Singleton object based on session

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Singleton object based on session

Session Based Singleton Object

Use Singleton Objects Stored Informion Object To Organize and Cleanup Session Based Information


In ASP.NET, the Session object is often used to store information about a site user.

It is a very effective way to personal users at a site. Session by using a keyword

As its index. When using this way, it can boot a large number of session names

We can also create a Singleton object to group according to a specific project.

To store the object and a given keyword. Singleton is a very ordinary design pattern, which

How to ensure that there is only one unique instance of a class in any time.

Singleton session object advantages

Grouping items in Session with organizations.

For a range of pages in a short period of time, it is especially useful, such as registering at a site. Once the process ends, the object can be cleared from the session, so the memory can be requested again.

(Better using server resources).

The influence analysis of modification of session information is easier.

The information in the user domain of a site is misused (if used, it is used to use only name only.

It is more clear).

Disadvantages of Singleton session object

It is difficult to view the number of personal information in the session ASP.NET tracking result cannot display values ​​within the object.

When you use the process other than the process (affecting serialization), the performance will result in a decrease in performance.


Create a Singleton class:

VB.NET code:

Public Class Singleton

'Name That Will BE Used As Key for Session Object

Private const session_nsingleton as string = "singleton"

'Variables to Store THE DATA (Used to Be Individual

'Session Key / Value PAIRS)


DIM _FirstName as string = ""

Public property lastname () AS STRING




Set (byval value as string)

_Lastname = Value

End set

End Property

Public property firstname () AS STRING




Set (byval value as string)

_firstname = Value

End set

End Property

'Private Construction So Cannot Create An Instance

'WITHOUT Using The Correct Method. This is

'this is crringal to prot all faumning

'as a singleton object, Objects of this

'Class Cannot Be create from outside this


Private sub new ()

End Sub

'Create as a static method So this can be called Using'Just The Class Name (No Object Instance Is Required).

'IT Simplifies Other Code Because It Will Always Return

'The Single Instance of this Class, Either Newly Created

'or from the session

Public Shared Function Getcurrentsingleton () AS Singleton

Dim Osingleton As Singleton

IF system.web.httpContext.current.Session (session_gingleton) is nothing then

'NO Current Session Object Exists, Use private constructor to

'Create An Instance, Place It Into the Session

Osingleton = New Singleton

System.Web.httpContext.current.Session (session_singleton) = OSIingleton


'Retrieve The Already Instance That Was Already Created

Osingleton = ctype (System.Web.httpContext.current.Session (session_gingleton), Singleton


'Return The Single Instance of this Class That Was Stored In The Session

Return Osingleton



C # code:

Public Class Singleton


// Name That Will Be Used As Key for Session Object

Private const string session_nsingleton = "singleton";

// variables to store the data (used to be individual

// session key / value pairs

String lastname = "";

String firstname = "";

Public String Lastname




Return Lastname;




LastName = Value;



Public String Firstname




Return firstname;




Firstname = value;



// Private Construction So Cannot Create An Instance

// WitHout Using The Correct Method. This is

// this is crringal to protly importing

// as a singleton object, Objects of this

// Class Cannot Be create from outside this

// Class

Private singleton ()



// CREATE AS A Static Method So this can be called us // Just the class name (no object instance is required).

// IT Simplifies Other Code Because IT Will Always Return

// the Single Instance of this class, Either newly created

// or from the session

Public Static Singleton getcurrentsingleton ()


Singleton Osingleton;

IF (null == system.Web.httpContext.current.Session [session_gingleton])


// no current session Object Exists, Use private constructor to

// Create An Instance, Place It Into the Session

Osingleton = new singleton ();

System.Web.httpContext.current.Session [session_nsingleton] = OSIingleton;




// Retrieve the already instance That Was Already Created

Osingleton = (Singleton) System.Web.httpContext.current.Session [session_gingleton];


// Return The Single Instance of this Class That Was Stored In The Session

Return Osingleton;



Use this object in the page:

Singleton Osingleton = singleton.getcurrentsingleton ();

Osingleton.firstname = "robert";

Osingleton.lastname = "boEdigheimer";

This technology can store more variables in a given class, or by a series of web pages

Use, execute a certain process. Another advanced method is used in the process of a Web site, through

Singleton object references, the session variable requested in all memory can be easily cleared. Category

Implement a client to clear the reference method. Can be named Dispose, similar to the clear in .NET mode

Except for the object.

Public static void dispose ()


// Cleanup this Object So That GC CAN Reclaim Space

System.Web.httpContext.current.Session.Remove (session_gingleton);


in conclusion

In the session object, use Singleton object storage information has more advantages than using the session keyword storage information. It is especially suitable for one site, and within a period of time until the user completes an object that requires a special process (and easy to verify the variable error, and release resources when the process is completed).


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