Fast transfer data method

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

If you want to transfer a lot of data (80M) in Oracle to another user, in additional tablespace. The method of rapid transfer data described below can be used.

First, the way to build a new table create table target_tablename tablespace target_tablespace_name nologging pctfree 10 pctused 60 storage (initial 5M next 5M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0) as select * from username.source_tablename where conditions; Note: no new table indexes the original table And default, only non-NULLs are constrained, other constraints or indexes need to be re-established. Second, directly inserting methods INSERT / * APPEND * / INTO TARGET_TABLENAME SELECT * from username.source_tablename WHERE condition; note; precautions: Use INSERT / * APPEND * / method to generate a single lock for Target_Tablename generating level 6, if you run this command, there is a DML operation to target_tablename, which will line up behind it, for OLTP system It is not appropriate to use the table operation.

Description: These two methods are transferred to the data buffer and the rollback segment of the data buffer and the transaction processing of the SGA, nor written the online business log, just write data directly to physical files like database loading tool SQLLOAD, speed is very fast of. The version after Oracle8i can be used.


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