Multi-way methods of displaying images in dialogs (below)

zhaozj2021-02-16  61

Undertake the above, introduce three methods, this article will introduce another method of dynamically loaded pictures:

Method 4 With CBitmap, HBitmap, draw on OnPaint ()

First declare a variable in the CTestDLG class: cbitmap m_BMP;

Then we join a Picture tag in the dialog, named IDC_STATIC1


Bool cdisplayPic :: onInitdialog ()


CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog ();

IF (m_bmp.m_hobject! = null) // Judgment

m_bmp.deleteObject ();

/ Load pictures

Hbitmap hbmp = (hbitmap) :: loadimage (AfxgetInstanceHandle (),

"c: //aaa.bmp", image_bitmap, 0, 0, lr_createdibsection | lr_loadfromfile;

IF (HBMP == Null)

Return False;

/// This breakager is used to obtain information of the loaded BMP

m_Bmp.attach (HBMP);

Dibsection DS;

BitmapInfoheader & bminfo = ds.dsbmih;

M_Bmp.GetObject (SizeOf (DS), & DS);

INT CX = bminfo.biwidth; // Get image width

INT cy = bminfo.biheight; // Get image height


/ After obtaining the width and height of the image, we can adapt the image size, that is, adjust the size of the control, let it display a picture ///


Getdlgitem (IDC_STATIC1) -> getWindowRect (& REC);

ScreenToClient (& Re);

Getdlgitem (IDC_STATIC1) -> MoveWindow (Rect.Left,, CX, CY, TRUE); // Adjust the size

Return True; // Return True UnsS you set the focus to a control

// Exception: OCX Property Pages SHOULD RETURN FALSE


The picture is loaded, the label size is also adapted, the following is to draw the drawing image, open the class wizard, and overload the WM_PAINT message.

Void cdisplayPic :: onpaint ()


// The following three situations optional one will be different effects (only one exist) ///

// CPAINTDC DC (this); // If this sentence is used, the DC of the dialog is obtained, and the picture will be drawn on the dialog.

CPAINTDC DC (getdlgitem (idc_static1)); // With this sentence, get the DC of the Picture control, the image will be drawn on the control

// CDC DC;

// dc.m_hdc = :: getdc (null); // If you use this two sentences, get the DC of the screen, the picture will be drawn on the screen /////


Getdlgitem (IDC_STATIC1) -> GetClientRect (& rcclient);


Memdc.createCompatibleDC (& DC);

CBitmap Bitmap;

Bitmap.createCompaPLEBITMAP (& DC, rcclient.width (), rcclient.Height ());


CWnd :: DefWindowProc (WM_Paint, (WPARAM) MEMDC.M_HDC, 0);

CDC Maskdc;

Maskdc.createCompatibleDC (& DC);

CBitmap maskbitmap; maskbitmap.createbitmap (rcclient.width (), rcclient.height (), 1, 1, null);

Maskdc.selectObject (& Maskbitmap);

Maskdc.bitblt (0, 0, rcclient.width (), rcclient.height (), & memdc,

Rcclient.Left,, srccopy;

CBRUSH brush;

Brush.createpatternbrush (& M_BMP);

Dc.FillRect (rcclient, & brush);

DC.Bitblt (, rcclient.width (), rcclient.height (),


Brush.deleteObject ();

// do not call cdialog :: onpaint () for Painting Messages


The above four methods can support multiple images, others only support BMP If the reader is interested, you can ask all the routines for the above method. Mailbox: should be the proposal of the majority of friends, special will Cheng Pack, put it in the following address for download: Among them, the program directly draws the program for the dialog, it is not the size of the STATIC adaptive size.


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