Create an ApplicationMap file
Application_map file
Application_map file is a target string that can be identified in the test software to replace it.
SQAGetProperty RecMethod $ parameters.
Typically, the function ProcessContainer can help us complete the search object. Use the ProcessContainer to create the entire application mapping file. The script is as follows:
'$ Include: "ddengine.sbh"
Sub main
'Initially Recorded: 12/12/2003 2:22:31 PM
'Script name: RunprocessContainer
End Sub
Step 1: Open the interface to search for
Step 2: Run the script
Step 3: Modify Window Recognition Method
TYPE = Window; caption = {classics login}
Object Recognition Method will automatically modify
/; Type = window; caption = {classics login}
Step 4: Modify Window / Object Name to LoginWindow
All objects that the form processContainer can identify in the file. But there is also the case where the object is lost, such as this example:
UserListbox = type = combolistbox; ObjectIndex = 1
So we hand add this object.
Step 5: Modify the object name in the ApplicationMap file to be more friendly and easy to identify.
No file before modification
Modified file
ApplicationMap file is established successfully