Expression evaluation (medium)

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

// expression.cpp: Implementation of the CEXPIESSION CLASS.



#include "stdafx.h"

#include "expression.h"

#include "math.h"

Const int funlen = 17; // Function Table Length

Double Sign (double x);

Static Double (* funTable []) (double) = {




Sin, Sinh, SQRT,

Tan, Tanh, Sign

}; // Single parameter function entry address table

Static char funnametable [] [6] = {

"ACOS", "Asin", "Atan", "CEIL", "COS", "COSH", "Exp", "Fabs",

"floor", "log", "log10", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "tan", "tanh", "sign"

}; // function name table


// cvar class



// construction / destruction


Cvar :: CVAR ()




Cvar :: ~ cvar ()



Void Cvar :: initvar ()


m_cflag = 1;

m_strname = "";


m_dvalue = 0;



// Cvarlist Class



// construction / destruction


Cvarlist :: cvarlist ()



Cvarlist :: ~ cvarlist ()


List :: itrator it;

For (iter = m_varlist.begin (); it! = m_varlist.end (); iter )


Delete (* iter);


m_varlist.clear ();


Bool Cvarlist :: Addvar (CVAR * PVAR)


m_varlist.insert (m_varlist.end (), pvar);

Return True;



// construction / destruction




m_ierrflag = 0;

m_ifunflag = 0;

m_imatchflag = 0;

m_dresult = 0;

m_bdegunit = true;

m_strexp = NULL;






Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Calexp ()


Bool ret;

m_ierrflag = 0;

m_ifunflag = 0;

m_imatchflag = 0;

m_dresult = 0;

IF (strlen (m_strexp) == 0)


m_ierrflag = 1; error ();

Return False;


Updateslavevar ();

// Take the first unit (using m_strexp)

IF (getToken () == true)


// Enter high priority operations

RET = Level1 (& m_dResult);

// If the advanced operation has an error (m_ierrflag is set)



// Print the error message

Error ();

Return False;



Return True;


// Take a symbol error from the expression

m_ierrflag = 2;

Error ();

Return False;


Void CEXPRESSION :: Error ()


Switch (m_ierrflag)


Case 1:

Message ("Expression is empty!");


Case 2:

Message ("" Variable or function illegal or grammatic error! / N expressible! ");


Case 3:

Message ("Brand does not match!"); // "Brand does not match!"




Void CEXPID :: Message (const char * strmsg)


// Printf ("/ n% s / n", strmsg);


Bool CEXPIRESSION :: getToken ()


Register char * TEMP;

m_ctoketype = 0;

/ / Pointer pointing to TOKEN's first address

Temp = m_STRTOKEN;

// Skip spaces and TAB characters

While (iswhite (* m_strexp) == True)


// The first character is operator

IF (isinstr (* m_strexp, " - * /% ^ = (),") == true)


m_ctoyType = Delimiter;

* TEMP = * m_strexp ;

* TEMP = 0;

Return True;


// The first character is an ASSCI character or Chinese characters

ELSE IF (isalpha (* m_strexp) || (* m_strexp> 127) || (* m_strexp <0))))


/ / Find the end of the string

While (isdelim (* m_strexp)! = true)

* TEMP = * m_strexp ;

* TEMP = 0;

IF (isfunc (m_strtoken))


m_ctokentype = function;

Return True;


/ / Search Variables, determine if the obtained symbol is a variable

String stokeen = m_strtoken;

List :: itrator it;

For (iter = m_varlist.m_varlist.begin (); it! = m_varlist.m_varlist.end (); iter )


IF (* ip) -> m_strname == stokeen)


m_ctoke = variable;

Return True;



Return False;


// First character is a number

Else IF (isdigit (* m_strexp) || * m_strexp == '.')


//.5 Press 0.5 to process IF (* m_strexp == '.')

* TEMP = '0';

While (isdelim (* m_strexp)! = true)

* TEMP = * m_strexp ;

* TEMP = 0;

m_ctoytype = Number;

Return True;


// The first character is NULL

IF (* m_strexp == 0)



// arrive at the end

Return True;


Return False;


/ / Judgment is a space or Tab

Bool Cexpression :: Iswhite (Char C)


IF (c == '|| c == 9)

Return True;

Return False;


/ / Judgment is a separator

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Isdelim (Char C)


IF (Isinstr (C, " - * /% ^ = (),") == true || c == 9 || c == '/ r' || c == 0)

Return True;

Return False;


// Judgment is a function

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: IsFunc (const char * fname)



For (i = 0; i


IF (strcmp (fname, funnametable [i]) == 0)

Return True;


Return False;


/ / Judgment whether C is in string S

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Isinstr (char ch, char * s)


While (* s)


IF (* s == CH)

Return True;


Return False;


Double Sign (Double X)


IF (x> 0)

Return X;


Return 0;


// Assignment operation

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Level1 (Double * Result)




// Variable unit, it is possible to assign a value-assigned expression operation

IF (m_ctoketype == variable)


/ / Reserved the unit and unit type


TTOK_TYPE = m_ctokeType;

// If you do not get the index value of the variable in the variable table

IF (GetvarIndex (M_STRTOKEN, & INDEX)! = true)


m_ierrflag = 2;

Return False;


IF (gettoken ()! = TRUE)


m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;


// If the variable is tight with the '=' number, it is assigned, otherwise it is generally

IF (* m_strtoken! = '=')


// Put the original unit to the expression

Putback ();

/ / Restore the current unit variable and variable type

STRCPY (m_strtoken, temp_token);

m_ctokentype = ttok_type;


// If you enter the following operations ELSE


// Take the unit behind the '=' number

IF (gettoken ()! = TRUE)


m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;


// Enter advanced - operation

IF (level2) == true


List :: itrator it;

INT i = 0;

For (iter = m_varlist.m_varlist.begin (); it! = m_varlist.m_varlist.end (); iter )


IF (i == Index)


(* iTer) -> m_dvalue = * result;

Return True;


i ;




Return False;



// The first unit is not a variable, directly enter the high priority - operation

IF (level2) == true

Return True;


Return False;


// Add or subtraction

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Level2 (Double * Result)


Register char OP; // operator

Double Hold = 0; // Reserved Intermediate Results

/ / Directly enter the high priority * /% operation, no advanced operations enter the following operations

IF (level3 (result)! = TRUE)

Return False;

// If the next unit is

While ((OP = * m_STRTOKEN) == ' ' || op == '-')


// Number of units after

IF (getToken () == true)


// Operation - The expression value after the number is likely to get

IF (Level3 (& Hold) == True)


// Mathematical operation, the result is directly in * result

Bool Bret = Arith (OP, Result, & Hold);

IF (Bret == False)

Return False;



Return False;




m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;



Return True;


// Ride and expensive arithmetic operations

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Level3 (Double * Result)


Register char OP; // operator

Double Hold = 0; // Reserved intermediate computing results

/ / Directly enter the high priority operation, no advanced operations enter the following operations

IF (Level4 (RESULT)! = true)

Return False;

// If the next unit is * /%

While ((OP = * m_STRTOKEN) == '*' || op == '/' || op == '%')


// A unit after acquiring operator

IF (getToken () == true)


// Operate * /% expressive value, it is possible to obtain * /%

IF (Level4 (& Hold) == True)


// Mathematical operation, the result is in * result

Bool nret = Arith (OP, Result, & Hold); if (nret == false)

Return False;



Return False;




m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;



Return True;


// Passenger operation

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Level4 (double * result)


Register char OP; // operator

Double Hold = 0; // Reserved intermediate computing results

/ / Directly enter the high priority operation, no advanced operations enter the following operations

IF (Level5 (Result)! = true)

Return False;

// If the next unit is ^ (passenger)

While ((OP = * m_STRTOKEN) == '^')


IF (getToken () == true)


// A unit after acquiring operator

IF (Level5 (& Hold) == True)


// After the calculation ^ The expression value is likely to get it again.

Bool nret = Arith (OP, Result, & Hold);


Return False;



Return False;




m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;



Return True;


// Single-eyed anti-vehicle

Bool CEXPIRESSION :: Level5 (double * result)


Register char OP = 0;

IF ((m_ctokeType == Delimiter) && * m_strtoken == ' ' || * m_strtoken == '-')


// If the expression first unit is number or - number, record the operator

Op = * m_STRTOKEN;

// get the next unit

IF (gettoken ()! = TRUE)


m_ierrflag = 2; // m_ierrflag = 1;

Return False;



// Enter high priority operations

IF (level6 (result)! = true)

Return False;

// Enter high priority operations

IF (op)

UNARY (OP, Result);

Return True;



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