.NET abnormal publisher development (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

The following is configured with a class to configure the publisher, such as obtaining the position of the above three files and setting the relevant configuration:


/// ExceptionSetting summary description.


Public class exceptionSetting



/// Get folder for exception processing


Public Static String FilePath




String fullpath;

IF (Appconfig.GetAppSetting ("ExceptionPath")! = NULL)


FullPath = Appconfig.getAppSetting ("ExceptionPath");

While (fullpath.startswith ("//"))


Fullpath = FullPath.Remove (0, 1);





Fullpath = path.getdirectoryName (path.getfullpath ("temp.xml"));


Fullpath = path.getFullPath (Fullpath);

Fullpath = FullPath "//";

IF (! Directory.exists (Path.GetDirectoryName (Fullpath)))


Directory.createdIRectory (path.getdirectoryName);


Return Fullpath;




/// Get or set the string of folders for exception processing


Public Static String FilePathSettingString




Return Appconfig.GetAppSetting ("ExceptionPath");




Appconfig.saveAppSetting ("ExceptionPath", Value;




/// Get or set the system exception record type, default to use XML file record


Public Static CanuseExceptionLogType ExceptionLogType




String exceptionLogType = Appconfig.GetAppSetting ("exceptionLogType";

IF (ExceptionLogType.Tolower (). Trim () == canuseExceptionLogType.systemlog.toString (). TOLOWER ())


Return canuseExceptionLogType.systemlog;


ELSE IF (ExceptionLogType.tolower (). Trim () == canuseExceptionLogType.all.tostring (). TOLOWER ())


Return canuseExceptionLogType.all;



Return canuseExceptionLogType.xmlfile;




Appconfig.saveAppSetting ("ExceptionLogType", value.tostring ());




The following category is to read and write three files used in the abnormal publisher:


A summary description of /// logaccess.


Public Class logaccess



/// Write an exception handling log



Public Static Void WriteLogfile (ExceptionLogdata DS)


DS.WRITEXML (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionLog.xml");



/// read out an exception handling log



Public Static ExceptionLogdata Readlogfile ()


ExceptionLogData DS = New ExceptionLogdata ();

IF (! file.exists (exceptionsetting.filepath "exceptionlog.xml"))


DS.WRITEXML (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionLog.xml");


Ds.clear ();

DS.Readxml (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionLog.xml");

Return DS;



/// read the custom universal information



Public Static CustomOutMestageData getCustomOutmessage ()


CustomOutMessageData DS = New CustomOutMessageData ();

IF (! file.exists (exceptionSetting.filepath "customoutmessage.xml")))))


DS.WriteXML (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "CustomoutMessage.xml");


Ds.clear ();

DS.Readxml (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "CustomoutMessage.xml");

Return DS;



/// Write custom universal information



Public Static Void Savecustomoutmessage (CustomoutMessageData DS)


DS.WriteXML (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "CustomoutMessage.xml");



/// Get an exception handling definition information


/// Read the exception handling definition information

Public Static ExceptionDetAildata getExceptionDetail ()


ExceptionDetAildata ExceptionDetAilds = New ExceptionDetAildata ();

IF (! file.exists (exceptionSetting.filepath "exceptionList.xml"))


ExceptionDetAilds.writexml (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionList.xml");

FileStream Fs = New FileStream (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionList.xml", FileMode.Openorcreate, FileAccess.Readwrite;

Streamwriter W = New StreamWriter (FS);

W.BaseStream.seek (0, seekorigin.end);

w.write ("/ n / n ");

w.flush ();

W. close ();


ExceptionDetAilds.clear ();

ExceptionDetAilds.Readxml (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionList.xml");




// / save an exception handling definition information


/// Abnormal processing definition information to be saved

Public Static Void SaveExceptionDetail (ExceptionDetAildata ExceptionDetAilds)


ExceptionDetAilds.writexml (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionList.xml");

FileStream Fs = New FileStream (ExceptionSetting.FilePath "ExceptionList.xml", FileMode.Openorcreate, FileAccess.Readwrite;

Streamwriter W = New StreamWriter (FS);

W.BaseStream.seek (0, seekorigin.end);

w.write ("/ n / n "); w.flush ();

W. close ();





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