A good way to improve our website access (overseas version)

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

A good way to improve our website access (overseas version)


Do you have a good product or service, but you can only earn a small amount of dollar. If you know how to make a website promotion, you will get more profits, and the following methods can effectively improve the amount of website access.

1, web design and content

Web design is simple, do not place too many pictures, so as not to affect the browsing speed; it is best not to use the frame and other complex styles; refer to the web design habits of foreigners, the link is preferably underlined. The content of the web page is rich (specifically referring to text content), the subject is prominent.

2, use of keywords

Keywords Selection: The root page content lists the alternate keywords (see the keywords selected by the competitorship site; taking into account the words and phrases that the visitor may contain when the query) may be considering. Determine the final keyword by Wordtracker's "Take Trial" (free) to see the frequency of use of the keywords.

The density of the keyword: Each page is only optimized 1-2 keywords, and each page can have different keywords. The number of times the keyword appears in the web page does not excessively or too, which is preferably more than 15% of the proportion of the current web page.

Keyword location: Keywords are usually placed in the following location:

a, tag</p> <p>Such as: <title> educational children's software </ title></p> <p>B, <meta name = "description"> tab</p> <p>Such as: <meta name = "description" Content = "Educational Children's Software Makes Learning Just Plain Fun!"></p> <p>C, <meta name = "keyword"> tag</p> <p>Such as: <meta name = "keywords" content = "Educational Children's Software, EduCational Software, Childrens Software, Educational Children's Software"></p> <p>D, hyperlink</p> <p>Such as: <a href=http://yourwebsite.com/keyword-phrase.htm> </A> Click Here for More Educational Children's Software Program.</p> <p>e, boby text</p> <p>f, alt text (text displayed when the mouse is moved on the image)</p> <p>3, use trafficswarm</p> <p>TrafficSwar is exchanged in a Popunder mode, which can bring considerable visits in a short period of time, and the access quality is extremely high (most visitors are people who are interested in your products or services), simple and free, It is a website promotion method worth a try. Account (Account) obtained after trafficswarm registration to reach 50 to open, turn to 6 links in your Start Page (you can use "Next" to change the next page), usually 1-2 minutes to make points reach 50. After opening 2 days, you can bring access, the higher the points, the more accesses. TrafficSwarm is an automated system. It doesn't need you to click Start Page to keep your access, but in order to achieve a good effect, it is best to take 5 minutes before the opening of the time to earn enough "power".</p> <p>4. Exchange link</p> <p>There must be a certain number and quality link number (from the outside link to your own website) not only directly bring access to the number of visitors, but also has a big role in the rankings of the site in the search engine. The website of the exchange link is similar to your website content, and is not a competitor. This type of website can find "own keyword" "add link" by search engine, select the website of Google's PageRANK value (> = 4) to exchange links. Downloadings about PageRank and the download of the corresponding tools can be viewed for Google. 5, released to the discussion area</p> <p>Choose the appropriate discussion area to post, be careful not to expose advertisements, which will be counternail, usually add your own website link at the end of the post. 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