Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Tree (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  66

Data Structure and Algorithm (C # Implementation) Series --- Tree (1)


First we define the tree next:

The tree is a limited, non-empty node set,

T = {r} or t1 or t2 or ... or TN

It has the following properties:

1. Collection specified node R is called the root node of the tree

2. The remaining nodes can be divided into n subsets, T1, T2, ... TN (n> = 0), where each subset is a tree.

Other definitions of trees, such as leaves, and high, please check out other things, everywhere.

The main nature of the tree is traversal, divided into depth traversal and breadth traversal.

Here, it is implemented as DEPTHFIRSTTRAVESAL () and widthfirsttravesal ()

The depth traversal is divided into pre-sequence traversal, order traversal, and back sequence traversal.

This is achieved by adapter technology.

Using system;

Using system.collections;

Namespace Datastructure



/// Tree's summary description.

/// gen traverse, traversaltype can't be change, or throw a exception

/// support enumeration, comparison, depth replication


Public Abstract Class Tree: ienumerable, iComparable


Public tree ()



// TODO: Add constructor logic here



Protected Queue KeyQueue = new queue (); // Store data only when enumerating, does not participate in the comparison of Equals implementation

Protected TraversalType TraversalType = TraversalType.breadth; // Choose a Traversal Type, And Depthfirst Is Default

// protected uint deterree = 0; // degree of the tree, init it as 0

// protected uint height = 0; // HEIGHT of the Tree, Init IT AS 0

// Enumerate different traversal types

Public Enum TraversalType PUBLIC ENUMTYPE


Breadth = 1, // Scene Traverse

Predepth = 2, // pre-sequence traversal

Indepth = 3, // 中序 Traverse

PostDepth = 4 // Back sequence traversal


// public virtual abstract object key {}

Public Abstract Tree this [uint _index] {get; set;} // if i only use get, can I change it lat

Public Abstract Object Key {Get;

Public Abstract uint deterree {get;}

// public abstract uint height {get;}

Public void settraversaltype (traversaltype _type) {traversaltype = _Type;} // set a traversal a type, if it's not set manually, Depthfirst Will Be Chosen in Default

Public Abstract Bool ISempty (); // Property Takes The Place of iSempty ()

Public abstract bool isleaf ();

// Only Visit, Needn't Queuepublic Virtual Void DepthfirstTraversal (iPrePostvisitor_VIS) // Middle Depthfirst Traversal


// Different visits using different visits through _vis to perform pre-sequence, sequencing, and order

IF (! iSempty ())


_vis.previsit (this.key);

IF (> = 1)


IF (> = 2)


For (uint i = 0; i <(; i ) //


This [i] .depthfirsttraversal (_VIS); // Recursive Call




THIS [] .depthfirsttraversal (_VIS);


_vis.postvisit (this.key);



Public Virtual Void BreadthfirstTraversal (Ivisitor_Vis) // Breadth First Traversal


Queue Tmpqueue = new queue (); // used to help breakthfirsttraversal

//thiskeyqueue=new queue (); // store keys

IF (! this.isempty ())

Tmpqueue.enqueue (this); // enqueue the root node at first

While (tmpqueue.count! = 0) // untric the number of the queue is Zero


Tree headtree = (Tree) tmpqueue.dequeue ();

//this.keyqueue.enqueue (HEADTREE.KEY);

_Vis.visit (Headtree.Key);

For (uint i = 0; i


Tree ChildTree = Headtree [i];

IF (! CHildTree.Isempty ())

Tmpqueue.enqueue (Childtree);




/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End ------------------------------------

// Interior member class for accessers for different traversal types

Public Class Preorder: iprepostvisitor


Private Ivisitor Visitor;

Public preorder (ivisitor _vis) {visitor = _vis;}

#Region iprepostvisitor member

Public void previsit (Object _obj)


// Todo: Add preorder.previsit implementation

THIS.Visitor.visit (_OBJ);


Public void visit (Object _obj)


// Todo: Add preorder.visit implementation


Public void Postvisit (Object_Obj)


// Todo: Add preorder.postvisitor implementation





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