Development of minimum system of single chip microcomputer

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

Course: Microcomputer Interface Technology Curriculum Design Title: Single Chip Microcomputer Minimum System

I. Design Title: Single Chip Microcomputer Minimum System

Fourth, tasks and requirements:

In the intelligent instrumentation, the control core is a microprocessor, while the single-chip microcomputer is widely used in high performance, high speed, small size, low price, stable and reliable, is the preferred microcontroller for designing intelligent instruments, single-chip microcomputer Combined with simple interface circuits to form a single-chip minimum system, it is the basis of intelligent instrumentation and measuring control. An important part of monitoring.

This topic task and requirements are as follows:

1. The single chip can be used 8031, 8051, AT89C51, AT89C52, FOSC = 6 MHz.

2, clock circuit, reset circuit design.

3, the system RAM, the capacity of the ROM is 8KB.

4, display bit: 8 digits.

5, the number of keyboards: 16.

6, power-on initialization display P.

7, can enter, show the number of hexadecimal 0 - f

8. Writing the system initialization master program, key scan subroutine, display subroutine, and other subroutines required.

9. Computer output design instructions (including various circuit working principle descriptions, program list and program process block diagram), 16-top block diagram, one circuit principle list.

10, design time: one week

V. Overall plan design tips

1. Construct the microcontroller minimum system can be constructed using 8031, RAM, ROM, 8279.

2, the minimum system of the microcontroller can be constructed using 8031, RAM, ROM, 8155.

It is also possible to construct the minimum system of the microcontroller using AT89C51 (or AT89C52), RAM, 8155. Please see my procedure and then modify it, thank you! Is there any message to send me an email set up the Inter 8051 in-chip RAM78H-7FH unit for display buffer, sequentially display data from low to high memory ORG 0000h Ajmp Main ORG 0080h main: MOV SP, # 60h MOV R0, # 08h MOV R1, # 78h lcall ml; Tune zero program MOV R0, # 64; cleansing unit MOV R1, # 20h lcall ml

Mov A, # 03H; 8155 initialization MOV DPTR, # 7F00H MOVX @ DPTR, A

St: Mov 78h, # 0ffh; Show P. Mov 79h, # 0ffh Mov 7bh, # 0ffh Mov 7Ch, # 0ffh Mov 7DH, # 0ffh Mov 7EH, # 0ffh Mov 7FH, # 0CH LM: LCALL DIS [Tune display P. LCALL SHIFT; transfer bit program LCALL LTIM; Delay time subroutine LCALL KD1; Tuning Scanning INC R0AJMP LM

Dis: MOV A, # 03H; Display Mov DPTR, # 7f00h Mov @ DPTR, A MOV R0, # 78h MOV R3, # 01H MOV A, R3 LD0: MOV DPTR, # 7F01H MOVX @ DPTR, A Inc DPTR MOV A , @ R0 dir0: add A, # 0DH MOVC A, @ A PC Dir1: Movx @ DPTR, A LCALL DL INC R0 MOV A, R3 JB ACC.5, LD1 RL A MOV R3, A LJMP LD0 LD1: RET

DSEG: DB 3FH, 06H, 5BH, 4FH, 66H DB 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH DB 77H, 7CH, 39H, 5EH, 79H DB 71H

DL1: MOV R7, # 01H; Delay 1MS DL: MOV R6, # 0ffh DL6: DJNZ R6, DL6 DJNZ R7, DL RET

KD1: LCALL DIS; Keyboard Scanning Program Key1: LCall Key Jnz LK1 NI: ACALL DIS; Cable Close 2 Delayed ACALL DIS; Total 12MS Damper ACALL K1 JNZ LK2 LCALL DIS AJMP Key1 LK2: MOV R2, # 0FEH MOV R4, # 00H LK4: MOV DPTR, # 7F01H MOV A, R2 MOVX @dptr, A Inc DPTR Inc DPTR MOVX A, @dptr JB ACC.0, Lone Mov A, # 00H AJMP LKP LONE: JB ACC.1, Next MOV A, # 08H AJMP LKP LKP: Add A, R4; Calculation Keychot Push ACC; Protect Keychot LK3: ACALL DIS ACAL L K1; if the check button continues to close, if the closed remission JNZ LK3 POP ACC RET NEXT: INC R4 MOV A, R2 JNB ACC.7, KLM RL A MOV R2, A LJMP LK4; for the next scan KLM: AJMP Key1 After the scan is completed, start a new one

LTIM: MOV R5, 01H; Delay subroutine LP3: MOV R6, # 0ffh LP2: MOV R7, # 0ffh LP1: MOV R7, LP1 DJNZ R6, LP2 DJNZ R6, LP3 ML: MOV A, # 60H; Clear Program MOV @ R1, A INC R1 DJNZ R0, ML MM: MOV A, # 00H; Clear Show MOV R0, # 08h MoV R1, # 78h LCall Ml Shift: Mov 7EH, 7FH; shift subroutine MOV 7DH, 7EH MOV 7CH, 7DH MOV 7BH, 7CH MOV 7AH, 7BH MOV 79H, 7AH MOV 78H, 79HKEY: MOV DPTR, # 7F01H; Judgment Is there a key to hose MOV A, # 00H MOVX @dptr, a Inc DPTR Inc DPTR MOVX A, @dptr CPL a ANL A, # 0fh Ret


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