About the date of Chinese conversion

zhaozj2021-02-16  74

The following code can convert any date (1000-01-01 ------> 9999-12-31) to Chinese characters:

Private Sub Command1_Click () MsgBox datename (Date) End SubFunction datename (ByVal mydate As Date) As StringDim i As Long, d (3) As String, myyear As Stringmyyear = Format (mydate, "yyyy") For i = 1 To 4d (0) = D (0) & MID ("○ 123456789", CINT (MID (MID (MIYEAR, I, 1)) 1, 1) 'Trans Year To Chinese Characternextd (1) = "Year" & monthname (Month (MyDate)) 'Add Month Name in Chinese AS "October" D (2) = Choose (MYDATE) / 10 1, "" "," Ten "," Twenty ", "Thirty") & MID ("One Twenty Thirty-Four Fifth orif Y89", DAY (MyDate) MOD 10 1, 1) & "Day" D (3) = "," & WeekDayName (Weekday (MyDate) ) 'add weekday name in Chinese AS "Wednesday" Datename = Join (D, ")' Combine Year, Month and Day, WeekdayDatename = Replace (Datename,", "") 'Avoid Space in Resultens Function


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