Tornado BSP Developer's Kit -5

zhaozj2021-02-16  73

Directory Target / Config / (BSPName Body) Directory This subdirectory contains files dependent on system or hardware dependent BSP. The README README file contains a record of the BSP release, which records every release version and revision and documentation. Makefile and Depend.bspname makefile file Control from the command line to build image, starting from VxWorks 5.2, the standard Make Tool is GNU Make, current Make technology continues using many of the high-level features in GNU Make, including some of the BSP Make systems Make subfiles under the target / h / makers. If a dependency file does not exist, Make will automatically generate a depend.bspname, and make will use this file to track all modules dependent. The dependent.bspname file is not delivered with the BSP, which is an automatically generated file. For more information on personalized makefile, please refer to Appendix E Makefile details. In Makefile, you must define the following macros: CPU target CPU architecture (for example, MC68040) Tool Host toolchain, such as GNU. Target_dir Target (BSP) Name Vendor target manufacturer's name Board target name ROM_TEXT_ADRS Take 16 credit format Bootrom's entrance address, for large

Multiple boards are set to the starting address of the ROM address area. However, if

Your hardware configuration uses the ROM's starting zone as a reset vector, then you have to do corresponding parties

shift. The ROM_WARM_ADRS BOOT ROM code The thermal start portal address ROM_SIZE 16 Encourage the size of the ROM area. RAM_LOW_ADRS loads the address of VxWorks. Ram_high_adrs Copy Boot Rom Image to RAM

Standard address. Config.h config.h file includes all specific CPU boards containing files and definitions. The standard organization of Config.h file content is as follows: (1) The BSP version and the revised ID number. (2) configall.h (#included) (3) Memory Cache and MMU configuration. (4) Share memory network definition. (5) Address and size of the memory on the chip. (6) ROM address and size. (7) NVRAM parameters. (8) The default startline parameter. (9) Timestamp drive support. (10) External bus address mapping. (11) Network equipment and interrupt vectors. (12) bspname.h file (#included). Note: A config.h file should contain configall.h and bspname.h, in detail each section. (1) BSP Release Number: A BSP release number includes its version number and revision number. Everyone knows that the revision number is an increment number that indicates a specific release in a BSP version. The various BSPs of the 1.0 version are written until all standard VxWorks issued to VxWorks 5.2. 1.1 Various BSPs are written for Tornado 1.0 and Tornado 1.0.1, and the 1.2 version of the BSP is designed for Tornado 2.0. 1.1 and 1.2 Version BSP's main interface difference is support for network stacks and different packages. Under each new version of the sequence, the revision number starts from 0 and increases 1 when the BSP is released for production. To specify a BSP version number, you can define a bsp_version as a string "1.1" or "1.2", etc.; To set a revision number, you can define a string such as "/ 0" into BSP_REV. The revision number includes a slash symbol. The complete BSP publishing number is the cascade of these two string macro BSP_VER and BSP_REV, such as "1.2 / 0". Therefore, it can be set as follows "1.2 / 0": #define bsp_ver_1_1 #define bsp_ver_1_2 #define bsp_version "1.2" #define bsp_rev "/ 0" / * increment for each new release * / (2) configall .

Contain configall.h (located in the target / config / all directory) into your config.h file, you can

Let you get a reasonable default configuration of BSP. Config.h is the most important user in BSP editors

Profile. In this file, you can use the specific match for BSP for your project.

It is set to override its default configuration. You should also display the config.h file to your BSP follow-up

Households so that they can override configall.h files or configure any optional features.

When the Build's image is image, the components and parameters selected using the project will override any

ConfigAll.h and config.h or the value assigned in YourbsPname.h. The macro known by any project tool will be assigned a specific value of the project, covering any other assignment.

WARNING: A config.h file should not be made unless BSP_Version and BSP_REV have been defined.

This contains configall.h. If BSP_VERSION and BSP_REV are not defined, configall.h

The default value will be assigned.

The users here refer to developers who will use your BSP to develop their applications. another

In addition, if a value is not optional but often needs and must be modified, then you can put it

Put it in YourBspName.h instead of config.h.

If you contain a specific BSP configuration information in the config.h file, try to make this information

Get up to user friendly. The most ideal is that the user can understand immediately when seeing an option.

The role of this option. Also, don't expect users to set a configuration item by calculating. example

For example, no matter whether there is a constant with a clear meaning name being defined, you should still let you

Code or compiler to calculate the value of the register.


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