Taglib instruction

zhaozj2021-02-08  259

Defix a label library and its custom label.

JSP syntax

<% @ Taglib Uri = "Uritotaglibrary" prefix = "tagprefix"%>


<% @ Taglib Uri = "http://www.jspcentral.com/tags" prefix = "public"%>




<% @ Taglib%> The directive declares that this JSP file uses a custom label, and references the label library, also specifies the prefix of their label.

The custom label here contains tags and elements. Because the JSP file can be converted to XML, it is important to understand the connection between the label and elements. The label is just a mark that is raised in a sense, which is part of the JSP element. The JSP element is part of the JSP syntax, and the start tag and end tag are the same as XML. Elements can also contain other texts, tags, and elements. For example, a JSP: Plugin element has Start tags and End tags, like the and elements.

You must use <% @ taglib%> instruction before using the custom label, and you can use multiple times in a page, but the prefix can only use it once


URI = "uritotaglibrary"

UNIFORM Resource Identifier (URI) A unique naming of the custom label according to the prefix of the label, the URI can be the following content:

Uniform Resource Locator (URL), is defined by RFC 2396, view http://www.hut.fi/u/jkorpela/rfc/2396/full.html

Uniform Resource Name (URN), defined by RFC 2396

A relative or absolute path

Prefix = "tagprefix"

In the prefix before the custom label, for example, in PUBLIC, if you do not write public, then this is not legal. Don't use JSP, JSPX, Java, Javax, Servlet, Sun, and Sunw as your prefix.


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