In-depth investment in two web service architectures

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Each software vendor, standard organization, or market research firm defines a Web service in a different way. For example, Hewlett Packard believes that the Web service is "By bundled the commercial application to the modular reusable software components created inside the web service interface." Other companies are using systems, applications and customers in the IT architecture. More open method. In this article, we will quickly see two web service architecture stacks, which are proposed by and IBM and will introduce the techniques related to each architecture. W3C and other web development industry leaders, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, Borland, BEA and Hewlett-Packard have their own architecture, but two standards we choose should be able to make us very well understanding How the architecture works. A web service stack architecture, including its layered complexity and number, different in each company's definition. Each architecture requires a Web service interface, compared to the General Object Request Agent Architecture (CORBA), Java 2 Enterprise (J2EE), or .NET to make a web service client program to interact with an application server or middleware. . To use this interface, you need a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and other Internet protocols.'s architecture stack Figure A contains's Web Services Architecture Stack Figure A The top layer in this stack is a service browsing layer, which includes two or more trade partners who agree to aggregate Web service agreements. This layer is also called the process definition layer, including documentation, workflow, transaction, and processing flow. The following levels - Workflow, Service Discovery, and Registration Layer - Using Web Service Language (WSFL) and MS Xrange, an XML-based language to describe the creation and function of the workflow. With WSFL, you can decide that the Web service should be a series of activities in the workflow. WSFL is particularly suitable for business models, while MS XLANGE is suitable for the long-term interaction process of web service components. MS Xlang is implemented in BizTalk, which is Microsoft's XML integrated server. The second layer of the stack also defines the interaction process of web services and public paths and services. The web service that can be disclosed can obtain the information of the authentication process from a common path or registry. Ebxml, E-Services Village and are additional sites that can be used with Web services through UDDI to serve the B2B transaction process. You need to describe how to connect to a web service using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) defined in the stack. Using WSDL, the service's request can find information about the web service through UDDI. Web Services Contract Language (WSCL) can help developers use the XML scheme to better describe and build data formats in a more versatile format. In the fourth layer of this stack, the message transmitting layer, SOAP played the role of the package based on XML-based messages, and includes message packages, routing, reliable delivery, and security aspects. As the process progresses, it is repeatedly transmitted during this process than the customer orders or from the warehouse. When a series of message processing is completed, the stack enters the process of the fifth layer, the transmission protocol layer, which uses HTTP, secure HTTP (HTTPS), reliable HTTP (HTTPR), FTP or SMTP.


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