Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Fifty Heap (Array Implementation)

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Fifty Heap (Array Implementation)

Using system;

Using system.collections;

Namespace Datastructure



/// binary Heap Summary Description. ------ binary pile (based on array implementation)


Public class binaryheap: ipriorityQueue


protected arraylist array;

// Establish a maximum of the empty two fork pile of most accommodation_length

Public binaryHeap (uint _length)



// TODO: Add constructor logic here


Array = new arraylist (int) _length);

Array.capacity = (int) _length;


// number of objects in the heap

Public virtual int count {get {returnid.Array.count;}}

// Turn the member array into a form that is expressed in 1

Public Virtual Object Item (int _i)


IF (_i> = this.Array.capacity)

Throw new Exception ("my: out of index"); // cannot be out of bound

Return this.Array [_i-1];


#Region iPriorityQueue member

// First put the hole in the next position of the array, that is, i (Note: Boundary is 1), then compares with the [I / 2] position, if it is smaller, the cavity is moved to [I / 2 ] Location, and the object in the [I / 2] position is moved to [i], otherwise the empty hole becomes _obj ---- so recursive

Public void enqueue (Object _obj)


// Todo: Add binaryheap.enqueue implementation

IF (this.Array.count == this.Array.capacity)

Throw new Exception ("my: priority queue is full"); // If the priority queue is full, the exception is thrown

THIS.Array.Add (New Object ());

INT i = this.Array.count;

While (I> 1 && Comparer.default.comPare (this.Array [I / 2-1], _ Obj)> 0)


//this.Item (i )=this.Item (i/2);

THIS.Array [I-1] = this.Array [I / 2-1];

I / = 2;


THIS.Array [i-1] = _ OBJ;


Public Object Findmin ()


// Todo: Add binaryheap.findmin implementation

IF (this.Array.count == 0)

Throw new exception ("my: priority quilt"); // If the queue is empty, throw an exception

Return this.Array [0];


Public Object DequeUemin ()


// Todo: Add binaryHeap.dequeueustry implementation

Object tmpobj = this.findmin ();

INT i = 1;

While ((2 * i 1) <= this.Array.count)


IF ( (this.Array [2 * i-1], this.Array [2 * i]) <= 0) {

THIS.Array [i-1] = this.Array [2 * i-1];

THIS.Array [2 * i-1] = tmpobj;

I = 2 * i;




THIS.Array [i-1] = this.Array [2 * i];

THIS.Array [2 * I] = Tmpobj;

i = 2 * i 1;



Object delobj = this.Array [i-1]; // temporarily store the elements you want to delete

IF (i! = this.Array.count) // If the search object is the last object of the array, let not do anything


THIS.Array [i-1] = this.Array [this.Array.count-1]; // Take the hole


THIS.Array.removeat (this.Array.count-1); // Delete the last object

Return delobj;






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