Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Binary Tree

zhaozj2021-02-16  61

Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Binary Tree

Using system;

Using system.collections;

Namespace Datastructure



/// binarytree's summary description.


Public Class BinaryTree: Narytree


// Construct a binary empty tree

Public binarytree (): Base (2)



// TODO: Add constructor logic here



Public binarytree (Object _obj): Base (2, _obj)


/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Protected Override Object getemptyInstance (uint _degree)

{Return New BinaryTree (_degree);

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

// Rewrite deep traversal

Public Override Void DepthfirstTraversal (iPrePostvisitor_VIS)


IF (! iSempty ())


_vis.previsit (this.key);

THIS [0] .depthfirsttraversal (_VIS);

_vis.visit (this.key);

THIS [1] .depthfirsttraversal (_VIS);

_vis.postvisit (this.key);



// bifurcated comparison

// First compare keywords, if equally, compare the left subtree, if you wait, compare the right tree ---- so recursive

#Region iComparable member

Public override int compareto (Object Obj)


// Todo: Add binarytree.compareto implementation

// Because COMARE () has been disconnected, there is no transformation error

BinaryTree Tmptree = (binarytree) OBJ;

IF (this.isempty ())

Return TMPTREE.ISEMPTY ()? 0: -1;

IF (tmptree.isempty ())

Return 1;

Int result = (this, tmptree);

IF (result == 0)

Result = this [0] .compareto (TMPTREE [0]);

IF (result == 0)

Result = this [1] .compareto (TMPTREE [1]);

Return Result;






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