What is a lightweight methodology? What is a lightweight method? (English-Chinese comparison)

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

What is a lightweight methodology? What is a lightweight method?

A Software Methodology Is The Set of Rules and Practices Used to create Computer Programs. Software Method is to write a set of rules and practices for computer programs.

A Heavyweight Methodology Has Many Rules, Practices, and Documents. Heavyweight method has many rules, conventions, and documents.

IT Requires Discipline and Time to Follow Correctly. Correctly follows them to be trained and time.

A Lightweight Methodology Has Only A Few Rules and Practices OR Ones Which Are Easy to Follow. Lightweight Method has only some of the rules and conventions, or these rules and practices are easy to comply.

In The Late 1960s and Early 1970s It Was Common Practice for Computer Program Way To Create Software Any Way The Could. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, computer programmers will use the way they can use to write software. Very common thing.

Many Programmers Excelled At Creating Software Too Complex for Anyone To Understand. Many programmers are writing complex software that cannot be understood from anyone.

At That Time It Was A Miracle IF A Program Ran without Any Bugs. If there is a program, it doesn't have any bug, which is a miracle at that time.

Making Computers Useful Was Considered a Worth Quest and not unlike an adventure Into the old West. Everyone thinks that the computer has a valuable pursuit, can't say that it is not like the old morning adventure.

. In 1968 Edsger Dijkstra wrote a letter to CACM entitled GOTO Statement Considered Harmful Edsger Dijkstra in 1968 to CACM (should be the Communication of the Association for Computing Machinery: Communications Association of Computing Machinery) wrote a letter entitled "GOTO Statement Considered Harmful" Letter.

The Central Ideas of Software Engineering Were Being Born. Since then, the main concept of software engineering begins to form.

At that time we believed That Bigger, More Disciplined Methodology Wouth Consistent Quality and Predictable Costs. At that time, everyone believed more comprehensive, more ringed methods to help us create reliable quality and cost can accurately estimate.

The lawless cowboy coders were being reined in. There is no day, the cowboy-based codents are climbed.

The 1980s Were Good Times for Computer Programmers. The 1980s is a good time for computer programmers.

We had a Few Rules and Practices To Create Software That Was Far Superior In Quality To What Wee We Creating Only A Few Years Earlier. We have some rules and practices. From the quality, the software we wrote is far better than the software written in several years ago. IT Seemed Like if We Cover The Problems We Encounter We could create Perfect Software and be on time. This seems to be like this: If you can build enough rules, you can apply to all you can encounter. Question, we can write perfect software and can also be completed on time.

WE Added more and more rules and practices to coverms. Especially more and more, for all potential rules and regulations,

Now in the 21st century we find these rules are hard to follow, procedures are complex and not well understood and the amount of documentation written in some abstract notation is way out of control. Has now entered the 21st century, we find that these rules comply It is very difficult, and the process is complicated, and it is not a thorough understanding; the use of various abstract symbols, the same literature is like a row of wild horses.

Trying to com up with a bigger and better methodology Was Like a California Gold Rush; Everyone Headed West Only to be disappointed. Everyone wants to make more comprehensive, better ways, with California (California, California) hot hot hot There is a relative; everyone who arrived in the west is very disappointed.

We create Software to Help US Create Software. We wrote software that can help us write software.

But this Quickly Got Out of Control and Dreadnought Case Tools Were Born. However, this will soon chain, all kinds of heavy bombings come up with Case tools.

These tools are used to help us comply with the rules, but they are not used.

Computer Programmers Find It Necessary To Cut Corners and Skip Important Practices To Stay On Schedule. The computer programmer finds that they must be copied and ignore some important practices.

No One is actuly folload the heavy methodologies we have handcuffed ourselves with. There is no one really observed those heavyweight methods that have been used.

The Cowboys Have Returned and We Find Ours. The cowba is back, we returned to Oklahoma (Translator Note: Oklahoma is even for ok guesses, because even, Okla Homaba is once a state that exports labor to the western United States, but maybe incorrectly, huh, huh. When programmers ignore the rules of their methodology they are instinctively moving away from heavyweight methodologies and back toward an earlier, simpler time of lightweight methodologies when a few rules were enough. When the programmer ignores the rules of their methods, they (the actual It is, which is instinctively separated from the heavyweight method, returns to the early, lightweight method, very small rules.

But we don't want to forget what we have learning. But we don't want to forget what we have learned.

We can choose to Keep The rules That Help US Create Quality Software and throw Away Those That Hinder Our Progress. We can help us write the rules of high quality software, and abandon which rules that hinder our advancement.

We can Simplify Those Rules That Seem Too Complex to Follow Correctly. We can simplify those rules that are difficult to follow.

We don't want to return to the Early Days of cowboy code. We also don't want to return to the early course of the cowboy coded era that does not have any rules.

But Instead Let's Stop At Just Enough Rules To Keep Our Software Reliable and Reasonably Priced. But let us stop enough to make our software reliable, moderately priced rules.

Instead of cowboy coders we have software sheriffs; working together as a team, quick on the draw, armed with a few rules and practices that are light, concise, and effective we accept Software chief executive Instead of cowboy coders; we As a team works, the reaction is agile, and we arrested us only with those lightweight, concise and effective rules and practices.

Extreme Programming (XP) IS One of Several New Lightweight Methodologies. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of several new, lightweight methods.

XP HAS A FEW RULES AND A MODEST NUMBER OF PRACTICES, ALL OF WHICH ARE EASY TO FOLLOW. XP has several rules and appropriate quantities, and all of these compliance is easy.

XP is a clean and concise environment developed by Observing What Makes Software Development Go Faster and what makes it move Slower.xp is a clean and simple environment, which is formed to speed up software development, and which things are Observation of deceleration. IT IS An Environment In Which Program Feel Free To Be Creative and Productive But Remain Organized and Focused. It is an environment that makes programmers to deliver their creativity and productivity, but also have an environment that maintains organizational and cohesiveness.


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