Automated Test Frame RRAFS ----- SafTware Automation Framework Support - 2

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Unzip file RRAFS.ZIP

Unzip file (I used the version of, copy all files to (Install Path / Rational / Rational Test / Sqabas32).

Run setup.vbs

Copy files to the installation path, register the DLL (CWPhooker.dll, Ddvariablestore.dll, Stafwrap.dll), install it to the specified installation (installation path / Rational / Rational Test / SQABAS32) path.

After installing the above file, you can go to on the latest patch package, correct the bug of the RRAFS test framework.

Add additional folders

C: / Test Warehouse / RRAFS / DATAPOOL / BENCH

C: / Test Warehouse / RRAFS / DATAPOOL / DIF

C: / Test Warehouse / RRAFS / DATAPOOL / LOGS

C: / Test Warehouse / RRAFS / DATAPOOL / RUNTIME (Recommended Options)

C: / Test Warehouse / RRAFS / DATAPOOL / TEST

Remarks: First establish an engineering file by Rational Administrator, and then establish a DataPool folder under the project folder, and finally establish the above folders on the DataPool folder.

RRAFS frame:


RRAFS has three main drive data forms: a cycle driver table, a suit driver table, a Step Driver table. These three forms actually have a core engine (Cycle Driver, Suit Driver, STEP DRIVER) behind them.

Then how do they work? What is the interrelationship?

Please see the picture below:

Applying the RRAFS Test Framework starts from the launch test script, the script calls the core data engine through one or more advanced-level test tables provided by the cycle driver (Table) (Table) ("Cycle Driver), loop-driven Cycle Driver Drive Engine Processing Each Intermediate-Level Test Table Call Suite Driver Test Table. The low-level test table encountered by the SuitDriver engine process is called Step Driver Intermediate Table. When the Spriver Engine handles these low-level test forms, he tried to keep the application and test synchronization. When the stepper driver encounters the low command to process a component, he will judge the type of component encountered and then call the corresponding component function module to process.

All of the above engines must also rely on the APLICATION MAP file, he is the bridge of the test framework and application. Each interface element of the test software used in the test script has a detailed description.

The MAP file is implemented using the format of the Windows INI file. This file format specifies each item to a different area via the name classification. Class library ProcessContainer is a tool for creating a App Map file. This tool can grab all objects and their properties of the specified form. And you can output it into the specified file (INI file already existing or in a specified Excel file)

How does RRAFS create MAP files, how to test the framework? With these issues, we carry out the next link. Example: We use the Rational Sample Example to explain the principle of the entire operation

Install Rational Sample

The Rational Sample installer is the default installation, you can see this installation under the Rational Suitsuit menu:

Download Rraft Rational Sample

Download address


The zip file includes the following files: classicsc_high.xls, classicsc_map.xls, classicsc_steps.xls, cycleDrivertest.rec, exitmainwin.rec, exportxltables.rec file

How to deal with:

Copy three Excel table files, classicsc_high.xls, classicsc_map.xls and classicsc_steps.xls to disk: / repository / rafs / datapool /

Copy file ClassicsMainMenu.mnu to disk: / repository / rafs / datapool / bench /



Establish the same name script


File, then copy these files to disk

: / Repository / RRAFS / TestDataStore / DefaultTestScriptDataStore / TMS_ScriptS /.

Override the same name file.


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