Quick configuration Apache2.x + Tomcat 4.x + LinuxWindows

zhaozj2021-02-16  59

Quick configuration Apache2.x Tomcat 4.x Linux / Windows

------ Author Zhao Jianqing

When you choose free software like Linux, Apache, Tomcat, etc. is developed. Its related configuration is something that makes many programmers headache, often due to the incomplete document, the version is unnecessary, and the version is not wasteful. Now I integrate Apache2.x Tomcat4.x and load balancing configuration procedures, experience with you ..

First, the test environment:

A, linux

Test operating system: Red Linux 7.2

JDK DOWNLOAD J2SDK-1_4_1_02-Linux-i586.bin.

Apache unix Source: httpd-2.0.45.tar.gz [pgp] [MD5]

Tomcat Tomcat 4.1.24

MOD_JK.SO JAKARTA-TOMCAT-Connectors-JK-1.2.3-src.tar.gz

Additional development kit: (used to generate mod_jk.so)




Go to the corresponding website to these development kits (otherwise you can't generate mod_jk.so):

They do the following three separately:

If it is a TAR format, first solve the / TMP

Use root users to enter the corresponding directory to do the following



./make install

B, Win2000

Test operating system: Win2000 Advance Server

JDK Download J2SDK-1_4_1_02-Windows-i586.exe

Apache Apache_2.0.45-Win32-x86-NO_SSL.EXE

Tomcat Tomcat 4.1.24


Second, JDK installation:

A, linux:

1, CP / TMP

2, ./*-linux-i586.bin

B, Win2000

Click to run * .exe

Third, apache installation, setting:

A, linux

1. Establish an HTTPD user, CP corresponding source code to / TMP)

2, unpack (gzip -d httpd-2.0.45.tar.gz tar xvf httpd-.2.0.45.tar)

3, CD / HOME / HTTPD /

4, SU

5, ./configure -prefix = / home / httpd --libexecdir = / home / httpd / lib --enable-module = MOST -ENABLE-MODS-Shared = MOST

--enable-module = so

6, Make

7, Make Install

B, Win2000

Run setup.exe

C, set

1, open the conf / httpd.conf file

Modify Listen 80 # 80 to other unused port 8003

Modify the following line

ServerName Localhost

2, test

Apachectl Configtest


Syntax OK


Fourth, Tomcat installation settings

A, linux:

1, establish Tomcat users

2, TAR open package

B, Win2000

Unlock the package

C, set

Java_home = / usr / local / jdk # change to JDK actual PATH

Catalina_home = / home / tomcatd, running, stop

Run: startup.sh /startup.bat

Stop: shutdown.sh/shutdown.bat

5. Generate mod_jk

A, linux

In the Apache site, there is no two-way dynamic library for mod_jk.so, so there is a bit hand-generated.

Trouble, the following is STEPS that generates mod_jk.so

1. Determine LibTool, AutoConf, Automake correctly installed

2, CP Jakarta-Tomcat-Connectors-JK-1.2.3-src.tar.gz / TMP

3, unpack

4, CD JK / Native

5, ./buildconf.sh

6, ./configure -with-apx = / httpd installation directory / bin / apx -with-java-home = $ {java_home}

7, Make

8, Make Install

9. Generate mod_jk.so in the Apache-2.0 directory

Congratulations, you have successfully generated it, if you don't have a few steps

B, Win2000

Sixth, integration:

A, linux:

1, open /usr/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Add the following line:

LoadModule JK_Module Lib / Mod_jk.so

JKWorkersFile Conf / Workers.properties

Jklogfile logs / mod_jk.log

JKLoglevel Info

B, Win2000:

1, open httpd.conf

Add the following line:

LoadModule JK_Module LIB / MOD_JK.DLL

JKWorkersFile Conf / Workers.properties

Jklogfile logs / mod_jk.log

JKLoglevel Info

C, set:

Add file workers.properties


# workers.properties

PS = /

# List the workers by name

Worker.list = Tomcat1, Tomcat2, Loadbalancer

# ------------------------

#First Tomcat Server

# ------------------------

Worker.tomcat1.port = 11009

Worker.tomcat1.host = localhost

Worker.tomcat1.type = ajp13

Worker.tomcat1.lbFactor = 100

# Second Tomcat Server

# ------------------------

Worker.tomcat2.port = 12009

Worker.tomcat2.host = localhost

Worker.tomcat2.type = ajp13

Worker.tomcat2.lbFactor = 100

Worker.loadbalancer.Type = LB

Worker.loadbalancer.balanced_Workers = Tomcat1, Tomcat2

Note that this file edit is wrong, Apache and Tomcat will fail

It is best to paste the above to a new Worker.properties,

Find {Tomcat_Home} / conf directory

Open Server.xml

1. More near 100 lines

2. Change AJP13 Connecter Port for 11009 at 75 lines

3. Comment out 8080 port

If you have to do load balancing,


Tomcat Application Server (can be on different machines)

Port, IP is changed to be the same as workers.properties

Seven, test:

A, integrated test:

Run httpd

Apachectl Start

Run Tomcat


Enter: in IE:

http://1ocalhost: 8003 / index.jsp

If you see a lovely cat!


IT's OK!

Note 8003 change to the actual HTTPD port

B, load balancing test:

Newly built two index.jsp.jsp


<% = Request.getSession (). getId ()%>

Tomcat 1


<% = Request.getSession (). getId ()%>

Tomcat 2

Go to see the results yourself:

I wish you good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eight, small knot:

The above is the whole process of integration, I hope more people will bent. In the total configuration, the key is MOD_JK.SO and WORKERS.Properties generation and configuration, which suggests that you stick your own configuration files on the Workers.properties behavior If you are experiencing something or need to generate mod_jk.so, you can send mail to

Z95888@yahoo.com.cn, very happy to discuss related applications with you.


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