JCREATOR PRO 3.0 and WTK2.0 configuration experience

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

To do J2ME game, use KToolBar to develop, program, debugging too much trouble, so I want to integrate it into JCREATOR (JBuilder is too big, I can't afford it), try it, I feel that I can share it with you.

Suppose JDK Home Path is D: /J2SDK1.4.0; WTK2.0 Path is D: / WTK20;

1. Configure Options under Configure and configure the relevant option. 1, JDK Profiles Click New-> Select the JDK Directory D: /J2SDK1.4.0-> Add Archive Select D: /WTK20/LIB/midPapi.zip and move it to the top -> name change to SUNWTK20; 2, JDK Tools SELECT TOOL Select Compiler-> New-> Name to SUNCompiler-> Parameters, the first plus -BootClassPath D: /Wtk20/lib/midpapi.zip; 3, Tools new-> dos command-> Enter the name: sunpreverify-> Click to just Added Tools-SunPreverify -> arguments to D: / WTK20 / BIN / preverify -classpath $ [classpath] -d classes $ [outputpath] -> Initial change to $ [prjDir] (whose reason is changed, it is convenient for future convenience 4, Tools New-> dos command-> Enter the name: sunemulator-> Click the just added Tools-Sunemulator -> arguments to change to D: / WTK20 / bin / emulator -classpath classes $ [prjName] -> Initial change $ [Prjdir]; this configuration is OK, but also pay attention to something when building projects can be used very well.

Second, create a project step 1. Project Template According to yourself 2, Project Paths (note !!!) Name must inherit the MIDlet's primary class with the same name, example: Main class public class Hello Extends MIDlet, Name must be Hello; Source Path Last plus SRC (available); Output finally adds TMPCLASSES (available); 3. Project ClassPath Select SunCompk20; 4, Project Tools Select Suncompiler;

This is finally done, writing, debugging is more convenient. Of course, some places are not good enough. If the project name must be mainly based on MIDLET, if there is a better way, please advise.


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