> (* i) -> m_dheight-zero)) // If the sheet can only be placed in {IF (DSTARTX m_dheight; (* ip) -> setused True); // Sampling Darea1 = TypeSet (DSTARTX (* iTER) -> M_DWidth, DStarty, DHEIGHT - (* iter) -> m_dwidth, (* iter) -> m_dheight, & list1); DRESTAREA1 = DHEIGHT * DWIDTH-DAREA1 - (* iter) -> getarea (); DRESTAREA1 = DRESTAREA1 / (DHEIGHT * DWIDTH); // Remaining area ratio

DRESTAREA2 = DRESTAREA1 10; // No longer attempt to vertical, set the remaining area} else if ((DHEIGHT> (* iper) -> m_dheight-zero) && (dwidth> (* iTer) -> m_dwidth- ZERO)) // If the sheet can only be placed in {IF (DSTARTX m_dwidth;

(* iTer) -> setused (true); // Stroking TMPUNIT = (* iter) -> Copy (); tmpunit-> rotated (); Darea2 = Typeset (DSTARTX TMPUNIT-> m_dwidth, dstarty, DHEIGHT-TMPUNIT-> M_DWIDTH, TMPUNIT-> m_dheight, & list2); DRESTAREA2 = DHEIGHT * DWIDTAREA2 = DHEIGHT * dwidth-Darea2-TmpUnit-> getarea (); DRESTAREA2 = DRESTAREA2 / (DHEIGHT * DWIDTH); // Remaining area rate

DRESTAREA1 = DRESTAREA2 10; // No longer try to settle, set the lavert place area} else continue;

// Record the optimized sampling sequence cMaterial * TMP = NULL; if (DRESTAREA1 getarea () ;; TMP = (* iter) -> Copy (); tmp-> m_dx = INT) DSTARTX; TMP-> m_dy = (int) DSTARTY; PLIST-> INSERT (PLIST-> End (), TMP); while (! list1.empty ()) {{= List1.begin (); plist-> INSERT (PLIST-> end (), * iter1); List1.rase (Iter1);} // Releases a bad sequence for (itute = list2.begin (); iter1! = list2.end (); ore1 ) { delete (* iter1);} list2.clear (); delete tmpunit;} else // Current sheet longitudinal row results Optimize {setStatus (& List1, false); // Restore SETSTATUS (& List2, True) ); // The row of rows is marked as using IF (tmpunit == null) {MessageBox (NULL, "Error", "Error", MB_OK);} Darea = DAREA2 (* iTer) -> Getarea (); tmp = tmpunit-> Copy (); tmp-> m_dx = (int) DSTARTX; TMP-> m_dy = (int) dstarty; plist-> insert (plist-> end (), tmp); while List2.empty ()) {i1 = list2.begin (); plist-> insert (plist-> end (), * iter1); list2.era SE (iter1);} // Released a bad sequence for (iter1 = List1.begin (); iter1! = list1.end (); iter1 ) {delete (* iter1);} list1.clear ();

delete tmpunit;} double next_x, next_y, next_len, next_wid; next_x = dStartX; next_y = dStartY tmp-> m_dHeight; next_len = dHeight; next_wid = dStartWid-tmp-> m_dHeight; if (next_wid> ZERO) // plate also The remaining {// Continue to discharge a line DAREA = DAREA TYPESET (next_x, next_y, next_len, next_wid, & list1); // Record the Sampling Sequence SetStatus (& List1, True); for (iter1 = List1.begin (); iTer1! = List1.end (); item1 ) {pList-> INSERT (PLIST-> End (), (* iter1));} list1.clear ();} return darea;} return 0;} void cMaterial :: setused BOOL Buses {m_bused = bused;}

Void ctypeset :: setStatus (list * plist, bo lib buses) {list :: item1, iter2; for (item1 = m_materialialList.begin (); ore1! = m_materialialList.end (); iTer1 ) {For (iter2 = plist-> begin (); item2! = PList-> end (); item2 ) {if (* iter1) -> m_iindex == (* iter2) -> m_iindex) {(* iTer1) -> m_bused = bused;}}}}

CMATERIAL * CMATERIAL :: COPY () {cMaTerial * P = new cMaterial (this); return p;}

// TypeSet.h: interface for the ctypeset.////

#if! defined (AFX_TYPESET_H___46213FAE_D2D6_42A6_B801_41D9109CD0FB__included _) # define afX_TYPESET_H__46213FAE_D2D6_42A6_B801_41D9109CD0FB__included_

# if m onc (disable: 4251) #Pragma Warning (Disable: 4251) #nclude #include usspace std;

#ifdef typeseetlib_exports # define typesetd (DLLEXPORT) #ELSE # define typesetd (DLLIMPORT) #ENDIF

TypeSetlib_API Void TestTypeset (HDC DC);

class TYPESETLIB_API CMaterial {public: virtual CMaterial * Copy (); virtual void SetUsed (BOOL bUsed); virtual void Rotated (); virtual void SetSize (double dWidth, double dHeight); virtual double GetArea () {return m_dHeight * m_dWidth;} CMaterial (); CMaterial (CMaterial * pMaterial); CMaterial (double dWidth, double dHeight); virtual ~ CMaterial (); double m_dHeight, m_dWidth; double m_dX, m_dY; BOOL m_bUsed; BOOL m_bSeletcted; BOOL m_bRotated; int m_iIndex;}; class TYPESETLIB_API CTypeset {public: virtual double Go (); virtual void Add (CMaterial * pMaterial); CTypeset (); virtual ~ CTypeset (); list m_MaterialList; CMaterial m_Desktop; protected: virtual void SetStatus (list * pList, BOOL bUsed); virtual double Typeset (double dStatrX, double dStatrY, double dStatrHei, double dStatrWid, list * pList); virtual void Sort (); virtual void Clear (); int m_iCurIndex;} ; #ndif //! defined (AFX_TYPESET_H__46213FAE_D2D6_42A6_B801_41D9109CD0FB__INCluded_)


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