1: Use CString to include file AFX.H, such as the USE MFC IN A Static Library, then add #include
2: wchar ch = L 'in'; in CHAR CH = ''; difference is the first use of Unicode encoding, the second method is generally not often used, such as:
Wchar str [2] = {L 'in', 0}; // Open the Options menu of the VC, select the value of STRA after selecting the Display Unicode Strings in the Debug tab.
Wchar strb [2] = {'Chinese', 0};
STRC = ((char *) strb) [1];
STRC = ((char *) strb) [0]; // STRC == "in"
3: cstring's allocsystring () member function; convenient to convert a string into a Unicode form. Remember to call :: sysfreestring () function release string after using the Unicode string.
4: cstring :: allocsystring () or :: sysallocstring getting the string is not a normal Unicode string, and the four bytes before it stores the length of the queue:
CString strd = "asdf";
BSTR strd = strc.allocsystring ();
Long i = * ((long *) strd - 1); // i == 8; one Unicde character is 2 bytes, so the length of STRD is 8 bytes.
4: UTF-8 code is converted to a normal string:
#include "windows.h"
Int main (void)
CHAR STR [256] = {(Char) 0xE4, (char) 0xBD, (char) 0xA0, (char) 0xE5,
(char) 0xA5, (char) 0xBD, (char) 0x61, (char) 0x62, (char) 0x63, (char) 0}; // segment UTF-8 encoding
Wchar * straad;
INT i = MULTIBYTOWIDECHAR (CP_UTF8, 0, (Char *) STR, -1, NULL, 0);
Stra = new wchar [i];
MultibyToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, (CHAR *) STR, -1, STRA, I);
I = WideChartomultibyte (CP_ACP, 0, Stra, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
Char * strb = new char [i];
Widechartomultibyte (CP_ACP, 0, STRA, -1, STRB, I, NULL, NULL);
// STRB is what
delete [] straw;
delete [] strb;
Return 0;
5: In the conversion_bstr_t is the most flexible, he provides direct conversion of Unicode to the general string:
_BSTR_T straw;
Char * strb = "Chinese";
STRA = strb; wchar * strc = straw;
Long i = * ((long *) STRC - 1); // i is also the byte length of the string
Char * strd = stra;
Return 0;