Make DataWindow print fixed lines per page
Step 1: Add a computational column, this calculation must be placed in the Detail section, entered in Expression: CEILING (GetRow () / 20) <- Here 20 can also be replaced with global functions, which allows users to set each page arbitrary How much is printed.
---- Step 2: Define Groups, Select Menu Rows-> Create Group ...
---- Press the calculation column field and select Check Box -> New Page on Group Break.
---- Step 3: Set this computing column to not visual.
---- In addition, if the last page is required, it is not enough to make a holiday. It is also very simple, as follows:
Long LL_PAGEROW = 6 // Print line per page
Long Ll_count, LL_ROW
LL_count = dw_report.Retrieve (...)
/ / Total number of existing reports
IF ll_count For LL_ROW = 1 to ll_count DW_PRINT.INSERTROW (0) // Replenishment NEXT END IF