About .Text Blog 0.94 installation

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

About this .Text blog installation, it can be described as a turnover. SCOTTW wrote this program, from the program itself, it can be said that it is too small, but the installation is too small, and there are many problems. I have always thought it was installed. A web program, there should be no, do you still do it for up to half an hour? The result is how to install it before and after. The code is automatically downloaded from the .Text home page, according to the Readme installation, find can't run Going to find 'happy, you're guidelines, he gave some help but never solved my problem (now I feel happy, I should not be very clear ...). I came to November 12th, Microsoft's ASP.NET Forum opened .Text version, finally can be connected directly to Scottw. It is the problem he solved by him.

First of all, an ASP.NET environment is required, which is IIS5.0 or higher and .NET Framework1.1, must also have support for MSSQL servers. This program has three ways of operation, Single Blog, Multiple Blog With Folders and Multiple Blog in root folder. Single Blog has nothing to say, is to build a single user's blog. The following two respectively correspond to http: // xxx / weblog / blogger and http: // xxx / blogger / this installation method is to see that you are putting the program Put it in a subdirectory in the site or in the root directory. I am placed in the root directory.

After copying the file, after the site is established, it is also necessary to establish a database instance (only support MSSQL), and use the query analyzer to execute the three SQL files (in the Data_Setup folder). Insert the first record (DEMO):

INSERT INTO [BLOG_CONFIG] ([Username], [Password], [Email], [Title], [Subtitle], [Skin], [Host], [Author], [Timezone], [Isactive], [Language], [Itemcount], [allowserviceAccess], [lastupdated], [news], [secretarycss], [Application]) Values ​​('Demo', 'Demo', 'Demo@demo.com ",' Demo Blog ',' A Demo Blog ',' Marvin3-Red ',' Localhost ',' Demo ', - 5, 1,' En-US ', 15, 1,' 7/28/2003 ', NULL, NULL,' UPDATE THIS VALUE Here BEFORE You Run ME ')

Pay attention to 'Update this value here, where you want to change it to Demo before performing this SQL statement, and' localhost 'to change the domain name or IP of your blog site. For example, I am Blog.sunmast.com.

At this time, there are two bugs that need to be hand-made. One is a DNW_GETRECENTPOSTS store process, you have to take the and blog_content.id <> 50, otherwise the blog of the ID 50 blogger will never display it in the home page. It is to handle the Blog_Config table to create a trigger:


Declare @Blogid Int

--Get the current blogidSelect @BlogID = BlogID From INSERTED - much more likely to be an insert than delete - need to run on updates as well, incase an item is marked as inactiveif (@BlogID is null) Begin Select @BlogID = BlogID from deleted end

Update blog_ConfigSet PostCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 1 and Active = 1), CommentCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 3 and Active = 1), StoryCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 2 and Active = 1), PingTrackCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_config.blogid and posttype = 4 and active = 1) Where blogid = @Blogidgoseet quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go

SCOTTW forgot to add this trigger when it was released, and mentioned on his blog.

In order to facilitate new users, it is best to add one for IIS. * Mapping. This is very clear in Readme, and you can do it according to what he said.

OK, this time you want to be you want, you can find it in Handler Patterns.txt. This is the value of the value. '. SQL connection statement. Then open web.config, modify according to the prompt given by httphandlers. I have added * mapping to IIS, so I want to change the path of the UrlrewriteHandlerFactory item. Due to the addition of * mapping, no need Increase the DEMO directory, so say this makes it easy.

At this time, your blog can run. For example, I can use http://blog.sunmast.com/ to test the home page, use http://blog.sunmast.com/demo/ to test the page of Demo users. Demo The user's password is DEMO (case sensitive).

This should be no problem, which day sometimes I want to be a setup and release it. This is really more complicated ...

Finally, this article has been released on my blog very early. Unfortunately, no one came to see, and someone always asked how to install it, so released on 9CBS, benefiting everyone.

Related connections:

My blog http://blog.sunmast.com/sunmast/

.Text http://scottwater.com/dottext


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