Tuxedo8.1 Example BankApp Pixabay Tip

zhaozj2021-02-08  253

Tuxedo8.1 Example BankApp Pixabay Tip

Tuxedo Bank Bank Bank will encounter some problems when you are using, and you can use a small amount of modifications. Some key points will now be described. Note: For detailed instructions, please refer to Tuxedo8.1 Document "Tutorial for BankApp, A Full C Application" section. This will only be described here for possible.

Environment: tuxedo8.1, windows2000, install Microsoft Visual Studio.net (VC7).

One: For questions you should pay attention to using Tuxedo SQL Resource Manager: Set Environment Variables: Script BankVar as follows: Set MSDEV = D: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET / VC7 SET PATH =% PATH%; % MSDEV% / BIN;% msdev% / platage =% include%;% msdev% / include;% msdev% / platformsdk / include;% msdev% / atlmfc / include set lib =% lib%;% MSDEV % / lib;% MSDEV% / PlatformSDK / LIB;% MSDEV% / ATLMFC / LIB Makefile: Original: Original: BankAppn.rbj: BankAppw.res Cvtres -Machine: $ Mach) - NOLOGO BANKAPPW.RES -OUT: BANKAPPN.RBJ is changed to: BankAppn.rbj: BankAppw.res Cvtres -Machine: $ (MACH) -NOLOGO -OUT: BankAppn.rbj Bankappw.res Description: The parameters of CVTRES should be in order Otherwise, you will report an error, you can use the CVTRES /? To view the parameter format. You don't have to compile each app. If your makefile is named BankApp.mak, use the following command to compile: NMAKE -F Bankapp.mak Note: Spaces in the form of the D: / Program Files / .. form in Makefile In the form of a statement in the form of -i $ (include), it will be cut off at the time of the problem, resulting in compilation failure. So, if you encounter such problems, try to use -i "$ (Includedir)". Create Database: (User Tuxedo SQL Resource Manager) Create Tlog: Boot BankApp: If the library is wrong, delete the file Bankdl1, Bankdl2, Bankdl3, Tlog, clear IPC resources (using command: ipclean, view IPC situations with IPCS), Run: CRBANK CRTLOG -M If these two steps are correct. Run TMBoot, if the Boot fails, use IPCs to see IPC occupation, clear all IPC resources with ipclean, and try again. Boot successfully runs BankAppn.exe to pop up a client program for a Windows interface.

2: Questions to pay attention to using Oracle8 (XA RM):

Environment: Oracle817, installed in this unit, other environments.

In Makefile Setting: Oracle817's directory in $ (ORACLE_HOME) / precomp, not $ (Oracle_Home) / Pro80, should be corrected accordingly. The precompile program is $ (ORACLE_DIR) / PROC, not $ (Oracle_Dir) / proc80, should be corrected accordingly. Modifications to the program: BankApp program requires the following modifications to compile: 1. All * .ec files Add the following three lines: #include #include #include Delete #include 2. Added in the file Bankflds.h as follows: #define sqlcode sqlca.sqlcode #define SQLNOTFODE #define SQL_OK 0 #define qldEadlock -43 / * killed Because of Timeout OR DEADLOCK * / The appearance of SQLCode is not defined or otherwise because these macros are not defined. 3. Add: #include "Bankflds.h" 4. Add: #include Overwheet Conflicts: Tuxedo with SQLCA.H, Sqlda.h, Sqlcode .h may conflict with Oracle's same files, it is recommended to rename the three files in the $ (TuxDir) / Include directory. Do a good job above, you can compile according to Tutorial's instructions.

Create a database: boot application: tmboot, if TMS_ORA FAIL, check the ULOG file, if the following information appears: 150049.lhl! BBL.1500.1608.0: 06-11-2003: Tuxedo version 8.1 32-bit windows.150049.lhl! BBL .1500.1608.0: LIBTUX_CAT: 262: INFO: Standard main starting150049.LHL TMS_ORA.1984.1936.0:! 06-11-2003: Tuxedo Version 8.1 32-bit Windows.150049.LHL TMS_ORA.1984.1936.0:! LIBTUX_CAT: 262 : INFO: Standard main starting150103.LHL TMS_ORA.1984.1936.0:! CMDTUX_CAT: 409: ERROR: xa_recover () returned -3 for group BANKB1150103.LHL TMS_ORA.1984.1936.0:! LIBTUX_CAT: 250: ERROR: tpsvrinit () failed150103. LHL! TMBOOT.1280.1504.-2: 06-11-2003: Tuxedo Version 8.1 32-bit windows.150103.lhl! Tmboot.1280.1504.-2: CMDTUX_CAT: 825: Error: Process TMS_ORA At Site1 Failed with / tperrno Tpesystem - INTERNAL system error may be the Oracle user User1, user2, which is created by crbank-ora8.sql, is not given the SELECT permission, and the user uses Oracle's tool to give the user to the SELECT ANY TABLE. Use TMSHUTDOWN, IPCLEAN to clear the IPC, restart TMBoot, should now be boot. Run Transaction: The script running Transaction on Windows is gt.cmd, not to run Driver, open this script to see if it looks.


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