OMG CORBA Components Technical System (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  59

2. Component architecture

Where is the component installed? CORBA component container provides a robust, transactional, secure, distributed event handling mechanism to install and store components, if stored in each client, it will inevitably "super", so only need to be servers On the side, write a CCM-based member. The app on the client side can be composed and divided by the CORBA object, but it does not need to include the CCM component.

Server-side component

Compared to the client's GUI components, the server-side component is a new software product. The server side of the server is called "container", which is installed with two main service support components:

First, the container provides components of enterprise services: consistency of components; transactionality; security and event processing, so that the programming of the CCM component is more easier, because these services are running time type (Run-Time) Coding-Time, access CCM generated code through a high-level interface.

Second, the container management server-end resource, the main memory and CPU access, the code to build the model, activation, and sleep components selected by the developer. This allows the application of CCM applications to provide Internet Click Rate (number of enterprise-level instances), that is, CCM applications have scalability.

3. CORBA and CCM components technology

Open CCM specifications are the component model of OMG, which is used for enterprise-class applications for developers to create server-side. In addition to CORBA, CCM also uses Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)'s infrastructure. The CCM expansion makes Java beyond the category of programming languages, which makes the component creator no longer spends a lot of time to the complex characteristics of the application framework environment, but the threat of Qianri is a lock in a specific technology. CCM allows software personnel to create migrated, multiplexed software components. CCM Specification Requires application server to provide a host service based on CCM component, which also enables application server developers to provide component resident environment is a robust, scalable, secure, and transactional environment, because these services are used OMG interface definition language IDL describes the interface of CORBA technology, so it does not limit the implementation technique of any application server provider. The CMM component can be implemented in principle with a programming language with a special mapping (by OMD definition) between IDL, current C and Java extends the specific CCM IDL mapping.

CORBA technology is a popular e-commerce application building environment. CORBA Services defines a large number of classes in the container and expands distributed environments into enterprise applications. CCM's CORBA foundation includes: OMG interface definition language (OMG IDL, is the ISO standard), objects and parameters (integrated to Java and C type systems), seamless cross-network platform exception processing, and multi-threaded stand by.

The following describes the relevant situation of the language. CORBA is a multi-language environment. All server-side services specified by the CMM standard are provided through the OMG IDL interface. Although OMG IDL can map to eight programming languages, the CCM extension is only mapped to two languages: Java and C , that is, in the CORBA component can be written in these two languages, while in CCM The client can program with C, C , Java, ADA, COBOL, SMALLTALK, LISP, PL / 1, or scripting language Python and IDLScript, customers can use them to directly call the operation of the CCM server.

Here is an integration of Enterprise JavaBeans. CCM Specifications From Two Level Definitions: Basic Parts and Expanded Expansion. The function of the basic CCM member and EJBS version 1.1 performs the same, the expanded CCM component adds a large number of functions, including event processing, multi-interface, and navigation, segmented persistence, and more. The basic component environment utilizes the parallelism of EJB, and the interoperability between EJBs is implemented by IIOP, and the environment it defines makes EJBs and CCM components into integrated applications. The part of the CORBA specification and components is:

- CORBA IDL definition component interface

- Basic CORBA Client - Component Model

- IIOP provides interoperability for different CORBA suppliers;

- How to instantiate the Life Cycle Service definition component;

- Naming Service Definition How to Share Member Instance;

- Security Service Defines the security of the customer segment and component instance;

- Transaction Service, define how to control distributed transactions;


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