Proxy server source program

zhaozj2021-02-16  59

#include "stdafx.h" #include "proxy.h" #include // Winsocket API 2.0 # include #include #include

#ifdef _debug # define new debug_new # undef this_filestatic char this_file [] = __file __; # ENDIF


#define http "http://" #define ftp "ftp: //" #define proxyport 5001 // proxy port #define bufsize 10240 // buffer size


Using namespace std;

Uint ProxyToServer (LPVOID PPARAM); Uint UserToproxythread (Void * PParam);

struct SocketPair {SOCKET user_proxy; // socket: PROXY service machine to the local machine SOCKET proxy_server; // socket: PROXY service unit to the remote host BOOL IsUser_ProxyClosed; // PROXY local machine to the service state machine BOOL IsProxy_ServerClosed; // PROXY machine to service Remote host status};

Struct ProxyParam {char address [256]; // Remote Host Address Handle User_SVrok; // Proxy server to the connection status of the remote host socketpair * ppair; // Maintain a set of socket pointer INT port; // Used to connect the remote host Port}; // This structure is used to exchange information from the remote host.

Socket Glisten_Socket; // Socket used to listen.

INT StartServer () // Start service {wsadata wsadata; sockaddr_in local; socket listen_socket;

IF (: wsastartup (0x202, & wsadata)! = 0) {Printf ("/ NERROR IN Startup session./n" );wsacleanup(); Return -1;

Local.sin_Family = AF_INET; local.sin_addr.s_addr = incdr_any; local.sin_port = htons (proxyport);

Listen_Socket = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listen_socket == invalid_socket) {Printf ("/ NERROR IN New A socket."); wsacleanup (); return -2;}

IF (:: bind (sockaddr *) & local, sizeof (local))! = 0) {Printf ("/ n error in binding socket."); wsacleanup (); return -3;};

IF (:: Listen_Socket, 5)! = 0) {Printf ("/ N Error In Listen."); wsacleanup (); Return-4;} glisten_socket = listen_socket; AFXBEGINTHREAD (UserToproxythread, null); // Startup Listening to returnit 1;}

INT CloseServer () // Turn off the service {closeSocket; wsacleanup (); Return 1;} // Analyze the received characters to get the remote host address INTGETDRESSANDPORT (Char * STR, CHAR * Address, INT * port) { Char BUF [Bufsize], Command [512], Proto [128], * P; INT J; SSCANF (STR, "% S% S% S% S", Command, BUF, Proto; P = strstr (buf, http) ; // httpif (p) {p = strlen (http); for (int i = 0; i get / http1.1 * port = 80; // Default HTTP port} else {// ftp, Do not support, the following code can be omitted .p = strstr (buf, ftp); if (! P) return 0; p = strlen (ftp); for (int i = 0; i

STRCPY (Address, p); p = str, ftp); for (j = 0; j

// get the local data destined for a remote host UINT UserToProxyThread (void * pParam) {char Buffer [BUFSIZE]; int Len; sockaddr_in from; SOCKET msg_socket; int fromlen, retval; SocketPair SPair; ProxyParam ProxyP; CWinThread * pChildThread; fromlen = sizeof (from); msg_socket = accept (gListen_Socket, (struct sockaddr *) & from, & fromlen); AfxBeginThread (UserToProxyThread, pParam); // start another listener .if (msg_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {printf ( "/ NERROR IN Accept "); return-5;} // read the first line of data of the customer

Spair.isuser_proxyclosed = false; spair.isproxy_serverclosed = true; spair.user_proxy = msg_socket;

RETVAL = RECV (spair.user_proxy, buffer, sizeof (buffer), 0); if (RetVal == Socket_ERROR) {Printf ("/ Nerror Recv"); if (spair.isuser_proxyclosed == false) {CloseSocket (Spair.user_Proxy ); SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed = TRUE;}} if (retval == 0) {printf ( "Client Close connection / n"); if (SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.user_proxy); SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed = True;}} len = retval; #ifdef _debug

Buffer [len] = 0; Printf ("/ n Received% D Bytes, DATA [% s] from client / n", retval, buffer; # endif // spair.isuser_proxyclosed = false; spair.isproxy_serverclosed = true; spair .user_proxy = msg_socket;

Proxyp.ppair = & spair; proxyp.user_svrok = CreateEvent (Null, true, false, null);

GetDressandport (Buffer, Proxyp.address, & Proxyp.Port);

PCHildThread = AFXBEGINTHREAD (PROXYTOSERVER, (LPVOID) & proxyp); :: waitforsingleObject (Proxyp.user_svrok, 60000); // Waiting for Joint :: CloseHandle (Proxyp.user_svrok);

While (spair.isproxy_serverclosed == false&is == false) {RetVal = send (spair.proxy_server, buffer, len, 0); if (retval == socket_error) {printf ("/ n send () failed: error% d / n ", WSAGetLastError ()); if (SPair.IsProxy_ServerClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.proxy_server); SPair.IsProxy_ServerClosed = TRUE;} continue;} retval = recv (SPair.user_proxy, Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), 0);

if (retval == SOCKET_ERROR) {printf ( "/ nError Recv"); if (SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.user_proxy); SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed = TRUE;} continue;} if (retval == 0 ) {printf ( "Client Close connection / n"); if (SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.user_proxy); SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed = TRUE;} break;} Len = retval; #ifdef _DEBUGBuffer [Len] = 0; Printf ("/ n Received% D Bytes, DATA [% s] from client / n", retval, buffer; # endif} // end while

if (SPair.IsProxy_ServerClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.proxy_server); SPair.IsProxy_ServerClosed = TRUE;} if (SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (SPair.user_proxy); SPair.IsUser_ProxyClosed = TRUE;} :: WaitforsingleObject (pchildthread-> m_hthread, 20000); // shop the return valuereturn 0;}

/ / Read remote host data and send it to local client uint proxytoserver (lpvoid pPARAM) {proxyParam * ppar = (proxyParam *) PParam; char buffer [buffsize]; char * server_name = "localhost"; unsigned short port; int RETVAL, LEN; Unsigned Int Addr; Int Socket_Type; Struct SockAddr_in Server; Struct Hostent * Hp; Socket Conn_Socket;

Socket_type = SOCK_STREAM; Server_Name = PPAR-> Address; Port = PPAR-> Port;

IF (isalpha (server_name [0])) {/ * server address is a name * / hp = gethostByname (server_name);} else {/ * convert nnn.nnnnn address to a usable one * / addr = inet_addr (Server_name); HP = gethostbyaddr ((char *) & addr, 4, af_inet);} if (hp == null) {fprintf (stderr, "client: cannot resolve address [% s]: error% d / n", server_name, wsagetlasterror )) ;: setEvent (ppar-> user_svrok; return 0;}

//// copy the resolved information inteo the sockaddr_in structure // Memset (Server, 0, SIZEOF (Server)); Memcpy (& (Server.sin_ADDR), HP-> h_addr, hp-> h_length); Server.sin_Family = HP-> h_addrtype; server.sin_port = htons (port); conn_socket = socket (AF_INET, SOCKET_TYPE, 0); / * Open a socket * / if (conn_socket <0) {fprintf (stderr, "Client: Error Opening Socket: Error% D / N ", wsagetlasterror ()); ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed = true; :: setEvent (ppar-> user_svrok); return -1;}

#ifdef _Debugprintf ("Client Connecting to:% S / N", HP-> h_name); # endifif (Conn_Socket, (Struct SockAddr *) & Server, SIZEOF (Server) == Socket_ERROR) {fprintf (stderr, " Connect () failed:% D / N ", wsagetlasterror ()); ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed = true ;:: set-> user_svrok; return -1;} ppar-> ppair-> proxy_server = conn_socket ; pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed = FALSE; :: SetEvent (pPar-> User_SvrOK); // cook up a string to sendwhile (!! pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed && pPar-> pPair-> IsUser_ProxyClosed) {retval = Recv (conn_socket, buffer, sizeof (buffer), 0); if (RetVal == Socket_ERROR) {fPrintf (stderr, "rv () failed: error% d / n", wsagetlasterror ()); CloseSocket (CONN_SOCKET); pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed = TRUE; break;} Len = retval; if (retval == 0) {printf ( "Server closed connection / n"); closesocket (conn_socket); pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed = TRUE Break;}

Retval = send (ppar-> ppair-> user_proxy, buffer, len, 0); if (retval == socket_error) {fPrintf (stderr, "send () failed: error% d / n", wsagetlasterror (); CloseSocket (PPAR-> PPAIR-> User_Proxy); PPAR-> PPAIR-> iSuser_Proxyclosed = true; break;} #ifdef _debug buffer [len] = 0; printf ("received% D Bytes, Data [% s] from server / N ", retval, buffer); # endif} if (ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed == false) {closesocket (ppar-> ppair-> proxy_server); ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed = true;} if (PPAR- > PPAIR-> iSUser_Proxyclosed == false) {CloseSocket (PPAR-> PPAIR-> User_Proxy); PPAR-> PPAIR-> iSuser_Proxyclosed = true;} return 1;} int _tmain (int Argc, tchar * argv [], tchar * Envp []) {INT nretcode = 0;

// Initialize Socketif (! AFXWININIT (: :: getcommandline (), :: getcommandline (), 0) {// Error handling CERR <<_t ("Fatal Error: MFC Initialization Failed)

return nRetCode;} # ifdef _DEBUGprintf ( "Client connecting to:% s / n", hp-> h_name); # endifif (connect (conn_socket, (struct sockaddr *) & server, sizeof (server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {fprintf (Stderr, "Connect () FAILED:% D / N", wsagetlasterror ()); ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed = true; :: setEvent (ppar-> user_svrok; return -1;} PPAR-> PPAIR- > proxy_server = conn_socket; pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed = FALSE; :: SetEvent (pPar-> User_SvrOK);!! // cook up a string to sendwhile (pPar-> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed && pPar-> pPair-> ISuser_proxyclosed) {RETVAL = Recv (CONN_SOCKET, BUFFER, SIZEOF (Buffer), 0); if (Retval == Socket_ERROR) {FPRINTF (stderr, "RECV () Failed: error% d / n", wsagetlasterror ()); CloseSocket (conn_socket); PPAR-> PPAIR-> isproxy_serverclosed = true; break;} len = retval; if (retval == 0) {Printf ("Server Closed Connection / N"); CloseSocket (conn_socket); PPAR-> PPAIR- > Isproxy_serverclosed = true; break;} retval = send (ppar-> ppair-> user_proxy, buffer, len, 0); if (retval == socket_error) {fprintf (stderr, "send () failed : Error% D / N ", wsagetlasterror ()); CloseSocket (PPAR-> PPAIR-> User_Proxy); PPAR-> PPAIR-> iSuser_ProxyClosed = true; break;} #ifdef _debug buffer [len] = 0; printf (" Received% D Bytes, Data [% s] from server / n ", retval, buffer; # endif} if (ppar-> ppair-> isproxy_serverclosed == false) {closesocket (ppar-> ppair-> proxy_server); PPAR -> pPair-> IsProxy_ServerClosed = TRUE;} if (pPar-> pPair-> IsUser_ProxyClosed == FALSE) {closesocket (pPar-> pPair-> user_proxy); pPar-> pPair-> IsUser_ProxyClosed = TRUE;} return 1;}

INT _TMAIN (int Argc, tchar * argv [], tchar * envp []) {int nretcode = 0; // Initializes Socketif (! AFXWININIT (: getModuleHandle (null), null, :: getcommandline (), 0)) {// Error handling CERR <<_t ("Fatal Error: MFC Initialization Faled")

Return nretcode;}

9CBS ID Yishao (Dragon) (


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