C ++ Boost Python (a simple example)

zhaozj2021-02-08  234

A simple example

Suppose we have the following C API to expose to Python:


Namespace {// Avoid Cluttering The Global Namespace.

// a Couple of Simple C Functions That We want to express to python.

Std: string greet () {return "hello, world";

INT Square (int Number) {Return Number * Number;}


This is to expose the C source code for the API Getting_Started1 module to Python.


Namespace python = boost :: python;





// Create An Object Representing this Extension Module.

Python :: Module_builder this_module ("getting_started1");

// Add regular functions to the module.

This_Module.def (Greet, "Greet");

this_module.def (Square, "Square");


Catch (...)


Python :: handle_exception (); // deal with the exception for python



It is! If we generate this shared library and put it in Python's search path, we can access these C functions in Python.

>>> Import getting_started1

>>> Print getting_started1.greet ()

Hello, World

>>> NUMBER = 11

>>> Print Number, '*', Number, '=', getting_started1.square (Number)

11 * 11 = 121

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Update Date: May 6, 2000


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