Insert Flash parameters detailed in DW

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

After inserting Flash in Dreamweaver, there are many control parameters, and click the parameter button in the lower right at the attribute panel, and there will be parameters and values. Everyone can freely control, suggest the latest flash4 Object plugin, so that you can properly install a plug-in supporting Flash4. If you don't have the following two paths to change.

Note: "*" is that the parameters in the Flash property panel in DW are inserted, TRUE is valid FALSE is invalid.

SRC: * .swf (Flash file name) *

Move: * .swf (Flash file) *

ClassID: CLSID: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000 (ActiveX logo must be accurate) *


N or N% (Flash Width Setting) *

HEigh: N or N% (Flash High Weight Setting, using percentage can be automatically suitable for browser) *

Codebase:, 0, 0, 0

(Add the address of the plugin, if you use DW2.01 its flash inserted code incorrectly, you will go to the latest flash4 Object plugin, go to the hometown, noble, after all, 3 and 4 differences Great point) *


P1_PROD_VERSION = ShockWaveFlash

(Ibid, but only take NS) *

SWLIVECONNECT: TRUE | FALSE (Dedicated, forced Java)

Play: True | False (Whether to play flash at the beginning) *

LOOP: TRUE | FALSE (TRUE = loop, false = play again) * *

Quality: Low | High | AutoLow | Autohigh | Best (Animation Quality, Not Has) *

BGColor: #RRGGBB (set background color, ignoring background settings in flash) *

Scale: Showll | Noborder | Exactfit (if the high and wide flash of Flash is displayed) *

Align: L | r | t | b (aligned with IMG, but DW is absolutely median and absolutely) *

Salign: L | R | T | B | TL | TR | BL | BR (How to align if Flash's high and wide flan

Base: Base Directory or URL (can help Flash file locate your address)

Menu: True | False (right-click menu, it is a bit used, but Flash4 has the FSCOMMAND can also control)

WMODE: Window | Opaque | Transparent (The focus is the third, the background is transparent, just like a GIF file, only for the Windows version of IE, the first {default window mode} and the second {opaque } There is no difference, who knows, please tell me) DeviceFont: true | false (True = Using the system font, false = Do not use the system font)


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