C language International Standard ISOIEC 9899: 1999 (E) Translation (E) Translation (E) Catalog

zhaozj2021-02-16  66

The author searches online and found that there is no C language standard for C language standards! So I translated part of the batch.

One of the translations of English literature (C language international standard):

ISO / IEC 9899: 1999 (E) Standard (C Language Standard) Catalog


1 Overview

2. Standardization

3. Terms, definitions and marks

4. Consistency

5. Environment

5.1 concept model

5.1.1 Translation Environment

5.1.2 Executive Environment

5.2 Environment Considering

5.2.1 Character Set

5.2.2 Character display semantics

5.2.3 Signals and Interrupts

5.2.4 Environmental Restriction

6. Language

6.1 symbol

6.2 concept

6.2.1 Overview of Identifiers

6.2.2 identifier connection

6.2.3 Identifier namespace

6.2.4 Object Survival

6.2.5 Type

6.2.6 Type expression

6.2.7 Unified Types and Radios

6.3 transformation

6.3.1 Arithmetic Operation

6.3.2 Other operators

6.4 Principle

6.4.1 Keywords

6.4.2 identifier

6.4.3 Universal Name

6.4.4 constant

6.4.5 String type

6.4.6 punctuation

6.4.7 name

6.4.8 Preprovisory Number

6.4.9 Notes

6.5 expressions

6.5.1 Main Expression

6.5.2 suffix operator

6.5.3 One Dollar Operator

6.5.4 Conversion Operator

6.5.5 Multiplication Operator

6.5.6 addition operator

6.5.7 shift operator

6.5.8 Relational Operator

6.5.9 equality operator

6.5.10 bit and operator

6.5.11 Digital or operator

6.5.12 Guests or operators

6.5.13 Logic and Operators

6.5.14 Logic or operator

6.5.15 Conditional Operator

6.5.16 Assignment Operator

6.5.17 comma operator

6.6 constant expression

6.7 declaration

6.7.1 Storage category designation

6.7.2 Type designation

6.7.3 Type Limitation

6.7.4 Function Specify

6.7.5 declaration

6.7.6 type name

6.7.7 Type Definition

6.7.8 Initialization

6.8 statements and blocks

6.8.1 Label Statement

6.8.2 composite statement

6.8.3 Expression and empty statement

6.8.4 Select statement

6.8.5 Repeat statements

6.8.6 Transmission statement

6.9 External definition

6.9.1 Function Definition

6.9.2 External object definition

6.10 preoperative indication

6.10.1 Conditions

6.10.2 Source files

6.10.3 macro replacement

6.10.4 sequential control

6.10.5 Error indication

6.10.6 PRAGMA instructions

6.10.7 No effect

6.10.8 Predefined Macro

6.10.9 PRAGMA operator

6.11 Language Development Direction

6.11.1 floating point type

6.11.2 Identifier

6.11.3 External Name

6.11.4 Side Size

6.11.5 Storage class designation

6.11.6 function declaration

6.11.7 Function Definition

6.11.8 PRAGMA instructions

6.11.9 Pre-defined Macro


7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Term Definition

7.1.2 Standard header file

7.1.3 Reserved identifier

7.1.4 Library function

7.2 Diagnostics

7.2.1 Program Diagnostics

7.3 Complex Operation

7.3.1 Introduction

7.3.2 Formula

7.3.3 Branch cut


7.3.5 Triangle function

7.3.6 hyperbolic function

7.3.7 Index and logarithmic functions

7.3.8 Power and absolute value functions

7.3.9 Operation function

7.4 Character processing

7.4.1 Character classification function

7.4.2 Character mapping function

7.5 Error

7.6 floating point environment

7.6.1 Fenv_Access Pragma

7.6.2 Floating point abnormal

7.6.3 Recommendation

7.6.4 Environment

7.7 Floating point type feature 7.8 Integer format conversion

7.8.1 Format Indication Macro

7.8.2 Widethuring function

7.9 Optional Spell

7.10 Integer size

7.11 Localization

7.11.1 Local Control

7.11.2 Digital Format Formula Inquiry

7.12 Mathematics

7.12.1 Error handling

7.12.2 FP_Contract Pragma

7.12.3 Classification Macro

7.12.4 Triangle function

7.12.5 hyperbolic function

7.12.6 Index and logarithmic function

7.12.7 Power and absolute value functions

7.12.8 Errors and γ functions

7.12.9 Top Near Integer Function

7.12.1 余

7.12.11 Transformation function

7.12.12 Maximum, minimum and Positive Works Functions

7.12.13 floating point double

7.12.14 Compare Macro

7.13 Non-local strike

7.13.1 Save the calling environment

7.13.2 Recovery Call Environment

7.14 Signal Processing

7.14.1 Specify signal processing

7.14.2 Send Signal

7.15 variable parameter

7.15.1 Variable Parameter List Access Macro

7.16 Boolean type and value

7.17 General definition

7.18 integer

7.18.1 integer

7.18.2 Specifying the width integer limit

7.18.3 Other integer limitations

7.18.4 Integer constant macro

7.19 Input / Output

7.19.1 Introduction

7.19.2 stream

7.19.3 file

7.19.4 file operation

7.19.5 File Access Function

7.19.6 Format Input / Output Function

7.19.7 Character Input / Output Function

7.19.8 Direct Input / Output Function

7.19.9 File Location Function

7.19.10 Error handler

7.20 Universal Tool

7.20.1 Digital Conversion Function

7.20.2 Pseudo-random sequence generation function

7.20.3 Memory Management Function

7.20.4 and Environment News

7.20.5 Finding and Sort Utility

7.20.6 integer arithmetic function

7.20.7 Multi-byte / Wide Character Conversion Function

7.20.8 Multi-byte / wide string conversion function

7.21 String Processing

7.21.1 String Process Function Formula

7.21.2 Replication function

7.21.3 Non-connected function

7.21.4 Compare function

7.21.5 Find functions

7.21.6 Mixed function

7.22 General Type Mathematics

7.23 Date and Time

7.23.1 Time

7.23.2 Time Operation Function

7.23.3 Time Conversion Function

7.24 extended multi-byte and wide character library

7.24.1 Introduction

7.24.2 Format Wide Character Input / Output Function

7.24.3 Wide Character Input / Output Function

7.24.4 Universal Wide Stroke Utility

7.24.5 Wide character time conversion function

7.24.6 Extended Multi-byte and Wide Character utility

7.25 wide character classification and mapping practical library

7.25.1 Introduction

7.25.2 Wide character classification utility

7.25.3 Wide Character Scenic Mapping Utility

7.26 future library development

7.26.1 Complex Operation

7.26.2 Character processing

7.26.3 Error

7.26.4 Integer Format Convert

7.26.5 Localization

7.26.6 Signal Processing

7.26.7 Boolean type and value

7.26.8 Integer 7.26.9 Input / Output

7.26.10 Universal Tool

7.26.11 String Processing

7.26.12 Extended Multi-byte and Wide Character Tools

7.26.13 Multi-byte classification and mapping tool

Appendix A (convenient) grammar summary

A.1 lexical

A.2 phrase structure grammar

A.3 Pretreatment indication

Appendix B (providing convenience)

B.1 Diagnostics

B.2 plural

B.3 Character processing

B.4 Error

B.5 floating point environment

B.6 floating point type feature

B.7 Integer format conversion

B.8 Optional spell

B.9 Integer size

B.10 Localization

B.11 Mathematics

B.12 Non-local jump

B.13 signal processing

B.14 variable parameter

B.15 Boolean type and value

B.16 General definition

B.17 integer

B.18 Input / Output

B.19 Universal Tool Library

B.20 String Processing

B.21 General type math library

B.22 Date and Time

B.23 Extended Multi-byte / Wide Character Tool

B.24 Wide character classification and mapping tool

Appendix C (providing a convenient) sequence point

Appendix D (providing convenience) universal identifier name

Appendix E To achieve restrictions

Appendix F (convenient) IEC 60559 floating point algorithm

F.1 Introduction

F.2 type

F.3 Operation and functions

F.4 floating point turn integer

F.5 two - decimal conversion

F.6 has expressed expression

F.7 floating point environment

F.8 optimization

F.9 math library

Appendix G (providing convenience) IEC 60559- compatible complex algorithm

G.1 Introduction

G.2 type

G.3 convention

G.4 conversion

G.5 binary operator

G.6 plural algorithm

G.7 Universal Type Mathematics Library

Appendix H (Provided) Language Independent Algorithm

H.1 Introduction

H.2 type

H.3 Notice

Appendix I (Providing convenience) general warning

Appendix J (providing convenience) portability discussion

J.1 Unexplained behavior

J.2 Unexpected behavior

J.3 implementation definition behavior

J.4 Local clear behavior

J.5 General expansion





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